Concept Dynamics | Wuxi Zhenhua adds the concept of "Xiaomi Automobile"

On April 18th, 2024, () the concept of "Xiaomi Automobile" was added.

According to the data of straight flush, the reason for being selected is: 2023 Annual Report: the company’s main customers are well-known domestic vehicle manufacturers such as SAIC Volkswagen, SAIC General Motors and SAIC Passenger Cars, and have established stable cooperative relations with many new energy vehicle manufacturers such as Tesla, LI and Xiaomi Automobile.

The company’s conventional concepts include: new energy vehicles, Tesla, and a quarterly increase.

"Looking for a partner" is a rising wind and a small red book

"I am looking for a travel partner on May 1, and my friends have all gone home. I don’t want to go out to play alone."

"Take a reading partner and share the list of books recently read and planted grass with each other."

Recently, partner culture is very popular on the Internet. Partner, a new social relationship, focuses on precise companionship in the vertical field. According to different personal needs, it can be subdivided into "online at any time and lose contact after work", "paid toilet, two-person trip", and "like-minded, go to the dining hall together". During the May Day holiday, many people posted on social platforms, asking for "travel partners" to travel together.


Source: Little Red Book

There is no doubt,Partner, a relationship between close friends and strangers and linked by interests, has become a new favorite of young people.. In Tik Tok, the topic of # rice partner has been played 5.95 billion times, and the number of # game partner has been played 4.62 billion times. The traffic is remarkable.

In Xiaohongshu, the "trend distribution center", he boarded the hot search platform by "looking for a meal partner", and the user @ Xiaoxing Chip "opened his mind" in Xiaohongshu: just have a new meal partner, go to the store with the meal partner, and unlock a restaurant that he always wanted to go but didn’t make it. In the notes, she described in detail the precautions before, during and after the blind date, and won 12,000 praises.

At the same time, Xiaohongshu has also set off a wave of online "looking for partners", and users have written down their own "professional counterparts" to open up their own circle of friends in addition to traditional acquaintances.

Behind the prevalence of "partner culture", does it reflect the new social solution of Xiaohongshu?

01. Find a partner in Xiaohongshu

"I don’t know if I came back from my nap. In short, I fell asleep smoothly today, and I didn’t feel like I had a headache before. "

In Xiaohongshu, @ Yangyangzi loves to fish, so she took a photo. She covered a blanket with her nap and huddled on a mat about 1 meter in Zhang Kuan, sleeping soundly on the office floor. The existence of a nap partner makes the nap time in the office instantly warm and natural.

Of course, some people get their partners, and some people lose their partners. After the partners who eat together at work leave their jobs, Ms. @ Bajiao posted in Xiaohongshu to express her pain, but the roar of "Swallow, can’t I live without you?" Swallow didn’t win the return of the other party.


Xiaohongshu blogger @ Yangyangzi loves fishing, @ Ms. Banana

Partnering is gradually becoming a new social trend.. Choose incense between going to work and making progress, choose funny young people between making money and making friends, and choose partners between strangers and close friends.

According to the data of DT Research Institute, more than half of the people have at least one partner, and more than half of them want to have a partner. Only 4.2% of the total number of people explicitly refuse to socialize with their partners. At the same time, the qualities that people value most in the partner are congenial, easy-going and generous, which can be called the "three virtues" of the partner and also reflect the relationship needs of contemporary young people.

When the existing interpersonal relationship is not enough to meet their own communication needs, it is particularly important to find a partner who shares their hobbies.

In Xiaohongshu, you can also brush a variety of "seeking partners" notes.. In a note looking for a "weekend partner", blogger @-ZQ. explained his hobbies and needs for a "partner" in detail. For her, finding a partner is because "there are a lot of ideas but not many of them have been realized. Friends are all in love at work, not always dating." The "light relationship" between strangers and close friends can fully meet her needs.

In addition, there is also a "reading partner". Bloggers hope that two people can inspire each other, give each other different opinions and thoughts, "hug each other", and hope to relieve anxiety through hugging, "make an appointment with each other", find good mountains and waters to take photos together, and improve each other’s portrait skills … NoWhether it is a flat or refined version of intimate relationship, these notes bear the curiosity and expectation of young people to broaden their social circles, and there are many people in the comment area who raise their hands to sign up.

In Xiaohongshu, there are also a few notes sharing their happy experiences after finding like-minded partners. After successfully finding a travel partner who can travel together, the user @ Gungun wants to lose weight and released his experience of a half-day trip to the zoo+dazzling rice, detailing his happiness after "team success". This kind of social relationship, which does not need daily maintenance, only meets each other’s needs, has its charm.


Little Red Book users @ Gungun wants to lose weight, @-ZQ.

There is also Xu Zhong who has the same experience. Previously, Xiaohongshu had pushed her some mbti-related analysis and stalk maps. When she was writing a little red book, she came across an "INTP making friends". The other party was not in the same city as her, but their interests and hobbies overlapped. After quickly leaving a message under this note, she quickly received a reply from the other party. Soon after, the chat battlefield between the two sides moved to WeChat, and both of them felt that the chat fit was very high. "I discovered the other me to some extent."

Of course, "finding a partner" is not completely risk-free. Short and fast social interaction may also bring "throwing the sun" friendship, or accurately "stepping on the thunder" during travel.

Source: Little Red Book User @ Refueling Duck, @Lillian Notes

Source: Little Red Book User @ Refueling Duck, @Lillian Notes

In Xiaohongshu, a user posted a warning, "Don’t trust the posts that find chat partners", and listed all kinds of wonderful things that she encountered when looking for chat partners, including but not limited to asking Su Yanzhao when chatting partners came up, posting just to add heat to her account.

Even a carefully screened partner can be disappointing. The "seekers" who thought that their desire to express and talk would be completely accepted by the other party only found that this kind of social interaction itself was like "unpacking the blind box" after adding the other party’s friends. The expected high-quality chat always ended in the other party’s almost no reply, and then they realized that "they would never find a chat partner again" and "it was too internal friction to wait for the chat partner to reply to the message every day", and they were determined to turn the focus of their lives back to themselves.

