Concept Dynamics | Wuxi Zhenhua adds the concept of "Xiaomi Automobile"

On April 18th, 2024, () the concept of "Xiaomi Automobile" was added.

According to the data of straight flush, the reason for being selected is: 2023 Annual Report: the company’s main customers are well-known domestic vehicle manufacturers such as SAIC Volkswagen, SAIC General Motors and SAIC Passenger Cars, and have established stable cooperative relations with many new energy vehicle manufacturers such as Tesla, LI and Xiaomi Automobile.

The company’s conventional concepts include: new energy vehicles, Tesla, and a quarterly increase.

"Looking for a partner" is a rising wind and a small red book

"I am looking for a travel partner on May 1, and my friends have all gone home. I don’t want to go out to play alone."

"Take a reading partner and share the list of books recently read and planted grass with each other."

Recently, partner culture is very popular on the Internet. Partner, a new social relationship, focuses on precise companionship in the vertical field. According to different personal needs, it can be subdivided into "online at any time and lose contact after work", "paid toilet, two-person trip", and "like-minded, go to the dining hall together". During the May Day holiday, many people posted on social platforms, asking for "travel partners" to travel together.


Source: Little Red Book

There is no doubt,Partner, a relationship between close friends and strangers and linked by interests, has become a new favorite of young people.. In Tik Tok, the topic of # rice partner has been played 5.95 billion times, and the number of # game partner has been played 4.62 billion times. The traffic is remarkable.

In Xiaohongshu, the "trend distribution center", he boarded the hot search platform by "looking for a meal partner", and the user @ Xiaoxing Chip "opened his mind" in Xiaohongshu: just have a new meal partner, go to the store with the meal partner, and unlock a restaurant that he always wanted to go but didn’t make it. In the notes, she described in detail the precautions before, during and after the blind date, and won 12,000 praises.

At the same time, Xiaohongshu has also set off a wave of online "looking for partners", and users have written down their own "professional counterparts" to open up their own circle of friends in addition to traditional acquaintances.

Behind the prevalence of "partner culture", does it reflect the new social solution of Xiaohongshu?

01. Find a partner in Xiaohongshu

"I don’t know if I came back from my nap. In short, I fell asleep smoothly today, and I didn’t feel like I had a headache before. "

In Xiaohongshu, @ Yangyangzi loves to fish, so she took a photo. She covered a blanket with her nap and huddled on a mat about 1 meter in Zhang Kuan, sleeping soundly on the office floor. The existence of a nap partner makes the nap time in the office instantly warm and natural.

Of course, some people get their partners, and some people lose their partners. After the partners who eat together at work leave their jobs, Ms. @ Bajiao posted in Xiaohongshu to express her pain, but the roar of "Swallow, can’t I live without you?" Swallow didn’t win the return of the other party.


Xiaohongshu blogger @ Yangyangzi loves fishing, @ Ms. Banana

Partnering is gradually becoming a new social trend.. Choose incense between going to work and making progress, choose funny young people between making money and making friends, and choose partners between strangers and close friends.

According to the data of DT Research Institute, more than half of the people have at least one partner, and more than half of them want to have a partner. Only 4.2% of the total number of people explicitly refuse to socialize with their partners. At the same time, the qualities that people value most in the partner are congenial, easy-going and generous, which can be called the "three virtues" of the partner and also reflect the relationship needs of contemporary young people.

When the existing interpersonal relationship is not enough to meet their own communication needs, it is particularly important to find a partner who shares their hobbies.

In Xiaohongshu, you can also brush a variety of "seeking partners" notes.. In a note looking for a "weekend partner", blogger @-ZQ. explained his hobbies and needs for a "partner" in detail. For her, finding a partner is because "there are a lot of ideas but not many of them have been realized. Friends are all in love at work, not always dating." The "light relationship" between strangers and close friends can fully meet her needs.

In addition, there is also a "reading partner". Bloggers hope that two people can inspire each other, give each other different opinions and thoughts, "hug each other", and hope to relieve anxiety through hugging, "make an appointment with each other", find good mountains and waters to take photos together, and improve each other’s portrait skills … NoWhether it is a flat or refined version of intimate relationship, these notes bear the curiosity and expectation of young people to broaden their social circles, and there are many people in the comment area who raise their hands to sign up.

In Xiaohongshu, there are also a few notes sharing their happy experiences after finding like-minded partners. After successfully finding a travel partner who can travel together, the user @ Gungun wants to lose weight and released his experience of a half-day trip to the zoo+dazzling rice, detailing his happiness after "team success". This kind of social relationship, which does not need daily maintenance, only meets each other’s needs, has its charm.


Little Red Book users @ Gungun wants to lose weight, @-ZQ.

There is also Xu Zhong who has the same experience. Previously, Xiaohongshu had pushed her some mbti-related analysis and stalk maps. When she was writing a little red book, she came across an "INTP making friends". The other party was not in the same city as her, but their interests and hobbies overlapped. After quickly leaving a message under this note, she quickly received a reply from the other party. Soon after, the chat battlefield between the two sides moved to WeChat, and both of them felt that the chat fit was very high. "I discovered the other me to some extent."

Of course, "finding a partner" is not completely risk-free. Short and fast social interaction may also bring "throwing the sun" friendship, or accurately "stepping on the thunder" during travel.

Source: Little Red Book User @ Refueling Duck, @Lillian Notes

Source: Little Red Book User @ Refueling Duck, @Lillian Notes

In Xiaohongshu, a user posted a warning, "Don’t trust the posts that find chat partners", and listed all kinds of wonderful things that she encountered when looking for chat partners, including but not limited to asking Su Yanzhao when chatting partners came up, posting just to add heat to her account.

Even a carefully screened partner can be disappointing. The "seekers" who thought that their desire to express and talk would be completely accepted by the other party only found that this kind of social interaction itself was like "unpacking the blind box" after adding the other party’s friends. The expected high-quality chat always ended in the other party’s almost no reply, and then they realized that "they would never find a chat partner again" and "it was too internal friction to wait for the chat partner to reply to the message every day", and they were determined to turn the focus of their lives back to themselves.

02. Young people "find a partner", and the base camp is in Xiaohongshu.

It seems that this is not the first time that Little Red Book has shown its social potential.

Outdoor sports may be one of the earliest social dividends. Previously, Xiaohongshu was known as a trend culture distribution center, and the frisbee sports and camping that young people were keen on made their fortune in Xiaohongshu. Taking Frisbee as an example, this sport, which is not very popular, has attracted a large number of trendy men and women to punch cards, and the crowd increment has been significantly improved. With the blessing of professional events and clubs in the later stage, it has gradually become a national trend.

At present, Little Red Book is still the most active platform for Frisbee. Under related topics, many people directly link it with social activities, especially after it is linked with "making friends in the same city", the sport quickly expands its circle and becomes a trend social way.


Source: Little Red Book

Nowadays, the "partner culture" is on fire in Xiaohongshu, and there are also many notes with the topic of "finding partners" to find "alliances" in outdoor activities such as frisbee, camping and hiking.In essence, this has become a new social way for young people.These notes often have labels such as "Making friends in the same city" and "Where are you going on XX weekend", while searching for keywords in Xiaohongshu, the topic of "Making friends in Beijing" has been viewed more than 93 million times, and the social genes of the platform can be seen.

The "partner culture" gives young people a breakthrough in socializing in Xiaohongshu. What’s more interesting is that these social behaviors may not be the result of the official intentional guidance, but more based on the spontaneous generation of the platform ecology, and then the official traffic blessing will help the rapid growth of the content sector.

