What is the acceleration time of Mercedes-Benz e300 in 100 kilometers?


The acceleration time of Mercedes-Benz E300 is 6.6 seconds per 100 kilometers, which can directly reflect the dynamic performance of the car.

Among the vehicles with the same displacement, the vehicles equipped with turbocharged engines usually perform better in the acceleration of 100 kilometers, because they have stronger power output and a wide maximum torque output range, so that vehicles can exert their best acceleration ability at low speeds.

As a mid-range model of Mercedes-Benz, E300 has been completely redesigned in appearance and interior.

It is equipped with the interior ambience lights of Mercedes-Benz S-Class models, which makes the lighting combination in the car more luxurious when the lighting system is turned on at night.

In addition, the headlights can automatically adjust the brightness according to the external environment, providing a smarter lighting experience.

Pre-sale price of 300,000/600,000 BYD Tang announced.

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Still very fierce to test the new BYD Tang DM 80 first. Evaluation Editor-Liang Haiwen:

For its acceleration and braking performance, in fact, this level can already be predicted before the test, and the new Tang DM 80 impressed me deeply mainly because it should be said that it has done a good job in driving quality. The quiet and comfortable feeling when driving with pure electricity will make passengers have a good riding experience, and the excellent performance of kinetic energy recovery system is also an important assistant to reduce energy consumption/fuel consumption. On the whole, if you are interested in buying a hybrid model, Tang DM is a model worthy of special consideration.

Evaluation editor-Chen Hai maid:

The hybrid system of Tang DM can be said to be relatively mature, although it has a lot of bright data, such as speeding up the results in less than five seconds. But it is a family car after all, so I am actually more concerned about its pure battery life and daily driving experience. Fortunately, I am not disappointed. More importantly, the new Tang price is quite kind. Even if you don’t want a hybrid model, then the fuel version of less than 130,000 is believed to impress many friends.

Evaluation Editor-Huang Rongjia:

It is not news that Tang DM accelerates quickly. The old model itself is very fast, and the new generation has inherited the aura. What really surprises me is that the new generation of Tang DM is equipped with 22-inch rims and brembo six-piston brake calipers, and the vibration reduction effect is very good. If you consider that this is a medium-sized 7-seat SUV with less than 300,000, it is really exciting. For BYD, for China brand, it’s really disappointing this time, which makes people sit up and take notice.

Volvo dumped 28 billion luxury electric "baggage" to Geely.

Volvo pulled out of the pole star and its share price soared by 30%.

Volvo Car announced that it will no longer provide funds for Polar Star and plans to reduce its holdings. The reduced shares will be mainly taken over by Geely.

In the past, some analysts believed that Volvo held a large number of polar stars, which dragged down Volvo.

The market reaction confirmed this view, and Volvo’s share price soared just after the announcement.

Volvo pulled out and its share price soared.

Volvo Car (hereinafter referred to as Volvo) announced that it would stop blood transfusion to Polar Star and adjust its shares.

At present, Volvo is evaluating the distribution of shares in Polar Star to its shareholders, and Geely Sweden is the potential main recipient.

Some analysts believe that Geely will replace Volvo’s position as an important shareholder of Polar Star.

For Volvo’s reduction, Geely responded that it supports Volvo to concentrate resources on developing itself.

Geely also stated that it will continue to provide comprehensive business and financial support for Polar Star.

Geely also added that supporting Polar Star will not make Geely reduce its holdings of Volvo. This will be added, because only last month, Geely reduced its holdings of Volvo.

Volvo currently holds 48% of the shares of Polar Star. Some analysts once thought that holding such a high share was a burden for Volvo.

The market proved that this was the case. After Volvo announced its withdrawal from Polar Star, its share price once rose by 30%.

The share price of Polar Star once fell more than 15%, and its market value shrank by nearly 86% compared with the highest value.

The polar star, which just announced layoffs not long ago, is now worse, and the recent situation is in sharp contrast with Volvo.