02. Young people "find a partner", and the base camp is in Xiaohongshu.

It seems that this is not the first time that Little Red Book has shown its social potential.

Outdoor sports may be one of the earliest social dividends. Previously, Xiaohongshu was known as a trend culture distribution center, and the frisbee sports and camping that young people were keen on made their fortune in Xiaohongshu. Taking Frisbee as an example, this sport, which is not very popular, has attracted a large number of trendy men and women to punch cards, and the crowd increment has been significantly improved. With the blessing of professional events and clubs in the later stage, it has gradually become a national trend.

At present, Little Red Book is still the most active platform for Frisbee. Under related topics, many people directly link it with social activities, especially after it is linked with "making friends in the same city", the sport quickly expands its circle and becomes a trend social way.


Source: Little Red Book

Nowadays, the "partner culture" is on fire in Xiaohongshu, and there are also many notes with the topic of "finding partners" to find "alliances" in outdoor activities such as frisbee, camping and hiking.In essence, this has become a new social way for young people.These notes often have labels such as "Making friends in the same city" and "Where are you going on XX weekend", while searching for keywords in Xiaohongshu, the topic of "Making friends in Beijing" has been viewed more than 93 million times, and the social genes of the platform can be seen.

The "partner culture" gives young people a breakthrough in socializing in Xiaohongshu. What’s more interesting is that these social behaviors may not be the result of the official intentional guidance, but more based on the spontaneous generation of the platform ecology, and then the official traffic blessing will help the rapid growth of the content sector.

Why the little red book? Kasi believes that Xiaohongshu takes a path of "content-driven socialization and social consumption". The real sharing atmosphere of the platform, the low threshold of graphics and text, and the strong willingness of users have jointly created the social potential of Xiaohongshu.

In essence, Xiaohongshu is still a comprehensive content exchange community based on UGC, and users’ individual experience sharing and grass shopping strategies almost account for half of the content in the station. With the expansion of the life dimension covered by the platform, "sharing" and "truth" have become the core keywords of Xiaohongshu’s self-creation in recent years.

When talking to Liu Qing, Xiaohongshu COO Conan said, "Many platforms are more about recording and self-expression. What we cut in at that time was sharing. Sharing must be hoping to help others, encourage sharing itself, and become a community atmosphere, making everyone more willing to share. "

Xiaohongshu understands the user’s behavioral logic. When individual experience is not enough to support an action, they often refer to the opinions of others, and such content can be found everywhere in Xiaohongshu, such as platform questioning posts and raiders posts; At the same time,The community culture of Xiaohongshu is divided into interest and hobby. When interest becomes an important link in the link relationship, socialization naturally comes into being.

In Xiaohongshu, dating, looking for a partner, cooking tea around the stove, feeding cats at home, and even looking for coser to play a boyfriend are all social behaviors that actually happen between users.

Of course, it’s not just the little red book that makes social efforts. In the era of striving for user stock, content platforms are trying their best to strengthen socialization and keep users on the platform with social closed loop. Among them, how to design user interaction has become a part that ambitious platforms must solve.

Creating a lifestyle may be one of the common directions of content platforms.For example, slogan in Aauto Quicker "embraces every life", Tik Tok "records a beautiful life", and slogan in Xiaohongshu has moved from "foreign good things" to "marking my life".

Tik Tok’s water testing socialization began in 2017. At the "Today’s Headline Creators’ Conference", Zhang Yiming announced that he would move from "smart recommendation" to "smart socialization". In the following years, Tik Tok made many moves to explore social interaction, such as "multi-flash" and "flying chat" on the off-site online APP, but all ended up off the shelf. In 2019, Tik Tok began to test the group chat section in the station, and then tested a number of functions around making friends, such as live voice dating, connection, video calling, watching videos together, friends in the same city, daily life and so on.

In comparison,Xiaohongshu has more potential and advantages in social interaction, but how to guide users’ spontaneous behavior into the correct position is a problem that Xiaohongshu needs to think about.

Last October, Xiaohongshu tested the new function "Voice Live", which focuses on voice socialization. Users can create open rooms and discuss many topics of interest with strangers. Functionally, it can be called Little Red Book Voice Chat Room, which aims to strengthen users’ social behavior.

In February of this year, after several rounds of internal testing, the platform launched the "group chat" function again, continuing to break the social model of acquaintances based on reality and linking strangers with hobbies. In the group chat square, users can choose the content they are interested in and click Apply to join. At present, the founders of group chat include brands and merchants, as well as experts and amateur bloggers. At the same time, for close friends to socialize, Xiaohongshu also launched a "howling" function to receive photos shared by friends.


Xiaohongshu qunliao plaza

However, in order to really enjoy the "social" bonus, Little Red Book still has many problems to explore.

When asked about the navigation of M5 car, it was exposed that the "go on road trip" car did not move the icon and ran on the map.

A few days ago, a blogger was exposed.Bound M5A magical "Car machinebug。

In the video, the navigation interface of the central control screen of the M5 represents the vehicle’siconWalking fast on the navigation software interface, but the vehicle is not running.

The blogger said, "The HarmonyOS car navigation of the M5 is extremely intelligent", and I have been everywhere in go on road trip all day, and I can’t stop it.

For this car bug, the exact reason is not known at present.

However, it is worth mentioning that at present, the M5 has been delivered, and many owners who have already picked up the car have given high praise to its fluency and practicality.

Even some bloggers have given the title of "current car ceiling".

In the previous real car experience, both the car machine and the second-opened map software, as well as the UI screen switching and task flow between applications, maintained a super high fluency and smoothness.

In addition, in the past August,The M5 has achieved a monthly delivery of over 10,000 yuan, which has created an explosion situation in the domestic new energy vehicle market.


Take a high-level intelligent driving without a map, and Baojun Yue is also listed on Plus.