Why the little red book? Kasi believes that Xiaohongshu takes a path of "content-driven socialization and social consumption". The real sharing atmosphere of the platform, the low threshold of graphics and text, and the strong willingness of users have jointly created the social potential of Xiaohongshu.

In essence, Xiaohongshu is still a comprehensive content exchange community based on UGC, and users’ individual experience sharing and grass shopping strategies almost account for half of the content in the station. With the expansion of the life dimension covered by the platform, "sharing" and "truth" have become the core keywords of Xiaohongshu’s self-creation in recent years.

When talking to Liu Qing, Xiaohongshu COO Conan said, "Many platforms are more about recording and self-expression. What we cut in at that time was sharing. Sharing must be hoping to help others, encourage sharing itself, and become a community atmosphere, making everyone more willing to share. "

Xiaohongshu understands the user’s behavioral logic. When individual experience is not enough to support an action, they often refer to the opinions of others, and such content can be found everywhere in Xiaohongshu, such as platform questioning posts and raiders posts; At the same time,The community culture of Xiaohongshu is divided into interest and hobby. When interest becomes an important link in the link relationship, socialization naturally comes into being.

In Xiaohongshu, dating, looking for a partner, cooking tea around the stove, feeding cats at home, and even looking for coser to play a boyfriend are all social behaviors that actually happen between users.

Of course, it’s not just the little red book that makes social efforts. In the era of striving for user stock, content platforms are trying their best to strengthen socialization and keep users on the platform with social closed loop. Among them, how to design user interaction has become a part that ambitious platforms must solve.

Creating a lifestyle may be one of the common directions of content platforms.For example, slogan in Aauto Quicker "embraces every life", Tik Tok "records a beautiful life", and slogan in Xiaohongshu has moved from "foreign good things" to "marking my life".

Tik Tok’s water testing socialization began in 2017. At the "Today’s Headline Creators’ Conference", Zhang Yiming announced that he would move from "smart recommendation" to "smart socialization". In the following years, Tik Tok made many moves to explore social interaction, such as "multi-flash" and "flying chat" on the off-site online APP, but all ended up off the shelf. In 2019, Tik Tok began to test the group chat section in the station, and then tested a number of functions around making friends, such as live voice dating, connection, video calling, watching videos together, friends in the same city, daily life and so on.

In comparison,Xiaohongshu has more potential and advantages in social interaction, but how to guide users’ spontaneous behavior into the correct position is a problem that Xiaohongshu needs to think about.

Last October, Xiaohongshu tested the new function "Voice Live", which focuses on voice socialization. Users can create open rooms and discuss many topics of interest with strangers. Functionally, it can be called Little Red Book Voice Chat Room, which aims to strengthen users’ social behavior.

In February of this year, after several rounds of internal testing, the platform launched the "group chat" function again, continuing to break the social model of acquaintances based on reality and linking strangers with hobbies. In the group chat square, users can choose the content they are interested in and click Apply to join. At present, the founders of group chat include brands and merchants, as well as experts and amateur bloggers. At the same time, for close friends to socialize, Xiaohongshu also launched a "howling" function to receive photos shared by friends.


Xiaohongshu qunliao plaza

However, in order to really enjoy the "social" bonus, Little Red Book still has many problems to explore.

In 2018, a big wave of new policies will be related to your "wallet" from July 1.

  In a blink of an eye, 2018 is about halfway through. In July, there is a big wave of new policies about your wallet: the reduction of tariffs on imported consumer goods, the cancellation of traffic roaming fees, etc. What other new policies are there?

  1 enterprise employees’ pensions shall be subject to the central adjustment system.

  The State Council recently issued the Notice on Establishing the Central Adjustment System of the Basic Endowment Insurance Fund for Enterprise Employees, and decided to establish the central adjustment system of the endowment insurance fund, which will be implemented on July 1, 2018. On the basis of the current provincial overall planning of basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees, a central adjustment fund for old-age insurance will be established, and the old-age insurance funds in various provinces will be appropriately adjusted to ensure that basic pensions are paid in full and on time.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said that the implementation of the central fund transfer system will not increase the burden on enterprises and individuals and will not affect the treatment of retirees. First, do not increase the proportion of contributions paid by enterprises and individual employees. The establishment of a central fund adjustment system is mainly to adjust the surplus and deficiency of funds between provinces. The total income and expenditure of the national endowment insurance fund in the current period has not changed, and enterprises and individual employees do not need to pay extra fees, which will not increase the overall burden of society. Second, it will not change the current pension insurance benefits calculation and adjustment methods, and will not affect the personal benefits of retirees. In some provinces, the amount of funds borrowed is greater than the amount of funds allocated. In these provinces, the burden of old-age care is relatively light and the fund support ability is strong. After adjustment, it will not affect the timely and full payment of current pensions. In some provinces, the amount of funds allocated is greater than that of the above solution. Through adjustment, the pressure of fund payment can be appropriately alleviated, and the basic pension can be better guaranteed to be paid in full and on time.

  2. Adjustment of social security payment base

  Many places in the country have successively announced the social security payment base in 2018. Taking Beijing as an example, the lower limit of the payment base for employees participating in basic old-age insurance and unemployment insurance is 40% of the average monthly salary of employees in Beijing in 2017, with a minimum of 3,387 yuan, which is 305 yuan higher than last year; For employees who participate in basic medical insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance, the minimum payment base is 60% of the average monthly salary of employees in this city in 2017, with a minimum of 5,080 yuan, up 456 yuan from last year.

  Social security payment is related to the treatment of the insured after retirement. Only when a certain payment level is reached can a better treatment level be achieved. If the payment level is too low, the pension level is still low. In other words, the payment level will increase with the increase of average salary, and the future treatment level will also increase.

  3. The tax incentives for scientific and technical personnel will be "received"

  The Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued the Notice on Individual Income Tax Policies for Scientific and Technological Personnel to Earn Cash Rewards from Their Post Scientific and Technological Achievements, which made it clear that since July 1, 2018, non-profit research and development institutions and institutions of higher learning approved according to the law on promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, the cash rewards given to scientific and technological personnel from their post scientific and technological achievements can be included in the "salary and salary income" of scientific and technological personnel in the current month at a reduced rate of 50%, and personal income tax can be paid according to law.

  It is cheaper to import daily consumer goods.

  With the approval of the State Council, the MFN tariff rate of some consumer goods will be reduced from July 1, 2018, involving 1449 tax items, and the average tax rate will be reduced from 15.7% to 6.9%, with an average decrease of 55.9%. Reduce the average import tariff rate of clothing, shoes and hats, kitchens and sports and fitness products from 15.9% to 7.1%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators from 20.5% to 8%; Reduce the average import tariff rate of processed foods such as aquaculture, fishing aquatic products and mineral water from 15.2% to 6.9%; The average import tariff rate of washing products, cosmetics such as skin care and hairdressing and some medical and health products will be reduced from 8.4% to 2.9%.

  5. Tariff reduction of imported cars and parts.

  With the approval of the State Council, from July 1, 2018, the tariffs on automobiles with tax rates of 25% and 20% will be reduced to 15%, with tax reductions of 40% and 25% respectively; The tariffs on auto parts with tax rates of 8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% will be reduced to 6%, with an average tax reduction of 46%.