Volvo is in a good situation, but Polar Star is in a bad situation.

On February 1st, Volvo released its performance report, which showed that its global sales in 2023 was 708,000 vehicles, driving the company’s revenue to increase by 21% year-on-year to 399.3 billion Swedish kronor (equivalent to about RMB 275.9 billion).

Excluding joint ventures and associated companies, the company’s basic operating profit is about 17.694 billion yuan, up 43% year-on-year.

What is even more rare is that the transformation results are also good:

Volvo sold 113,000 pure trams last year, up over 70% year-on-year, and the sales volume of plug-in hybrid vehicles was 152,000, up 10% year-on-year.

Simply calculate, the sales volume of Volvo’s new energy vehicles accounts for over 37.4% of the total sales volume.

Jim Ron, CEO of Volvo Cars, summed it up:

In 2023, Volvo’s revenue and profit reached new highs, which was an important milestone on the company’s transformation road.

In 2017, Polar Star, a joint venture between Volvo and Geely, did not perform well last year.

The annual sales volume was only 54,600 vehicles, and the total loss in the first three quarters was equivalent to RMB 5.27 billion.

Just announced 15% layoffs last week, saying that "the market is full of challenges", and it is necessary to adjust the business scale to cut costs and reduce blood transfusion of Geely and Volvo.

The poor performance of Polar Star is partly due to insufficient attention to the domestic market. The financial report in the first quarter of last year showed that its revenue share in China was only 1.4%.

Polar Star realized the problem, and in order to cater to the preferences of consumers in China, the new polar star 4 was designated as an SUV model.

In view of the local development in China, it was built on the vast platform of the same model SEA, the chassis was tuned by Volvo, and considering the intelligent competitiveness, Meizu’s Flyme Auto was installed on the car core.

It can be seen that Geely assembled the main battle for the battle of Polar Star 4.

In June 2022, the market value of IPO rushed to the pole star of nearly 197.3 billion yuan, which ushered in a dream start, but it was abandoned by "Swedish fellow villagers" less than two years later.

With the withdrawal of Volvo, the problem of polar star is more directly placed in front of Geely case. Geely has gained more direct equity, so it is necessary to try to make Polar Star shine again.

Editor in charge: Ruofeng

The cake in the industry is not enough, and the marketing depends on the head anchor … What is the reason why it is "difficult" to make up domestic products?

Every reporter Shu Dongni, every intern reporter Huang Hai, every editor Liang Xiao    

The public opinion storm caused by 79 yuan Huaxizi’s eyebrow pencil has not stopped.

On September 14th, some event-related entries, such as "Netizen explodes Hua Xizi’s five makeup brushes for 919 yuan", "What eyebrow pencils are more expensive than Hua Xizi’s" and "Yu Meijing’s powder rose by 320,000 a day", were posted on the hot search, which triggered a total reading volume of over 200 million times.

Consumers who questioned the price of Huaxizi poured into traditional Chinese beauty brands with more cost-effective performance. Since September 12, brands such as Bee Flower and Yumeijing have been on the hot search in turn, becoming the "new favorites" chosen by consumers.

In the transformation from "online celebrity" to parity, there may be a consumption trend that cannot be ignored — — It seems that the first generation of online celebrity beauty brands represented by Hua Xizi and Perfect Diary can’t be sold in Amoy’s base camp. According to the data of the third-party research report, the reporter of national business daily found that the total GMV of Huaxizi had a high year-on-year decline for several months since December last year on the Alibaba platform, the base camp where Huaxizi started.

"It has never been used, and the price/performance ratio is average." Yemeng, who lives in Foshan, Guangdong Province, bought Hua Xizi’s makeup remover, cosmetic eggs and eyeliner two or three years ago.