[Know the way of car products] Recently, I learned that Baojunyue Plus and Baojunyue are also officially listed in 2024, and Baojunyue Plus,The price is 80,800-90,800 yuan., Bao Junyue Plus,The price is 93,800-103,800 yuan.Next, let’s take a look at the new car with everyone.

The Tianyu architecture officially released by Baojun brand is divided into three platforms: D, M and S, and covers full-size models from A00 to C, including pure electric and hybrid power combinations. Among them, the D platform is a large-size platform with a vehicle length of 4600 mm-5100 mm. As the most economical platform, the M platform covers the size range of 3500mm-4,600 mm medium-sized scooters, and the S platform is characterized by convenient personality, with the length ranging from 2500mm to 3,500 mm..

Model: Baojun Yueye Plus

Appearance, Yueye Plus positioning small SUV models, using a square box shape, the recognition is still very high. On the front face, the front grille uses a black closed grille, left and right four-point LED daytime running lights, and the front guard is decorated with a large number of black enamel materials. Baojun Yueye Plus offers five body colors: cloud gray, sea of clouds white, blue sky, aurora green and deep space black.

Coming to the side of the car body, the top is equipped with the popular chrome-plated luggage rack, and the window is decorated with black decorative strips. The door handle adopts the traditional door handle, and the new car is also practical. The new car is equipped with multi-frame sports wheels. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 3,996 * 1,760 * 1,726 mm, the wheelbase is 2560mm, the full-load ground clearance is 150mm, and the turning radius is only 5.35m, so the new car has good passability.

At the rear of the car body, the new car has a square shape, and the window is relatively narrow. The new car is not equipped with a small schoolbag. It adopts classic city zebra headlights and track rear taillights, and adopts a side door.

In terms of interior, the style is quite satisfactory, the three-position steering wheel is equipped with LCD instrument+suspended central control panel, the center console is layered, the air conditioning outlet is rectangular, and the instrument panel, four-door armrest, seat and other leather covers are all made of 3D Mesh advanced environmental protection materials with low emission and no odor.

In terms of power, Baojunyue Plus adopts a front-drive layout, equipped with a 75kW high-power motor, with a peak torque of 180N·m, a top speed of 150km/h, and a CLTC pure electric cruising range of 401km. It is equipped with the only unmanned high-order intelligent driving assistance within 200,000.

Model: 2024 Baojun Yueye

In appearance, the 2024 Baojunyue is a redesigned model, which provides the body colors of Sunrise Orange, Morning Green, Deep Space Black, Sea of Clouds White, Mountain Fog Grey and Xiaguang Blue for users to choose from. The new car is basically a continuation of the current model, the headlights are sharp and sharp, and the front enclosure is decorated with off-road style kits.

When you come to the side of the car body, it has a two-door layout. When you enter the second row, you need to move the first row of seats forward, using traditional door handles and equipped with side skirt pedals. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 3381/1685/1721mm and the wheelbase is 2110mm respectively.

In terms of interior, it has the largest soft covering area of 1.16m2, a 10.25-inch dual screen, a multi-function steering wheel, leather seats, 6-way electric adjustment of the main driver’s seat, automatic wiper, cruise control, keyless entry, and 4 speakers in the whole car.

In terms of power, it is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous drive motor with a maximum power of 50 kW and a peak torque of 140 Nm. In terms of battery, it is equipped with a 28.1 kWh lithium iron phosphate battery pack, which has a battery life of 303 kilometers.

Xiaobian has something to say:

Baojunyue Plus and 2024 Baojunyue have also been listed, and the sincerity of the new car can also be seen at this price. On this basis, the new car also provides rich technology configuration and sufficient battery life, and this assisted driving also has surprises. Looking forward to the dynamic experience in the later period. Want to know more about new car information and car purchase market, please leave a message for interaction. Everyone must consume rationally when buying a car. (Photo/Text/Photo: Chen Fengmei, who knows how to drive)

"Cloud Fitness" appears "from person to person". Did you dance "Compendium of Materia Medica" with Liu Genghong?

  Recently, "fitness live broadcast" has once again become popular on the internet, and the trend of "staying at home fitness" has revived. In the face of the epidemic, more and more people in Shanxi choose to strengthen their physique and adjust their mentality through physical exercise, and many people’s lives have also changed because of exercise. Xu Jun/Zuo (Xinhua News Agency)

  This year’s "May Day" holiday, the "scenery" in the circle of friends is very different from previous years: some people go outdoors and enjoy the comfort brought by camping; There are still a large number of people who continue to stay at home and follow Liu Genghong in the live broadcast room to dance the "Compendium of Materia Medica". Beginning in early April, live fitness and shuttlecock jumping seemed to be unavoidable topics, and many "Liu Genghong boys" and "Liu Genghong girls" punched in the clouds on time.

  In recent years, influenced by the repeated epidemic in COVID-19, fitness, as a part of the consumer market, has been constantly changing, and the home scene has been fully developed. From the launch of black technology products such as fitness rings and mirrors, online courses have been laid out on fitness platforms one after another, and a group of fitness IP figures such as Saturday Ye, Pamela and Liu Genghong quickly iterated, and the wave of "cloud fitness" for the whole people has been heated up.

  However, with the topic of "Liu Genghong boys and girls jumping into hospitals" rushing to the hot search, many people in the industry reminded that we must pay attention to the intensity of training, do what we can, and don’t blindly follow the practice.

  "Cloud Fitness" appears "from person to person", so it is most important to choose the right one.

  "You jump ‘ Compendium of materia medica ’ Is it? " Lin Lin, a post-90s Chengdu girl, found that the greetings of friends around her have changed recently. She told the reporter of Zhongqing Daily and, "It seems that overnight, Liu Genghong has become everyone’s fitness instructor, and sometimes she sees her friend ‘ Trembling ’ When I came, I knew that she skipped exercise yesterday. "

  In Lin Lin’s view, the "person-to-person" follow-up phenomenon, dubbed by netizens, has become a "new social way" for young people. As a fitness enthusiast, Lin Lin will follow the live broadcast of Liu Genghong to exercise whenever she has time.