  6. The vehicle purchase tax will be levied on the trailer by half.

  The Ministry of Finance, State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the Announcement on Reducing Vehicle Purchase Tax on Trailers. From July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021, the vehicle purchase tax will be reduced by half. The date of purchase shall be determined according to the issuance date of the Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales, Special Payment Letter for Customs Tariff or other valid documents.

  7. Preferential tax policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investment individuals.

  The Notice on Tax Policies for Venture Capital Enterprises and Angel Investors jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China promoted the preferential tax policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investors, that is, the preferential policies for venture capital enterprises and angel investors to invest in seed-stage and start-up technology-based enterprises, and the taxable income was deducted by 70% of the investment amount, which was implemented nationwide by eight pilot areas of comprehensive innovation reform and Suzhou Industrial Park.

  This Notice clarifies that the personal income tax policy for angel investment will be implemented as of July 1, 2018, and other policies will be implemented as of January 1, 2018; The above-mentioned tax policy can be applied to the investment that occurred within 2 years before the implementation date and has been invested for 2 years after the implementation date and meets the prescribed conditions.

  8. Traffic "roaming" fee is cancelled.

  On June 22nd, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom successively announced that, starting from July 1st, 2018, the roaming fee will be cancelled, and the provincial traffic of new and old mobile phone users will be upgraded to domestic traffic (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan traffic).

  Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a series of measures to reduce the growth rate of mobile traffic, including: from July 1, the "roaming" fee for mobile traffic will be cancelled, and basic telecommunications companies will be encouraged to launch large-flow packages. The average unit price of mobile traffic will be reduced by more than 30% during the year. Further reduce household broadband charges and international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan roaming charges. Promote enterprises to optimize and streamline tariff packages, and study and introduce relevant policies and measures to standardize tariff management. Support all localities to expand the coverage of wireless networks in public places and provide users with free Internet access services.

  9. Some high-speed rail tickets are discounted by 6.5%

  Starting from July 5 this year, the announced fares of high-speed trains running on the six sections of Hefei-Wuhan, Wuhan-Yichang, Guiyang-Guangzhou, Liuzhou-Nanning, Shanghai-Nanjing and Nanjing-Hangzhou were optimized and adjusted. This time, it is clear that the published fare is the highest price limit. Railway-related enterprises can lower the fare within the price limit by season, time, seats and sections according to the passenger flow, with a maximum discount of 6.5%. Compared with the current situation, the adjusted executive fare has generally increased and decreased.

  10. Tianjin will raise the unemployment insurance standard from July 1st.

  A few days ago, Tianjin issued a notice, starting from July 1 this year, it will raise the unemployment insurance payment standard.

  According to the "Notice on Improving the Payment Standard of Unemployment Insurance in Tianjin", if the payment period is from the first month to the twelfth month, the monthly payment standard will be raised from 1150 yuan to 1240 yuan; For the 13th to 24th months, the monthly payment standard was raised from 1,110 yuan to 1,200 yuan, respectively increasing the 90 yuan.

  The standard of one-time living allowance for farmers’ contract workers was raised from the current monthly payment standard of 690 yuan to 744 yuan, with an increase of 7.83% in 54 yuan. (Gao Chang/Compilation)

Lowering the threshold, raising facilities, car consumption and welcoming favorable policies

  Optimize automobile purchase restriction, distribute consumption subsidies, facilitate second-hand car trading, and strengthen the construction of charging facilities … … Recently, the central and local governments have introduced a number of measures to promote automobile consumption, starting from various aspects, to promote the further development of the domestic automobile industry market. According to industry insiders, the central government has repeatedly emphasized the promotion of automobile consumption, and local governments have also taken diversified measures, reflecting that China’s automobile industry has great development potential at the current stage of transformation and upgrading, and a number of policies have further promoted the automobile consumption market, which will help to play its role in driving the macro economy.

  The reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that in order to thoroughly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and give full play to the basic role of consumption in economic development, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Measures on Restoring and Expanding Consumption, proposing measures such as optimizing the management of automobile purchase and use and expanding the consumption of new energy vehicles. In addition, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 13 departments jointly issued "Several Measures on Promoting Automobile Consumption" (hereinafter referred to as "Measures"), and also deployed to further stabilize and expand automobile consumption from various aspects such as optimizing automobile purchase restriction management policies and strengthening the construction of supporting facilities for new energy vehicles.

  Chang Tiewei, deputy director of the Employment Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that since the beginning of this year, the retail sales of automobile products in the first half of the year reached 2,240.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.8%, driven by various consumption promotion policies, automobile marketing activities and a large number of new models.

  "At present, China’s automobile consumption recovery trend is stable and positive, and the consumption and export scale of new energy vehicles are outstanding, but there is still room for further tapping potential and upgrading automobile consumption. In view of the outstanding problems found in a large number of investigations, we put forward more pragmatic and effective measures. Including the policy of optimizing the management of purchase restriction, and encouraging the increase of annual car purchase indicators according to local conditions; Promote the rational renewal of vehicles; Reduce the use cost of new energy vehicles and optimize the use environment. " Chang Tiewei said.

  Li Chunlin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, mentioned at the routine briefing of the State Council policy held recently that more popular and inclusive support policies will be studied and optimized for the automobile consumption market segment, so as to better meet the people’s multi-level and diversified consumption needs and promote the high-quality development of related industries. "Whether it is automobile consumption or other consumer goods consumption, we must first adapt to changes in demand and create new demand through supply-side structural reforms. At the same time, we will continue and optimize the policy of vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption for new energy vehicles, and propose that by the end of 2025, vehicle purchase tax will be exempted; It will be halved in 2026 and 2027. "

  The Ministry of Commerce has also promoted measures to improve the charging infrastructure and support new energy vehicles to go to the countryside, and organized activities such as the "100-city linkage" automobile festival and the "thousand counties and thousands of towns" new energy vehicle consumption season, and launched the national comprehensive information service platform for used cars. Xu Xingfeng, director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, pointed out that in the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will focus on optimizing the consumption environment and implementing the policy of downsizing.

  Various places have also come up with "real money and silver" to support automobile consumption.

  The relevant person in charge of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce said that in the second half of the year, we will focus on mass consumption, cultural tourism consumption, sales leaders and county consumption. At present, Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Support Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other automobile major cities to implement car purchase subsidies, trade in old vehicles for new ones, and expand the sales of new energy vehicles.

  The Jiangxi Provincial Department of Commerce said that in the second half of the year, the province will focus on holding more than 50 car promotion activities such as the "100-city linkage" car festival. Carry out green smart home appliances to the countryside and trade-in promotions. Further implement the policy of canceling the restrictions on the relocation of used cars, promote the convenient measures of "inter-provincial handling" of used cars, build a platform for inquiring about used car trading information, and accelerate the activation of the used car market.

  With the support of relevant policies, car companies have also responded positively to jointly promote the growth of the industrial market.

  In an interview with reporters, GAC Ai ‘an said that the current policies have brought great opportunities to the automobile industry, especially new energy vehicle companies. In addition to the consumption of new energy vehicles mentioned in the policy, Ai ‘an also actively responded to the new energy going to the countryside and the construction of charging infrastructure mentioned in the measures, and is formulating relevant preferential policies for rural vehicles.

  "The favorable policies issued by the state this time will inevitably open the door of new energy vehicles in the county and township markets and sell new energy vehicles to a wider area. BYD launched a variety of models matching the county and township markets on the product side for new energy going to the countryside, and continuously expanded the county and township market layout to enhance the consumer experience. " The relevant person in charge of BYD said.