For yemeng, who didn’t have a job at that time, the singer Charlie was the only reason for her to buy Hua Xizi. She was a hardcore fan of Charlie. "In fact, even if I knew that Charlie had become a brand friend, I hesitated for a long time before buying it, because I knew that it was low in cost performance, mainly in marketing. So I didn’t buy its ace product, but bought something I thought I would use. "

When it comes to lipstick and honey powder with a "good" reputation, yemeng, who has always been careful in skin care, bluntly said: "Honey powder lipstick is a bit ‘ Wrong species ’ … …” Yemeng’s experience is not unique. On social media such as Weibo and Xiaohongshu, there are many discussions about the quality and price of Huaxizi.

On September 13, the related terms of Hua Xizi’s eyebrow pencil were more expensive than gold on the hot search.

Taobao platform shows that the price of Huaxizi Shouwumei chalk in Huaxizi’s official flagship store is one replacement in 89 yuan, with a net content of 0.08g. After conversion, the average price per gram is 556.25 yuan, which is nearly 20% higher than the latest published unit price of gold in China and Shanghai Gold Exchange.

Image source: Weibo @ Hua Xizi Florasis

Is Huaxizi expensive?

"The price of Huaxizi is in the upper-middle price range among domestic products (beauty products)." On the afternoon of September 14, a person who was responsible for the live broadcast of a domestic brand e-commerce told reporters. However, the person also said that when calculating the price of eyebrow pencil, consumers should also take the replacement into account. Take the price of Hua Xizi’s live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi as an example. 79 yuan buys one and gets two replacement clothes, with an average price of 329.17 yuan per gram.

Compared with mainstream makeup brands on the market, the unit price of this eyebrow pencil of Hua Xizi is in the upper-middle level of the industry. In fact, entering the mid-to high-end market has always been the business goal that Hua Xizi is laying out.

According to several authoritative sources, Hua Mantian, the founder of Hua Xizi, once bluntly said: "For a long time, the high-end market of China cosmetics has been monopolized by international brands. But today, many products of Huaxizi have cut into the middle and high-end price belt and achieved certain success. "

However, for price-sensitive consumers, domestic beauty products with rising prices seem less attractive.

According to the latest research report of China Merchants Securities, in the nine months from December 2022 to August this year, the monthly GMV (total turnover) of Huaxizi products on Ali platform only increased in three months. In December 2022 and January 2023, the overall GMV of Huaxizi on the Ali platform dropped by as much as 45% and 56%.

Not only Hua Xizi, but also the perfect diary that ran out almost at the same time as Hua Xizi has a similar situation — — In the past nine months, the GMV of Perfect Diary on Ali platform has declined year-on-year almost every month.

The trend of pressure may have appeared in 618 last year. According to the research report of Guoyuan Securities, during the period of June 18, 2022, the brand growth rate of Huaxi Zi failed, with a drop of 41%.

On the afternoon of September 14th, the reporter sent an interview request to Hua Xizi on the issue of sales volume. As of press time, the other party has not responded.

"The research data is also biased. As far as I know, there is more than one channel for brands now. Taobao, Shake (sound), Fast (hand) and Little Red Book all need marketing costs. Brands may focus on Taobao at this stage. If other sales channels perform well, they may focus on other channels (such as marketing costs). Brands don’t want to be monopolized by the platform, making themselves very passive. "

On the evening of September 14, an e-commerce industry practitioner bluntly told reporters: "To be honest, we don’t know whether the sales volume of the brand is rising or falling, because the industry of live e-commerce may find many anchors to bring the goods, and all the sales data are in the hands of the boss or the corresponding merchants’ meeting knows that the company’s data has a wall."

However, in Wang Kai’s perception, the overall beauty is indeed on the decline in the past two years.

Wang Kai had previously worked as a "friend" in the head live broadcast room. He analyzed to reporters: "One is because there will be more new products of beauty, and now both domestic products and big brands are actually rolling … … For domestic products, it is more powerful in cost performance, but many of them have no brand power to support, so if it is not a very classic product, its product life cycle will be shorter. "

"Now it doesn’t cost too much to build a brand and make a product, so it won’t have long-term vitality."