  "Before the fire broke out in Liu Genghong, many online celebrity fitness bloggers had sprung up on various platforms with various courses. Choose courses that you can follow and like, and train regularly. You don’t have to be hard on yourself. After all, fitness is something that can release your stress. " Lin Lin said.

  In fact, long before Liu Genghong, Pamela, a foreign fitness blogger known as "Humanoid AI", set off a trend of heel-training in China. Sharing and practicing courses has also enabled many offline fitness coaches and fitness enthusiasts to switch to the network and become a fitness blogger with many fans. Interestingly, Olympic champions such as Wu Dajing, Ren Ziwei and Su Bingtian started to participate in the "National Fitness Program" launched by some platforms during the "May 1" holiday this year, taking everyone to exercise together.

  "Cloud Fitness" swept the social platform, which is obviously a red sea.

  More and more stars, athletes and fitness bloggers give free classes, which seems to give everyone a reason to "move". Skipping rope with the Keep course and practicing boxing in the offline fighting hall, Yang Xiaoyi, who works in Beijing, happily got a fitness report card: he lost 30 pounds in five months. She told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that after leaving the original company in early March, "Cloud Fitness" made her have a lot of happiness.

  Although she didn’t follow Liu Genghong’s "Shuttlecock Exercise", Yang Xiaoyi will also look for a fitness blogger who suits her on social platforms. When screening and practicing courses, she will pay special attention to the cases and comments posted by bloggers. "Generally, we will verify whether the courses are scientific or not, and we will also look at the interest chain behind bloggers. If bloggers just want to bring goods, sports are not suitable for themselves, and they will be ruled out."

  A fitness practitioner who didn’t want to be named reminded: "The chaos that can’t be ignored is that some bloggers exaggerate the effects of some actions in order to pursue traffic and cater to the market. Myth ’ . Returning to the initial heart, fitness bloggers should recommend sports areas that they are good at, and give professional guidance to people who love you, so that everyone can fall in love with sports, not get hurt, and enjoy the joy of sports. "

  "Liu Doby is not very funny", the owner of bilibili Sports and Fitness UP with millions of fans, suggested that you should know your physical condition before fitness and do what you can; During the fitness period, you should also learn some fitness science knowledge properly, so as to better distinguish and choose the fitness bloggers and exercise methods that suit you. "Exercise and fitness should be done slowly, and it is urgent."

  "Cloud Fitness" should also have "dry goods", and it can also train users for offline fitness.

  Exercise has become a daily habit of Liu Doby because of his contact with fitness during the post-operation rehabilitation period. She worked as a fitness instructor for 7 years before becoming a full-time fitness UP master. Liu Doby admits that she likes the feeling of face-to-face communication with students offline.

  "Until the beginning of 2021, because of vocal cord injury, I tried to share my own dancing and training videos on various platforms during my rest at home. I didn’t expect to gain a lot of attention." After more than two months, Liu Doby chose the "main attack" online.

  Without the face-to-face atmosphere of offline fitness, how to attract young people to like the content of online courses is particularly important. Liu Doby told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that she was very opposed to "crash" and body anxiety, and hoped to convey more emotional value in online courses.

  For example, let everyone feel that exercise and fitness can actually be very happy, exercise can also be integrated into the dance and music that everyone likes, and it can also make you more active and energetic in your work and life. What makes her happy is that "the fitness studio in Liu Genghong is actually providing emotional value for everyone, which deserves more people to see. Fitness is not only for beauty, but also for happiness and decompression, especially in the home mode, which may require the release of emotions. "

  "Early-made follow-up videos are more like ‘ Translator ’ , to help you do password guidance, safety tips and action explanations. But anyone can do the video of translating and practicing actions, and I still have to do my own original content. " Liu Doby admits that compared with other bloggers, her courses are "relatively small", and there will be no high-intensity movements. They are all fitness and fat-burning dances that she also likes very much. However, she will also arrange more interesting courses according to the suggestions of netizens.

  Yan Shuaiqi has been a fitness instructor for two years and a course designer on the Keep platform. Now he has become a sports UPP owner with nearly 2 million fans. He observed that since the outbreak of the epidemic, when gyms were closed, many fitness coaches turned online, and some coaches who had done well became full-time bloggers.

  In view of the fact that the course audience is mostly male users, he classifies his courses according to fat reduction, single part training, posture adjustment, home training and novice application. In his view, "doing sports courses is the same as being a brand. The content must be focused and it is impossible for all people. We should thoroughly understand the needs of the audience we are facing, launch the response content according to the needs, and also explain what everyone needs ‘ Dry goods ’ And tips for safety training. "

  At the beginning of this year, Liu Doby obviously felt that many fitness instructors around her were testing the water from the media, and some institutions invited her to share and train from the media operation. In her view, the popularity of "cloud fitness" not only makes online courses richer and more high-quality, but also promotes the development of the fitness industry.

  "Maybe some people will prefer online courses, but some people will develop fitness habits through online courses. After the epidemic, they will turn to offline fitness and bring drainage to offline fitness venues. More importantly, there are more and more online quality courses, which will also force offline fitness instructors to be more professional. " Yan Shuaiqi also believes that the increase of online quality courses will promote the better development of the fitness industry. "The more people stay at home to exercise, the more people will be willing to go offline to exercise after the epidemic."

  Running a gym in Beijing makes Wang Liping feel very interesting. "Although the epidemic is repeated, the students in the gym will follow the fitness bloggers for daily exercise, but they are also eager to train in offline venues. The feeling and atmosphere that everyone is sweating together, and you are fighting with me, can’t be achieved by online live broadcast. " However, she also saw the fierce competition in the fitness market from online to offline. "After surviving the epidemic, we will continue to improve our courses and services and develop rapidly with the fitness industry."