  "Automobile and gasoline consumption account for about 40% of the total retail sales of consumer goods above designated size, and are the pillars of consumption." Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, believes that cities with less than 4 million cars suggest to release the purchase restriction, which can effectively promote the consumption potential, especially in cities where some purchase restrictions lead to the serious backwardness of urban car ownership, and there is a large room for consumption growth.

  Ji Xuehong, a professor from north china university of technology, also said in an interview that the recent introduction of a number of automobile consumption promotion policies will help the automobile industry to play an economic role.

  "China’s automobile industry is in the stage of rapid transition from traditional fuel vehicles to intelligent electric vehicles. The multi-level consumption promotion policies introduced by the central and local governments will help further help the industrial transformation and upgrading and realize the self-reliance and autonomy of China’s automobile industry." Ji Xuehong said, "On the other hand, the automobile industry chain is long and large, and various stimulus policies can play a good role. At the same time, it can also strengthen the linkage between the upstream and downstream industry chains and promote the stable economic growth as a whole."

  At the same time, Ji Xuehong also pointed out that the promotion of policies needs to further implement the details. "In terms of finance, we can consider moderately relaxing interest rates and reducing the down payment ratio. In terms of products, the continuous development of new energy vehicle technology requires the government to provide more authoritative and reliable data and evaluation to help consumers establish objective and positive cognition and establish the excellent reputation of domestic brands. "

China will continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 2 (Reporter Gao Kang) The the State Council executive meeting held on June 2 studied the policies and measures to promote the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry. In order to release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles, the meeting proposed to continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles.

  New energy vehicles are the main direction of the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry, and the development space is very broad.

  In recent years, China’s new energy automobile industry has developed vigorously. According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to April this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 2.291 million and 2.222 million, an increase of 42.8% year-on-year, with a market share of 27%; The export of new energy vehicles was 348,000, a year-on-year increase of 170%.

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles, further optimize the industrial layout, strengthen key core technology research in key areas such as power battery system, new chassis structure and intelligent driving system, make overall plans for the development and utilization of domestic and international resources, improve the recycling system of power batteries, build an industrial ecology with the integrated development of "cars and energy in Lu Yun", and enhance the independent controllability and green development level of the whole industrial chain.

  "Technological innovation is the core competitiveness of development." Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said that in recent years, China has made remarkable achievements in the field of new energy vehicles, but it still needs to make efforts in tackling key core technologies, and at the same time, it needs to continue to make efforts in the construction of charging infrastructure and the research and development of small and micro electric vehicles.

  Chen Shihua, Deputy Secretary-General of China Automobile Industry Association, said that from the overall automobile data this year, China’s new energy automobile industry has developed steadily, and its supply capacity and quality have been continuously improved, becoming an important force to stabilize the industry.

  Insiders pointed out that the industry generally predicts that the development of new energy vehicles will maintain a good development trend, and the production and sales data of new energy vehicles in China is expected to usher in a new high this year. But at the same time, we should also see that at present, the confidence of automobile consumption still needs to be boosted and the potential of automobile consumption still needs to be released.

  In this regard, the meeting pointed out that it is necessary to continue and optimize the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles, build a high-quality charging infrastructure system, further stabilize market expectations, optimize the consumption environment, and release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles.

  "The new measures are expected to bring great impetus to the development of the new energy automobile industry in the next few years." Cui Dongshu said that the subsidy recession has a great impact on the new energy automobile industry, and consumers are sensitive to price and taxation. Continuing and optimizing the vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption policy for new energy vehicles will further release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles and promote the sustainable and steady growth of the new energy automobile industry.

Global media attention! China Central Radio and Television Headquarters Promotes Sino-Italian Football Exchange

  A round football has attracted wide attention. The news that Shen Haixiong, director of China Central Radio and Television Station, and Gabriele Glavina, president of the Italian Football Association, signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in Rome has quickly fermented in the global media. Small football, attracting attention, has become one of the hot spots of multinational media.

  In order to implement the consensus of the heads of state of China and Italy on deepening mutual trust and pragmatic cooperation in various fields, and promote the development of football career and the spread of football culture in the two countries, on March 24th, China Central Radio and Television General Station and the Italian Football Association decided to carry out all-round strategic cooperation. According to the intention reached by both sides, Serie A is expected to enter China normally in the next three years.

  "Football has once again become a bridge between different cultures."

  The Associated Press (AP) published an article entitled "Italian Football Federation Signs Deal with Chinese Government", saying that the Italian Football Association signed a comprehensive memorandum with the government of China to promote the development of football in the two countries. Gabriele Glavina, president of the Italian Football Association, said: "Football has once again become a bridge between different cultures." The Washington Post, Miami Herald, ESPN (Entertainment and Sports Network) and other media all forwarded the report of the Associated Press.

  Agence France-Presse reported the signing of the contract between the Italian Football Association and the government of China. The report emphasized that the president of the Italian Football Association said "this is a historic meeting and extremely important" after meeting with Shen Haixiong, director of the Central Radio and Television Station. Reuters reported on the topic "Italy will discuss staging Serie A matches in China".

  An article published on the Financial Times website was titled "Top Italian Football League is negotiating to host a game in China". After this report was forwarded by the international mainstream media, it caused widespread public concern.

  The news that China and Italy signed a memorandum of understanding on football exchange has attracted great attention from Italian media. Almost all mainstream media, including the Italian National Radio and Television Company, La Corriere dello Sport, Ansa, La Republica, Italian Football Association official website and Tgcom24 news channel website, reported it in a prominent position or at an important time.

  The Italian National Radio and Television Company tweeted that the Italian Football Association hopes to carry out all-round cooperation with China, including Serie A events, through the memorandum of cooperation signed with the Central Radio and Television General Station, the largest media group in China.

  The Evening Post published an article saying that this is a very pragmatic memorandum. The cooperation between CCTV and the Italian Football Association will help to promote the spread of Italian football culture in China, promote cooperation in related industries, jointly improve the football level of the two countries, and promote comprehensive cooperation and exchanges including competition cooperation, cultural exchange, sports medicine cooperation and player coaching.

  Official website, the Italian Football Association, released a message immediately after the signing of the memorandum, saying that the memorandum was aimed at promoting the development of football in China and the spread of Italian football in China. Glavina, president of the Italian Football Association, believes that this is a historic meeting. This dialogue with the director of the Central Radio and Television General Station can not only further strengthen the exchanges between Italy and China in football and culture, but also breed new opportunities for cooperation.

  The Italian newspaper La Repubblica published an article saying that the signing of the memorandum will help Italy to better spread its football culture in China. In the near future, maybe we can watch Lazio-Napoli match in China.

  On March 24th, Russian, French, German, Japanese, Brazilian, Portuguese, Kazakstan, Thailand, Nepal, Canadian and other countries published a draft of "The Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between CCTV and Italian Football Association is expected to enter China normally", which blew the football wind in China.

  Serie A is expected to enter China normally, and this news has also been forwarded and praised by many media in China. Mainstream media such as People’s Daily Online, Xinhuanet, Chinese Government Online,, and World Wide Web believe that China and Italy will organize training for football technicians, football club management talents and schools, organize national football teams of the two countries to hold friendly competitions in each other’s countries, carry out cooperation in football digitalization and product development, and build a new communication platform for fans and teams of the two countries. Overseas Chinese media such as Hong Kong Commercial Daily, Ta Kung Pao and American Business News also paid attention to the historic significance of this agreement for the first time.

Counting the entertainment circle after 85, Tsing Yi, Jiang Shuying, Crystal and Lyric were on the list.

In the period when all kinds of small flowers are in power, the general trend of Tsing Yi people is still steadily and orderly tempering their works and acting skills. In today’s entertainment circle, the status of the older generation of Tsing Yi people has gained unanimous recognition after years of precipitation, while the new generation of Tsing Yi, such as Jiang Shuying, Lyric, Lv Jiarong and Crystal, is still on the journey.


She will be one in Tsing Yi, Jiang Shuying.

I still remember that she was as charming and generous as the name Ruan Wan, with long shawl hair and elegant makeup and clean clothes. Jiang Shuying explained the most specific definition of the word goddess with her own. With the popularity of "Cyclone Eleven" and "Good Sir", her perfect facial features and the aura of her royal sister in the play really made people love it, and the popularity of Jiang Shuying was also increasing. There must be one for her in Tsing Yi.


The status of Lyric Tsing Yi is unshakable.

Lyric and Zhang Ziyi once co-starred in the clip of Tsing Yi in the variety show The Birth of the Actor. In the picture, Lyric’s eyes are full of drama, and her tears and her every move are impressive. For Lyric’s performance attitude of striving for perfection, not only Zhang Ziyi has recognized it, but even Song Dandan has always praised it. In addition, Lyric has become popular all over the country with his two works empresses in the palace and Surgical Storm, and the status of Tsing Yi is unshakable.


Lv Jiarong has always been in Tsing Yi.

Lv Jiarong plays Min Hongyu, a famous actress of Jiang Zuo in the popular drama "Life is like the First Meet". With her excellent acting skills and stunning appearance, Lv Jiarong once again captured a large number of fans, and her popularity soared. Before that, she had already had many popular representative works, such as Yin Mingzhu, the legendary swordsman Lan Fenghuang, Beauty in the World, Ruyi, etc. She has been in Tsing Yi with her strength works.


The first film in Tsing Yi, Crystal.

Crystal became the first actress to make a big splash with the role of "Crown Princess" in go princess go overnight. Since then, Crystal has hitched a ride, starring in many large-scale films such as "Wu Dong Gan Kun" and so on, and is also the first popular actress in Tsing Yi who successfully entered the film from TV series.

Fang Zhigang: Every drop of crude oil is the crystallization of science and technology.

  Editor’s Note: The publicity campaign on the theme of "Chinese Dream: Artisans in Great Countries" was jointly carried out by the National Internet Information Office and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, aiming at vigorously promoting the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and artisans, creating a glorious social fashion of labor and a professional atmosphere of striving for perfection, giving full play to the demonstration and leading role of advanced model figures, and encouraging more workers, especially young people, to take the road of becoming talents and serving the country with skills.

  China Youth Network, Beijing, September 29th (Reporter Mou Haokun Intern reporter Wu Boyang correspondent Hasyeti Kasmu Li Shuangxing) Petroleum is the most important raw material in modern industrial society. Everyone’s food, clothing, housing and transportation are closely related to oil and natural gas.

  For example, a bottle of mineral water on the table, which is put in front of you after water source discovery, mining, purification, bottling and transportation, consumes a third of the oil. If it is fruit juice, the oil consumption will be as much as half a bottle.

  Before graduating from college, like many young people who have never been to an oil field, Fang Zhigang, a first-class engineer in Tuha Oilfield and a technical expert in China Petroleum Gas Lift Center, thought that once an oil well was drilled, the oil could be ejected or pumped out and then applied to all aspects of our lives. However, when he arrived in the Turpan-Hami basin, he realized that oil is contained in rock sand and needs to be "washed out" again and again by water and polymers.

  Recently, the reporter followed the theme propaganda activity of "Chinese Dream, Artisans of Great Powers", and learned about the whole process of oil from exploitation, refining to export, as well as the symbolic brand technology of China oil. "Gas-lift oil recovery is an oil recovery method that injects high-pressure gas into the well from the ground and uses the principle of gas expansion to reduce the liquid density in the wellbore and lift crude oil to the ground." Fang Zhigang is an outstanding representative engaged in this technical research and the leader of the gas lift technical innovation team in recent years.

  "What we are doing is to make oil wells produce high and stable yields."

  "Facing the long yellow sand and the vast Gobi every day, it’s a bit monotonous and lonely after a long time, but I’m used to it." After graduating from college, Fang Zhigang, a young man from the northeast, came to the northwest of the motherland, which gradually made him feel special about this land in Xinjiang. In his eyes, the vast desert contains infinite possibilities. "If you want to dry oil, you want to choose the place with the most oil fields. The most promising place in the future is Xinjiang." He said.

  Fang Zhigang went into the gas distribution room to check the gas injection in the gas lift well at the gas lift technical operation site in Jannarol Oilfield (well 2397). Photo courtesy of respondents

  When he first arrived in Tuha Oilfield, Fang Zhigang came to Tuha Drilling Company for an internship. But the drilling work is a far cry from what Fang Zhigang imagined. Fang Zhigang starts from the construction site every day, lifting drill pipes and removing cuttings. At the end of the day, he is covered with mud and oil. What impressed me the most was that one day a nearby well overflowed and several drilling teams helped to prepare mud. Fang Zhigang and his workmates carried barite powder and poured it into the mud pit in bags. A bag of 25 kilograms, busy from the afternoon until late at night, when the danger is lifted, everyone is tired and paralyzed at the well site.

  This is the first time that Fang Zhigang experienced heavy physical labor. Later, I heard from Master that overflow is the precursor of blowout, and barite powder mixed with mud is used to kill well and make blowout. If you hold down the well, it will be fine. If you can’t hold down the well, it will be a blowout accident, and the most serious machine will destroy people. At that time, what appeared in Fang Zhigang’s mind was the picture of Iron Man Wang Jinxi jumping into the mud pool, and he also understood the special significance behind everyone’s shoulder-pulling.

  After the first Spring Festival in Tuha Oilfield, the company informed Fang Zhigang to report to the Institute of Engineering Technology. When he arrived at the Academy of Engineering and entered the gas lift center, Fang Zhigang’s first task was to design a slim hole expandable packer. At that time, Tuha Oilfield used sidetracking technology to bring a number of old wells and casing damaged wells back to life and re-employed. However, there is no matching small diameter packer in China, so the oilfield decided to develop it by itself.

  When designing the rubber tube, the research team encountered problems. Small size does not have enough bearing capacity, and large size can’t get into the well. Repeated adjustment of the design failed to solve the problem. "It’s like a seesaw, taking care of one end and not caring about the other." Fang Zhigang said.

  After soaking in the workshop for several days, Fang Zhigang pondered it over and over again. He found that the most serious deformation of the rubber tube was mainly at both ends, and this factor mainly affected the sealing performance.

  "Can you change the rubber tube from fixed to movable, so as to reduce the risk of damage and improve the sealing performance?" Fang Zhigang’s idea, after implementation, really solved the problem. Master asserted that a single-minded young man can do technology and research.

  After a period of oil well production, the pressure drop and the output drop, all of which need to be supplemented by artificial lifting to improve the output. In Fang Zhigang’s view, among many artificial lifting oil production methods, gas lift can give full play to the reservoir’s own energy. Under the condition of gas source, gas lift oil production is the first choice and the most economical and effective artificial lifting method in the oilfield. Moreover, gas lift can produce oil in the whole life cycle from the initial stage of production to the final shutdown.