  Zhongqing Daily Zhongqing Net reporter Meng Peipei Source: China Youth Daily

Lowering the threshold, raising facilities, car consumption and welcoming favorable policies

  Optimize automobile purchase restriction, distribute consumption subsidies, facilitate second-hand car trading, and strengthen the construction of charging facilities … … Recently, the central and local governments have introduced a number of measures to promote automobile consumption, starting from various aspects, to promote the further development of the domestic automobile industry market. According to industry insiders, the central government has repeatedly emphasized the promotion of automobile consumption, and local governments have also taken diversified measures, reflecting that China’s automobile industry has great development potential at the current stage of transformation and upgrading, and a number of policies have further promoted the automobile consumption market, which will help to play its role in driving the macro economy.

  The reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that in order to thoroughly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and give full play to the basic role of consumption in economic development, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Measures on Restoring and Expanding Consumption, proposing measures such as optimizing the management of automobile purchase and use and expanding the consumption of new energy vehicles. In addition, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 13 departments jointly issued "Several Measures on Promoting Automobile Consumption" (hereinafter referred to as "Measures"), and also deployed to further stabilize and expand automobile consumption from various aspects such as optimizing automobile purchase restriction management policies and strengthening the construction of supporting facilities for new energy vehicles.

  Chang Tiewei, deputy director of the Employment Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that since the beginning of this year, the retail sales of automobile products in the first half of the year reached 2,240.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.8%, driven by various consumption promotion policies, automobile marketing activities and a large number of new models.

  "At present, China’s automobile consumption recovery trend is stable and positive, and the consumption and export scale of new energy vehicles are outstanding, but there is still room for further tapping potential and upgrading automobile consumption. In view of the outstanding problems found in a large number of investigations, we put forward more pragmatic and effective measures. Including the policy of optimizing the management of purchase restriction, and encouraging the increase of annual car purchase indicators according to local conditions; Promote the rational renewal of vehicles; Reduce the use cost of new energy vehicles and optimize the use environment. " Chang Tiewei said.

  Li Chunlin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, mentioned at the routine briefing of the State Council policy held recently that more popular and inclusive support policies will be studied and optimized for the automobile consumption market segment, so as to better meet the people’s multi-level and diversified consumption needs and promote the high-quality development of related industries. "Whether it is automobile consumption or other consumer goods consumption, we must first adapt to changes in demand and create new demand through supply-side structural reforms. At the same time, we will continue and optimize the policy of vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption for new energy vehicles, and propose that by the end of 2025, vehicle purchase tax will be exempted; It will be halved in 2026 and 2027. "

  The Ministry of Commerce has also promoted measures to improve the charging infrastructure and support new energy vehicles to go to the countryside, and organized activities such as the "100-city linkage" automobile festival and the "thousand counties and thousands of towns" new energy vehicle consumption season, and launched the national comprehensive information service platform for used cars. Xu Xingfeng, director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, pointed out that in the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will focus on optimizing the consumption environment and implementing the policy of downsizing.

  Various places have also come up with "real money and silver" to support automobile consumption.

  The relevant person in charge of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce said that in the second half of the year, we will focus on mass consumption, cultural tourism consumption, sales leaders and county consumption. At present, Guangdong is promoting the relaxation of "restricted cards" in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; Support Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other automobile major cities to implement car purchase subsidies, trade in old vehicles for new ones, and expand the sales of new energy vehicles.

  The Jiangxi Provincial Department of Commerce said that in the second half of the year, the province will focus on holding more than 50 car promotion activities such as the "100-city linkage" car festival. Carry out green smart home appliances to the countryside and trade-in promotions. Further implement the policy of canceling the restrictions on the relocation of used cars, promote the convenient measures of "inter-provincial handling" of used cars, build a platform for inquiring about used car trading information, and accelerate the activation of the used car market.

  With the support of relevant policies, car companies have also responded positively to jointly promote the growth of the industrial market.

  In an interview with reporters, GAC Ai ‘an said that the current policies have brought great opportunities to the automobile industry, especially new energy vehicle companies. In addition to the consumption of new energy vehicles mentioned in the policy, Ai ‘an also actively responded to the new energy going to the countryside and the construction of charging infrastructure mentioned in the measures, and is formulating relevant preferential policies for rural vehicles.

  "The favorable policies issued by the state this time will inevitably open the door of new energy vehicles in the county and township markets and sell new energy vehicles to a wider area. BYD launched a variety of models matching the county and township markets on the product side for new energy going to the countryside, and continuously expanded the county and township market layout to enhance the consumer experience. " The relevant person in charge of BYD said.

  "Automobile and gasoline consumption account for about 40% of the total retail sales of consumer goods above designated size, and are the pillars of consumption." Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, believes that cities with less than 4 million cars suggest to release the purchase restriction, which can effectively promote the consumption potential, especially in cities where some purchase restrictions lead to the serious backwardness of urban car ownership, and there is a large room for consumption growth.

  Ji Xuehong, a professor from north china university of technology, also said in an interview that the recent introduction of a number of automobile consumption promotion policies will help the automobile industry to play an economic role.

  "China’s automobile industry is in the stage of rapid transition from traditional fuel vehicles to intelligent electric vehicles. The multi-level consumption promotion policies introduced by the central and local governments will help further help the industrial transformation and upgrading and realize the self-reliance and autonomy of China’s automobile industry." Ji Xuehong said, "On the other hand, the automobile industry chain is long and large, and various stimulus policies can play a good role. At the same time, it can also strengthen the linkage between the upstream and downstream industry chains and promote the stable economic growth as a whole."

  At the same time, Ji Xuehong also pointed out that the promotion of policies needs to further implement the details. "In terms of finance, we can consider moderately relaxing interest rates and reducing the down payment ratio. In terms of products, the continuous development of new energy vehicle technology requires the government to provide more authoritative and reliable data and evaluation to help consumers establish objective and positive cognition and establish the excellent reputation of domestic brands. "

Counting the entertainment circle after 85, Tsing Yi, Jiang Shuying, Crystal and Lyric were on the list.