  With gas lift, wells with insufficient energy for flowing production can produce normally, wells with low production can increase production, and wells with high production can obtain higher production. Fang Zhigang often vividly said to the gas lift team members, "What we are doing is to make the oil well high and stable, make the oil field develop efficiently, and strive to make the oil field younger."

  "The mountain is climbed step by step."

  In 2010, Fang Zhigang took over the 48-gas lift technical service of BBA Oilfield in the Middle East, and the biggest problem was gas lift tools.

  The crude oil in BBA Oilfield has "four highs", high sulfur content, high wax content, high carbon dioxide content and high asphaltene content, which requires high sulfur and corrosion resistance for downhole tools. In particular, the oil well is large in size and high in production, and the diameter of the working cylinder of gas lift valve is required to be 168 mm, while the largest size of Tuha gas lift in the past was only 127 mm.

  "The diameter has increased by 41 mm, which seems to have only increased by one-third, but the technological difficulty is geometric growth, which is easy to talk about!" It is time-consuming, heavy-duty and difficult to complete the R&D and manufacturing test of tools and put them into field application within one year. When I first took over the task in 2010, many people described it as an "impossible task".

  "The mountain is climbed step by step, and the ship is shaken out one by one." Fang Zhigang said, "If you don’t do it, you will never succeed."

  When it really gets started, problems follow.

  The first is to prevent hydrogen sulfide. Sulfur is the nemesis of metals. Generally, when metal meets hydrogen sulfide, it will produce "hydrogen embrittlement" phenomenon, and the stress will drop greatly, so it is easy to break off. The upper and lower ends of the working cylinder of the gas lift valve are connected with oil pipes, and the diameter is relatively small, while the diameter of the body part is large, which is "small at both ends and thick in the middle" on the whole. In the past, the working cylinder of gas lift valve mostly adopted welding technology, three-stage combination and two welds. However, sulfur has a great influence on the weld, and the sulfur-proof welding process is more difficult.

  Domestic factories have found one after another, but they can’t guarantee sulfur-resistant welding. "Welding can’t be changed to forging!" Forging is not difficult. Just to solve the problems of shrinkage ratio and compression resistance, I don’t know how many times I optimized the structure repeatedly, and finally I had to choose a special-shaped working cylinder similar to an ellipse.

  Press the hoist to float the ladle, avoiding the welding problem and welcoming the forging test. The special-shaped structure has greatly increased the difficulty of forging, and it is only after half a year of tackling key problems that we have found the top domestic factory in Shenyang.

  Dozens of such large and small problems have been solved, almost all of which are original solutions. Finally, it’s time to wake up the underground gas lift tools. Whether the gas-lift tools that have been dormant underground for several years can be started normally or not, the gas-lift ceremony of Well 028 affects the hearts of all parties in the oilfield. Although every step of gas lift is carefully calculated and thought out, many original technologies are used to extract oil under such harsh conditions, which is unprecedented in China. "Whether it’s a dragon or a worm, we’ll see." Just like welcoming the birth of a child, Fang Zhigang was both nervous and excited in those days. "I still have the confidence to do my own work!"

  At 9: 00 am on July 18, 2017, with the opening of the gas injection valve, natural gas was continuously injected into the wellbore. The primary valve is over-gassed, and the secondary valve is over-gassed … … Two days later, the gas lift well entered the normal working state, and the oil well output rose steadily until it exceeded 30% of the initial daily production. The oil field won the environmental protection award issued by the local government, which is the first time that the local government’s foreign cooperation project has won such an honor for decades.

  "My greatest value is here."

  In North Trouvat Oilfield (Well 7546), Fang Zhigang (third from left) led the team to go deep into the technical service site to carry out technical services. Photo courtesy of respondents

  Working in the oil field and serving the domestic and foreign countries by gas lift is the norm in Fang Zhigang, and even the wife who works in the same unit rarely meets it.

  At the end of 2014, his father, who was far away in the northeast, was critically ill, and Fang Zhigang hurried back to his hometown. When I met my father in the hospital, my condition was so serious that it was no longer suitable for treatment. Father said, "Son, let’s go home." Going home that day, my father died in the middle of the night.

  I have been working for many years, far away from my hometown, and there are only a handful of days to be with my father. Children want to raise and don’t stay close. Fang Zhigang said that the most regrettable thing is that he failed to convince his father to come to Xinjiang to live together before his death.

  After the birth of his youngest daughter, he was away on business all the year round. I have a vacation once in a while, but I can’t stay for a few days. When I first met my father, my little daughter felt strange and cried. Go to bed at night and drive straight out. A few days later, I finally got a little hot, and it was time to go again.

  In 2011, Tuha gas lift entered the Middle East market. As the head of the Middle East project in Beijing, Fang Zhigang is as busy as a top every day. In July, it was the critical moment of business operation, and the two daughters had a high fever at the same time. Three days later, I still have a high fever. The wife was really desperate, so she called Fang Zhigang.

  Report to the leader, immediately grant leave, and arrange for colleagues in Tuha Oilfield to coordinate vehicles and help take care of them. Fang Zhigang finished the work at hand overnight, and instructed his colleagues. Only then did he fly back to Xinjiang in a hurry and rushed to the hospital. At this time, the child’s body temperature exceeded 40 degrees Celsius, especially the one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, who has been in a coma since she had a fever. The doctor suggested that she be transferred to the hospital immediately. Rushed to Urumqi overnight, the hospital arranged directly into the intensive care unit. Seeing the child with an oxygen tube and a stomach tube, this strong northeast man shed tears.

  Fortunately, three days later, the high fever eased and the child could open his eyes, so the couple were a little relieved. A week later, the child was transferred to the general ward. Fang Zhigang was ready to put up with his wife’s complaints and scolding, but she didn’t say anything. She understands that most oil families do.

  A few years ago, some mainland enterprises also offered olive branches with high salaries, hoping to seek common development. Fang Zhigang declined politely. He said: "It is my breath that has made me. My greatest value is here, and the stage for giving full play to my talents is also here."

The layout wisdom of the Forbidden City-facing the mountains and facing the water, taking the positive center.

  The layout of the Forbidden City embodies the designers’ wisdom. The clever thinking of "facing the mountain and facing the water" is one of the obvious characteristics. Jingshan Mountain is in the north of the Forbidden City, and Neijinshui River is in the south. There were no mountains in Beijing. When the Forbidden City was built in Yongle period, more than 1 million cubic meters of soil was excavated by opening a moat, and the piles of muck demolished by the Yuan Dynasty Palace could not be treated. So, a "waste utilization" came, which piled up the soil into mountains and planted trees on them. This is the Zhenshan in the north of the Forbidden City. Zhenshan was called "jingshan park" in the Ming Dynasty, and it was renamed "Jingshan" in the Qing Dynasty, and it has been used ever since. Jingshan is the commanding height in Beijing, which is east-west and narrow in the north-south direction, much like a screen. At the same time, when the Forbidden City was built, a culvert was dug downstairs from the northwest corner to introduce the moat water into the city. This is the specially dug Jinshui River. Jinshui River winds south through Chenglong Temple, winding all the way, turning east through Wuying Hall, passing Taihe Gate and Wenyuan Pavilion, and flowing out of the Forbidden City from the southeast corner. Jinshui River not only provides drainage channels for people in the Forbidden City, but also echoes with Jingshan Mountain, forming an aesthetic image of mountains, rivers and mountains in harmony. The surface of Jinshui River is lower than the ground of the Forbidden City, and the main part of the Forbidden City is built on the balcony between Jingshan and Jinshui River. Through Jingshan Mountain and Jinshui River, the Forbidden City is in harmony with nature in the aesthetic sense.

  "negative yin embraces yang" is also a feature of the layout of the forbidden city. All the important palaces in the city face south. Chapter 42 of Laozi’s Tao Te Ching says: "Everything is negative and holds Yang, and rushing into the air is thought to be harmonious". It means that everything in the world is shady and sunny, and yin and yang interact to form a new harmonious body. The important palace buildings in the Forbidden City face south, with a large number of doors and windows in the south and fewer doors and windows in the north. The Book of Changes, Zhuan Zhuan Zhuan, says, "Sages listen to the world from the south, and govern from the Ming Dynasty", which means that the ancient sages ruled the world by listening to the south and facing the bright sunshine. Similarly, this layout has scientific significance in geography: the Yellow River Basin in China is located in the most remarkable subtropical monsoon climate area in the northern hemisphere, and in winter, a high pressure is formed in the northwest of the Asian continent, with a northerly wind for several months; In summer, the center of high pressure turns to the southeast Pacific Ocean, and the rainy monsoon from the south makes the temperature rise and the summer heat pressing. Under this geographical condition, it is most suitable for the building to face south, with the north side closed to keep out the cold, and the south side with windows for sunlight and ventilation in summer.

  Another feature of the layout of the Forbidden City is "taking the positive center". "Correcting" means that the north-south direction is the main axial direction of the building layout. This is mainly due to the construction experience of ancient Chinese craftsmen based on the geographical location and natural environment of China, that is, the main seat faces south and is symmetrical left and right. "Centripetal" means that all secondary buildings face the main building. All the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City are mainly quadrangles, with the main rooms facing south and the wing rooms facing east and west. This centripetal architectural style not only makes the distance between houses smaller, which is conducive to the convenience of transportation, but also reflects the idea of "China is supreme" and "China is still big" in ancient China culture. At the same time, this orientation layout reflects the unity and coordination of the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City, and there is no sense of clutter.

  The architectural division of the Forbidden City is also particular. From the perspective of architectural functional zoning, the layout of the Forbidden City includes the imperial court area and the imperial court area. The buildings of the former dynasty were located in the south of the Forbidden City, mainly including the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Zhonghe and the Hall of Baohe (commonly known as the Three Great Halls), which was the place where the emperor held important ceremonies. The imperial palace buildings are mainly located in the northern part of the Forbidden City, including Ganqing Palace, Jiaotai Palace, Kunning Palace (commonly known as the last three palaces) and the East and West Six palaces, which are the places where emperors and empresses live. The three great halls of the former dynasty occupied a large area and formed a huge pattern in the Forbidden City. These three buildings stand on a three-story platform, which is 8.13 meters high and takes the form of Sumitomo. Sumeru is actually the base of the Buddha statue. "Sumeru" is an Indian Buddhist term, which means "the center of the universe". Sumeru is used as the foundation of the building, which means that the building is stable and long-lasting. The three-story platform of the three halls can highlight the grandeur and height of the building, form an obvious contrast with other buildings in the Forbidden City, and highlight its extraordinary position. Not only that, the three halls are elegant in richness and dignified in exquisiteness, which highlights the majesty of the emperor. The Three Great Halls are not only the center of the Forbidden City, but also the center of Beijing, with the axis from Yongdingmen in the south to the Bell Tower in the north, becoming a straight central line. On both sides of this axis, buildings with less important functions are arranged symmetrically and orderly in turn. There is also a square with an area of 30,000 square meters in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. This layout is conducive to showing a grand scene when holding important ceremonies.For the six palaces of the East and West, they are symmetrically arranged and vertically arranged. These buildings are separated vertically and horizontally by the East-West Second Long Street and the alleys in front of the palace, forming a very regular and rigorous closed space with streets and lanes, and the doors and walls of the seats are connected and separated. In their own space, that is, in the independent courtyards of each palace, they have the same layout and basically the same architectural form. The plane of each palace is square, and the layout is in the form of a three-in-one courtyard with two courtyards. The front hall and the back bedroom are all equipped with halls, which are strictly symmetrical. The layout of the courtyards of the East-West Six Palaces is subtle and compact, which not only guarantees the privacy of the life of the Empress Dowager, but also has reasonable planning: "How deep the courtyards are" can reflect the location characteristics of the East-West Six Palaces in the Forbidden City. On the whole, the architecture of the former dynasty was Yang, and Yang was majestic and tall. The architecture of the imperial palace is yin, and yin converges to the reality of hiding. The six palaces in the east and west and the three halls form a harmonious and unified wisdom thought of rigidity and softness, yang and yin.

  In addition, the architectural layout of the Forbidden City was convex in the former dynasty and concave in the imperial palace. The combination of convex and concave is just like a mortise and tenon. This layout of tenon-mortise connection not only shows the ingenious tenon-mortise locking concept of the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City, but also embodies the concept of "Yin and Yang in one" in ancient Chinese architectural culture, which is a reflection of the wisdom of the builders of ancient architecture.

  (The author is a research librarian of the Palace Museum)

TT voice, after becoming social software, is on the verge of danger.

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This generation of young people have long been unable to integrate into the social process of "eating and drinking mahjong KTV" of their parents, but in reality, they are limited by time and space and cannot expand their social circle. They establish contact with strangers outside the life and work circle through online games and thus have emotional connections. Games have become the social currency of a new generation of young people.

Mobile games and e-sports have long been popular in the streets. At the moment of winning the championship, the popularity in bilibili live broadcast room has reached more than 400 million, and the popularity of Tiger Tooth live broadcast has reached more than 300 million. Judging from the popularity of its various online platforms, e-sports live broadcast has long been a national entertainment activity.

The market scale of the game has derived the social demand of the game, and the upcoming TT focuses on the social voice of the game, thus harvesting 100 million users. However, under the precedent of many social platforms that died of social atmosphere, 90% of users are TT voices after 95 s and 00 s, but people have to worry, can game-based socialization go on healthily?

From game voice to social tools

At first, TT voice was just a voice tool.

In 2012, the mobile game industry in China began to enter an explosive period, and a large number of game practitioners rushed into the game content production industry in an attempt to create an explosive game. However, at that time, most games were still in the initial stage, and there was no perfect voice communication system, but the need for players to communicate in time was very urgent.

Based on this, Fun Pill Network chose to start from the game voice tool. In 2014, TT voice became an instant hit. In the first year, the number of registered users exceeded 3 million, and the number of online users exceeded 60,000. In one year, the running water exceeded 100 million yuan.

However, it is difficult for tool apps to achieve considerable revenue. Moreover, after 2016, more and more games that need to be "blacked out" have added built-in instant voice systems, and the core business of TT voice has been impacted, not only because the ceiling is too low, but also because the tools themselves have become chicken ribs.

"Blackout" in the game itself is a social way, therefore, social transformation has become the easiest path for TT voice to cut in. In 2018, TT voice gradually added live voice, expanded chat, pia drama, dynamics and other kinetic energy, which was deeply tied with explosive mobile games such as the glory of the king and Peace Elite, enabling gamers to directly perform voice hacking, teaming up, scoring and other operations within TT voice, broadening the use scenarios of TT voice, and the average online market for daily users exceeded two hours.