In the period when all kinds of small flowers are in power, the general trend of Tsing Yi people is still steadily and orderly tempering their works and acting skills. In today’s entertainment circle, the status of the older generation of Tsing Yi people has gained unanimous recognition after years of precipitation, while the new generation of Tsing Yi, such as Jiang Shuying, Lyric, Lv Jiarong and Crystal, is still on the journey.


She will be one in Tsing Yi, Jiang Shuying.

I still remember that she was as charming and generous as the name Ruan Wan, with long shawl hair and elegant makeup and clean clothes. Jiang Shuying explained the most specific definition of the word goddess with her own. With the popularity of "Cyclone Eleven" and "Good Sir", her perfect facial features and the aura of her royal sister in the play really made people love it, and the popularity of Jiang Shuying was also increasing. There must be one for her in Tsing Yi.


The status of Lyric Tsing Yi is unshakable.

Lyric and Zhang Ziyi once co-starred in the clip of Tsing Yi in the variety show The Birth of the Actor. In the picture, Lyric’s eyes are full of drama, and her tears and her every move are impressive. For Lyric’s performance attitude of striving for perfection, not only Zhang Ziyi has recognized it, but even Song Dandan has always praised it. In addition, Lyric has become popular all over the country with his two works empresses in the palace and Surgical Storm, and the status of Tsing Yi is unshakable.


Lv Jiarong has always been in Tsing Yi.

Lv Jiarong plays Min Hongyu, a famous actress of Jiang Zuo in the popular drama "Life is like the First Meet". With her excellent acting skills and stunning appearance, Lv Jiarong once again captured a large number of fans, and her popularity soared. Before that, she had already had many popular representative works, such as Yin Mingzhu, the legendary swordsman Lan Fenghuang, Beauty in the World, Ruyi, etc. She has been in Tsing Yi with her strength works.


The first film in Tsing Yi, Crystal.

Crystal became the first actress to make a big splash with the role of "Crown Princess" in go princess go overnight. Since then, Crystal has hitched a ride, starring in many large-scale films such as "Wu Dong Gan Kun" and so on, and is also the first popular actress in Tsing Yi who successfully entered the film from TV series.

Rank of World Football Players in 2023

1. Mbappé: 180 million euros.

2. Harland: 180 million euros.

3. Vinicius Junior: 150 million euros.

4. Bellingham: 120 million euros.

5. Saka: 120 million euros

6. Mucia: 110 million euros.

7. Forden: 110 million euros

8. Osmain: 100 million euros

9. Pedri: 100 million euros.

10. valverde: 100 million euros.

11. Chuameni: 90 million euros

12. Harry Kane: 90 million euros

13. Enzo Fernandez: 85 million euros

14. Hilia, Cavallace: 85 million euros.

15. Vilt: 85 million euros.

Nkunku: 80 million euros

17. kimmich: 80 million euros.

Rafael Leon: 80 million euros

19. Lautaro Martínez: 80 million euros.

Rodrigo: 80 million euros

Declan Rice: 80 million euros

22. Odegard: 80 million euros.

23. Rachford: 80 million euros.

Rodrigo Herná ndez Cascante: 80 million euros.

25. Luis Diaz: 75 million euros

Gvardiol: 75 million euros.

Vlahovic: 75 million euros.

28. Mataix Delicht: 75 million euros

29. bruno fernandez: 75 million euros.

30. Jesus: 75 million euros.

31. Reuben Diaz: 75 million euros.

32. Santos: 70 million euros

33. N ú? ez: 70 million euros

34. Neymar: 70 million euros.

35. Marchionos: 70 million euros

36. Sane: 70 million euros

37. Alfonso: 70 million euros

38. Nicolò Barella: 70 million euros

39. araujo: 70 million euros.

40. Militao: 70 million euros.

41. Gabriel: 70 million euros

42. Salah: 70 million euros

43. reece james: 70 million euros.

44. Mendes: 65 million euros.

45. Muani: 65 million euros

46. Koeman: 65 million euros

Goretzka: 65 million euros.

48. Fofana: 65 million euros.

49. Arnold: 65 million euros

50. Mount: 65 million euros

Chaos in the water purifier market: 2,800 yuan, and the low end of water purifier accessories is less than 100 yuan.

The chaos in the water purifier market needs to be strictly controlled

Photo courtesy of China News Service

  In recent two years, people have paid unprecedented attention to the health and safety of life and drinking water. With the popularization and improvement of health awareness, people’s drinking habits have gradually changed. From bottled water and bottled water to today’s water purifiers, we can see that the pursuit of healthy drinking water has become a fashionable trend, and it can also be said that the situation is gratifying.

  At present, the overall situation of China’s water purifier industry is good. The whole water purifier industry presents a rapid development momentum, and the market prospect is brighter with the promotion of manufacturers. According to industry experts, the market capacity of domestic water purifiers will exceed 100 billion in five years. However, there is a saying that "there are three holidays in ten days", and the market is hot, which also exposes some problems.

  The quality can’t pass repeatedly.

  In recent years, the annual growth rate of water purifier market capacity in China has reached 50%. It is estimated that the market penetration rate of domestic water purifiers will reach 20% ~ 30% by 2019. However, behind the rapid growth of the water purifier market, many problems such as uneven brands, complicated installation and difficult maintenance have been hanging over the whole industry.

  "The selling price of this one is only 100 yuan, but the other one sells nearly 5,000 yuan. The appearance looks similar, and it is really impossible to tell good from bad." Recently, after visiting the market, the reporter found that there are many brands of water purifiers and the prices are very different. Among them, the cheapest is only 196 yuan, which can be directly installed on the faucet. The most expensive one is the central intelligent water purifier, which costs nearly 10,000 yuan.

  In order to attract customers to buy, merchants also put forward health concepts such as activity and rich oxygen ions, and publicity such as "beauty", "freckle" and "anti-cancer" are common. In a water purifier store, the clerk introduced a RO water purifier with a price of 4,998 yuan to the reporter, saying that "the filtration technology is the most advanced, which can remove 99% impurities and the water coming out is the healthiest". Seeing that the reporter suspected that the price was a bit high, the clerk introduced an ultra-filtration water purifier with a price of 998 yuan, and said that the filtered water is rich in minerals, which is beneficial to the body.