In the field of game socialization, TT voice can be regarded as a deep-rooted player. For example, in finding a playmate, the glory of the king’s matching mechanism does not allow too much difference between segments. Many players find it difficult to match the right teammates and opponents with the same segment because the segment is too high or too low, but TT Voice can find the right playmate with the same segment based on the game and gender, so as to recognize gamers who have the same topic cognition.

In fact, not only mobile games like the glory of the king Peace Elite have voice social needs, but other games also have voice social needs, but many minority games have no funds and strength to add voice built-in and social channels. The "quick matching" of the "black channel" on TT voice homepage not only covers high-heat mobile games such as the glory of the player, the peaceful elite, the call of duty, the fifth personality, but also covers leisure and educational games such as light encounter, gobang, you draw and guess, which makes TT voice not a vassal of a certain game, but the best playmate of the game, and can inject fresh blood into the platform while stabilizing old users.

In addition, TT voice is not only satisfied with finding suitable game playmates for players, but also based on user interest tags and other information, using system algorithms to gather people with similar interests in the virtual room voice room by distributing playmates, finding radar and other functions, and sharing audio, video, pictures and other contents in real time to achieve the purpose of making friends. In addition to "playing in black", TT voice also opened content sections such as finding playmates and entertainment.

Judging from these functions, TT voice is not only a tool, but also a social ecology based on games, which meets all the online entertainment and leisure needs of this generation of young people.

Therefore, TT voice also has a living space outside the game content. According to publicly disclosed data, the unique TT voice has accumulated more than 100 million users by 2020, an increase of more than 80% from the previous month. In addition, the platform MAU reached 20 million, of which the post-95 s, that is, Z generation users accounted for as high as 90%.

During the first half of 2021, users spend about 158 minutes in TT voice chat rooms every day, and users initiate more than 850,000 voice chat rooms every day, an increase of 45.6% compared with the same period in 2020.

Sullivan pointed out in the report that TT voice has become the largest mobile voice social platform and the largest player-centered mobile social platform in China according to monthly users and income data.

The ceiling is too low and it is too difficult to grow.

According to the data of China Game Industry Report 2020 released by China Game Industry Research Institute, the number of game users in China will reach 665 million in 2020, with a year-on-year increase of 3.7%. In other words, there is one TT voice user in every six e-sports players.

However, it is worth noting that TT voice is actually known outside the deep e-sports players. Because almost every popular game has its own social function, players can achieve basic needs such as communication and team formation in the game. With the improvement of the voice communication system of the game itself, the chances of players opening the voice-assisted APP are bound to gradually decrease.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that TT voice survives in a crack, and this crack makes it difficult for TT voice to make a breakthrough in market scale.

In addition, there are too many voice social software, and the substitutability of TT voice is very high, not to mention that WeChat QQ can open black communication games in groups, and there are also black-opening software such as YY voice, KK voice and hello voice in the market to compete with it. In contrast, the competitive advantage of TT voice is not clear.

According to the prospectus, in the first half of 2021, the monthly activity of TT voice reached 16.2 million. Compared with the social products such as Gathering Times and Momo, the number of monthly users of less than 20 million is not large enough.

The ceiling is too low, the loyalty is not enough, and the user payment rate is also very low. According to the data in the prospectus, the monthly living payment rates from 2018 to 2020 were 7.3%, 7.1% and 5.3% respectively, and even fell to 5.1% in the first half of 2021, the lowest level in history.

In addition, the target users of TT voice are the post-95 s and post-00 s under the age of 24, but this young group has limited spending power and it is difficult to promote more consumption.

Moreover, the acquisition cost of TT voice is not low. According to the prospectus, in 2020 and the first half of 2021, the network and marketing expenses of Fun Pill Network increased by 123.06% and 120.88% year-on-year, both higher than the revenue growth in the same period and higher than the growth rate of paying users.

In addition, as an auxiliary tool APP, TT voice also needs to solve the problem of user retention. At the beginning, TT voice can be downloaded because of the formation of playmates, but after a short period of acquaintance and pairing, playmates who form fixed friends often develop into daily communication software such as WeChat /QQ for voice, dialogue, making friends, opening black and other activities.

As far as social tools are concerned, most of WeChat and QQ are bound with offline real social information, so the probability of users uninstalling software and accounts is very low, but only a small social APP with Internet strangers’ "friends", which leads to a higher probability of uninstalling software and accounts because of the low maintenance cost, making it difficult for users to really keep them.

In this way, TT voice has become a diversion middleman of WeChat QQ, and it is difficult for users to really stay. In fact, this problem is not only the embarrassment of TT voice, but also the embarrassment that all niche social tools except WeChat QQ are difficult to solve.

Risk involved in gray areas is high.

Almost all Internet companies want to socialize, and Ma Yun’s Alipay is no exception. However, social functions are easy to build in, but it is extremely difficult to make social apps.

In particular, it is indeed the common demand of a new generation of young people to make friends through games, but social interaction based on games can be an interest, but it is also easier to deteriorate.

With the development of Qinglang Action, many accompanying software such as "Bixin", "Little Deer Accompanied Play" and "hello Voice" have been taken off the shelves indefinitely because of illegal activities such as fraud and pornography, and social software accompanying games has become a high-risk zone for juvenile supervision.

Although TT voice has not been removed, it does not mean that it does not have this problem. On the home page of TT voice, the online number of blind date rooms has exceeded that of black-out, party, listening to songs and other rooms.

The content of "edge ball" can be said to be the user’s low quality, but TT voice belongs to the "ignition" in this kind of edge ball socialization, and the official attitude may even imply encouragement. Many users reported that TT voice received an "immediate private chat" automatically matched by the system after the initial download and registration, and the dynamic recommendations were all kinds of speeches and private messages.

Some media reports have pointed out that TT voice has voice rooms named after minors, and some voice rooms have voice contents such as suspected obscenity and abuse, and the report pointed out that the platform did not block these live broadcast rooms during the investigation.

On the black cat complaint platform, the number of complaints about TT voice is as high as 2,705, which is more than two old-fashioned voice software such as Momo YY live broadcast. The complaints include problems such as fraud, inducing minors to pay, and swearing.

There are also public reports this year. A 9-year-old girl from Guangzhou once got to know the suspect Lu Mou after downloading TT voice chat dating platform. Lu Mou gave her a red envelope in the name of giving gifts. Due to lack of judgment, she was cheated for 12,781 yuan.

TT voice expanding social interest content outside the game may encourage dangerous discussions. In the "expanding column" section of TT voice, there are a large number of underage users, and most of them are involved in puppy love, and the situation is extremely serious. The section of "Minors posting to find boyfriends in public" even has a very obvious recommended position in the APP, and even pornographic content shows obvious recommended positions, as well as obscure yellow-related drainage stickers.

Although social software can’t supervise all users’ languages, the target users of TT voice are mainly minors and young students under the age of 25. Are you sure this high-risk social interaction is not playing with fire?

At present, TT voice has no underage review mechanism. After downloading, registration can be completed only by receiving a four-digit verification code from the mobile phone, which means that minors can complete registration without even unlocking their parents’ mobile phones, and can be used to contact all users without their real names or any third-party information.

Judging from its official attitude, although the youth model has also been established, most of the contents under the model are subject education courses. Obviously, there is no active and healthy planning and guidance for the healthy socialization of minors’ interests.

Although the state has issued policies to restrict the related behaviors of minors’ games, the surrounding industries of games also need strict supervision. Whether it is live broadcast or accompanying play, enterprises should actively fulfill their responsibilities to protect young people, and should not lower the lower limit in pursuit of market scale.