  In addition to price confusion, the quality of water purifiers has been questioned. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine conducted spot checks on the water purifiers of 33 enterprises nationwide and found that 40% of them were unqualified. Lu Jianguo, director of the Health Appliance Analysis and Testing Center of China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, said that since 2014, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has organized three national supervision and spot checks. The results show that the pass rate of water purifiers is less than 70%, which is a low level in the household electrical appliance industry.

  An insider broke the news that a 2800-yuan RO water purifier was disassembled and found that the accessories were a meltblown filter from 1.8 yuan, a compressed activated carbon filter from 3 yuan, two granular activated carbon filters not exceeding 3.5 yuan, and a RO membrane from 60 yuan. "In addition to the low-end accessories, some businesses do not have ‘ Water batch ’ (Approval of Hygiene License for Drinking Water Hygiene and Safety Products) also dare to sell. "

  The industry lacks supervision.

  It is understood that there are more than 3,000 enterprises producing water purification equipment in China, and there are countless brands. However, the quality of water purifiers is uneven, and there are phenomena such as inflated prices and inaccurate reporting.

  First, there are standards that are difficult to implement. At present, there are GB/T30307 national standards and QB/T4143 and QB/T4144 industry standards. The standards are available, but they have not been widely adopted. Most enterprises always try their best to bypass the standard requirements, and some enterprises do not implement the standard on the grounds of not knowing.

  Second, there is supervision and it is difficult to cover. At present, the water purifier industry is in a state of many and scattered. Although there are more than 4,000 brands of water purifiers in China, only a handful of them can become national brands. Behind the prosperity of the industry, a large number of small enterprises driven by interests exist, which invisibly increases the difficulty of supervision and law enforcement.

  Third, there is technology, which is difficult to distinguish. The biggest problem with water purifiers is poor experience, and it is difficult for consumers to distinguish between good and bad by appearance and price. Although there are water purification testing institutions, but the number is small, the price is expensive, enterprises are unwilling to test, so that some products do not meet the standard requirements are also listed for sale.

  Fourth, consumers favor foreign brands, giving some unscrupulous businesses an opportunity to make huge profits under the banner of "foreign names". Lu Jianguo said that it is difficult to manage thousands of small workshop-style enterprises only by government-led supervision, and some enterprises have slipped through the net, resulting in exaggerated efficacy and false propaganda. He believes that consumer participation in market supervision is the best way to supervise.

  Pay attention to safety in use

  The main function of water purifier is to improve water quality and remove harmful substances such as residual chlorine, heavy metals and suspended solids, but using unqualified water purifier will pollute the water source. How to choose a qualified water purifier, Lu Jianguo gave several suggestions.

  The first is to check the documents. It depends on whether the dealer’s sales documents (business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate, etc.) are complete. In addition, whether there is a health permit issued by the national health department for the health and safety of drinking water.

  The second is to understand the water quality. In areas with good water quality, you can buy a filter water purifier; In heavily polluted areas with chlorine in water and heavy taste, or families with direct drinking needs, you can buy reverse osmosis water purifiers.

  The third is to look at the filter. The high-hardness water quality in the north of China and the limestone area in the south of China have high calcium and magnesium ions, so you should buy an advanced filtration water purifier with ion exchange resin filter core. In areas with heavy chlorine and different colors and odors in water, you can choose a household water purifier with a large amount of activated carbon.

  The fourth is to look at the wastewater rate. For similar water purifiers, try to choose the one with low wastewater rate. (Zhong Gong Net reporter Lu Xiang)

Wildlife parks frequently expose tourists’ illegal lessons. Why are they repeatedly banned?

  BEIJING, Beijing, July 26 (Shang Qi) Recently, the Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, where the "tiger bites" incident happened, exposed two incidents of tourists violating regulations. On the one hand, the park repeatedly emphasizes the requirements for tourists to visit, and on the other hand, the dangerous incidents of tourists are constantly exposed. Why are the illegal incidents of tourists in the wildlife park still repeatedly banned after experiencing the "blood lesson"?

  On the afternoon of July 22, 2017, in the Northeast Tiger Park of Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, children repeatedly leaned out of the roof window, almost revealing half of their bodies. Photo courtesy of the event exposer

  Badaling Zoo has repeatedly had tourists open windows and feed illegally?

  The garden confirmed!

  On July 23, 2016, a tiger wounding incident occurred in Badaling Wildlife World in Beijing, causing one death and one injury. After the investigation by the Yanqing District Government of Beijing, the result was clear. The victim Zhao did not abide by the "no getting off the bus" rule in the beast area and was injured by a tiger attack. Her mother was eager to save her daughter, did not comply with the regulations and got off the bus. She was attacked by a tiger and died. This incident is not a production safety responsibility accident.

  Just one year after this tragedy, on July 23 this year, many media reported that on the morning of July 22, in Malai Bear Park, Badaling Wildlife World, some netizens photographed tourists being caught by bears for feeding bears. Also on the 22nd, in the Northeast Tiger Park, two children repeatedly leaned out of the skylight of the car, and one of them almost showed half of his body.

  On July 25, the park confirmed to the reporter of Zhongxin. com that these two incidents did occur and were immediately discovered and stopped by patrol cars in the park. The two incidents lasted for a short time and did not cause personal injury or vehicle damage.

  At present, it is the peak season of summer tour. Liu Weishi, director of the Badaling Wildlife World Office in Beijing, told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the garden has sent more people, increased the inspection density, and added more security personnel. Specifically, each park has added a patrol car.

  In recent years, tourists’ violations in zoos have occurred frequently. According to media reports, in June this year, three tourists crossed the back mountain of Changsha Wildlife Park in order to avoid tickets, and as a result, they strayed into the tiger stocking area. Fortunately, no casualties were caused. At the beginning of this year, in Youngor Zoo in Ningbo, a man climbed over the fence and entered the activity area of Hushan. He was found by a tiger and killed.

  Some people think that although there are always "blood lessons", in reality, people who are lucky are still courageously rushing forward, bumping into the common sense and conscience of Chinese people again and again. This also shows that it is necessary for China society to further strengthen the awareness of rules and put an end to any form of "exception", "outside the law" and "outside the norm".

  Data Map: On the morning of March 19, 2017, in Badaling Wildlife Park, tourists got off at the Beast Area. Photo courtesy of the reporter

  Guarding tourists like minors?

  In view of the personal safety accidents in the zoo, laws and regulations have always been clearly defined. Article 81 of the Tort Liability Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that "if animals in the zoo cause damage to others, the zoo shall bear the tort liability, but those who can prove that they have fulfilled their management duties shall not bear the responsibility."

  Zhu Weiri, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, explained in an interview with that this means that if the zoo can prove that it is not at fault for the damage results, it will not be responsible, which is stipulated by law.

  In addition, the Tort Liability Law also requires that managers of hotels, shopping malls, banks, stations, entertainment places and other public places or organizers of mass activities should bear tort liability if they fail to fulfill their security obligations and cause damage to others. If the manager or organizer fails to fulfill the obligation of safety guarantee, he shall bear corresponding supplementary responsibilities.

  "What is the standard of security obligations? Is it like an adult’s guardianship over a minor? I’m afraid not. " An Xiang, director of Beijing Dexiang Law Firm, who participated in the compilation of the Collection of Current Animal Protection Laws in China, told the reporter of that in a judicial interpretation on personal injury compensation issued earlier years, "the obligation of safety protection within reasonable limits" was clarified.

  "Take the safari park as an example. First of all, we must set the tourists as people with full capacity, and not in a state of mental abnormality, lack of judgment and discrimination." An Xiang explained that if he is a person with full capacity, he should have a kind of self-knowledge about the danger of wild animals by default. On the basis of this self-knowledge, as a zoo, visitors should be made clear by signs, tips and other measures. In which area of the zoo, if you open the window and get off, your life will be in danger.

  An Xiang said that if tourists don’t carry out sightseeing activities according to the common sense of people with full capacity, it is similar to suicide and self-mutilation. This kind of behavior is not unilaterally asking the garden to stop it.

  "Is it necessary to monitor all tourists in the way of monitoring minors?" An Xiang asked, he said, if this is the case, for the vast majority of normal tourists, will the tour experience drop to a very low level, and will the operation of the whole society be lowered by IQ and efficiency?

  The zoo has a power grid. Who lives in it?

  Although the awareness of self-safety should be the common sense of tourists in the face of wild animals, and obeying the rules should also reflect the quality of human civilization, it is also indispensable to improve industry norms and better protect the safety of tourists.

  According to media reports, china wildlife conservation association presided over the drafting of the "Wildlife Park Safety Code" in 2005, which stipulated that special personnel should be set up in the animal stocking area to maintain the order of sightseeing; To avoid direct contact between tourists and potentially dangerous animals, we should set up power grid devices to prevent animals from escaping in fierce animal stocking areas, and comprehensively check the cages, fences, protective nets, trenches, door locks and power grids of fierce animals every day.

  Just after the tiger wounding incident in Badaling Wildlife World last year, the Northeast Tiger Park of the zoo added a power grid and a warning sign "No getting off the bus" at the exit gate, but it still failed to completely prevent the above-mentioned incidents of illegal window opening by tourists.

  Zhu Wei, who has visited the zoo many times, told the reporter of Zhongxin. com that the power grid installed in Badaling Wildlife World is particularly thin. With the power grid, the effect of safety warning is even worse. "Some people are not afraid after knowing that there is a power grid. Some people even get off the bus and open the window because they think that the power grid can block the tiger."

  An Xiang believes that the current laws and regulations are sufficient to deal with the safety accidents in zoos. If similar incidents become more and more common, the quality of tourists is getting worse and worse, and people should be more restricted than animals when they have to take certain measures.

  Regarding the restrictions on people, An Xiang told the reporter of that it is a way to establish a "blacklist" of zoo visits similar to the social credit system.

  "The zoo can operate on its own. Whether it is signing a notice or an agreement, it has certain legal effect in essence. A statement can be added to the notice, stating that if a tourist violates relevant regulations, the garden has the right to refuse his car, including visitors, to enter the zoo for sightseeing. Such a blacklist can be made by the garden. "

  However, Liu Weishi told reporters frankly that he would not consider setting up a "blacklist" for the time being. "If you blacklist tourists, they may not cooperate with you. Although some tourists violate the rules, they are still consumers. We have no right to ask them not to come in the future. This will be complained."

  An Xiang said that another way is that the zoo can make a "blacklist" from the perspective of protecting animals and maintaining normal visiting order, realize information exchange through animal protection related associations, and include unruly tourists into the "blacklist" of the entire zoo management system.

  Extension — —

  Should the safari park go on road trip be cancelled?

  Whether you open the window or get off the bus while driving, or you are bitten by a tiger for ticket evasion, the last victims are not only people themselves, but also animals that conflict with them. The phenomenon that the tiger is "innocent" and the peacock is plucked from its feathers can’t help but make some netizens wonder whether the form of self-driving tour should be cancelled for the protection of wild animals.

  Xie Yan, an associate researcher at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with that wild zoos in foreign countries, especially in Africa, belong to in-situ protection, which is equivalent to a wildlife refuge in protected areas. It is the natural survival of local species in the local natural environment, which not only attracts a large number of tourists, but also really plays the role of protecting wild animals.

  "But some safari parks in China raise all kinds of wild animals and put them in a closed environment for people to watch. Instead of protecting wild animals, they consume wild animals." Xie Yan said.

  Nevertheless, An Xiang, who has been engaged in legal consultation in the field of animal protection for many years, believes that one of the social functions of the zoo is to give the public an opportunity to get in touch with wild animals, and the irrational behavior of a few people should not stifle the value of the existence of the wild zoo go on road trip. (End)