It is not difficult to make products, and marketing has become the "number one project" of the brand. In the process of industry involution, the live broadcast room of the head anchor still has great appeal to domestic beauty brands.

Everyone is criticizing Hua Xizi, but almost all brands want to be Hua Xizi. Since I started to contact Li Jiaqi Live Studio in 2018, in just five years, Huaxi’s revenue has achieved a leap from tens of millions to billions.

"Lick" — — Wan Qing, who was in charge of the live broadcast of a domestic beauty brand, used this word to describe the company’s dependence on the head anchor. Wan Qing’s brand has appeared in many popular variety shows, but its dependence on the head anchor is not much different from that of small brands. "Sometimes it is a loss, because self-broadcasting is not necessarily so good."

Wan Qing told reporters that the cooperation between his brand and the head anchor often adopts the model of pit fee plus commission. Wan Qing recalled that the price of cooperation with a head anchor at that time was about 300,000 to 400,000 pit fees, plus a certain percentage of commission. "There is also a molecular parent link. If it is a parent link, it is more links, and it will be more expensive."

Wang Kai provided a set of data to the reporter. In the beauty industry, there are two main ways to cooperate with the live broadcast room. One is a pure maid, which is about 30% ~ 50%; The second is the pit fee plus commission, but the commission is probably between 30% and 50%, depending on the cooperation rules between the product and the anchor. "If you are like the previous top anchor, his commission will not be lower than 40% or 50%."

Image source: Weibo @ Li Jiaqi Austin

In the face of such a high proportion of commission, why are brands looking for goods in the live broadcast room still "endless"?

"Live broadcast is a must for domestic beauty."

Wang Kai gave a view similar to Wan Qing’s. He thought there were two main problems: exposure and transformation.

"If you have a deep cooperation with the head anchor, the head anchor will give you a video, and its broadcast volume may reach several million, which is equivalent to your exposure of several million in the whole network; If there is a super head anchor, there may be tens of millions in one game, which means that your product has tens of millions of exposures. " In terms of transformation, "a small-headed anchor, if it sells well, will bring you an output of about one million. Although you said that you paid a commission of 30% to 40% to this anchor, you still earned it."

In Wang Kai’s view, the brand’s choice of head anchor has hidden benefits. "First of all, this is an increase in exposure. There is no way to calculate the income, but it is indeed a relatively large hidden income. If Tik Tok has these exposures on Taobao, it will correspondingly increase the search volume of keywords on Taobao … … After the product goes on the market, there will be more things to consider, which will definitely be much better than yourself.

Cover image source: vision china -VCG41N171299989

Want to know Xiaomi SU7? Just read this one!

● Xiaomi 澎湃 OS intelligent cabin system can realize cross-end interaction.

In terms of intelligent cabin hardware, the SU7 center console includes three pieces of screen hardware:

1. 56-inch HUD head-up display (10°x3.6° wide viewing angle, 1500: 1 contrast, 13000 nits brightness)

2. Display system of overturning instrument with 7.1-inch screen.

3. 16.1-inch 3K large screen (aspect ratio 16 to 10, 91.7% screen ratio, 1024-level dynamic dimming)

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  The intelligent cabin system is built with the latest and strongest car gauge chip in the current production car.Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295, the computing power is up to 30TOPS of ops. System software is Xiaomi’s strong point, equipped with Xiaomi’s own research.澉湃 OS(Xiaomi HyperOS) system, has the characteristics of fast start-up, fast upgrade and convenient operation. Based on Xiaomi’s strong consumer electronics product ecology, SU7 also has a strong interconnected ecology, spanning many aspects of people, cars and homes. The system also specially considers the security of accounts. When logging in different user accounts, the self-defined layouts (desktop layout, sitting posture, driving habits, etc.) of each account are independent and invisible to each other, and the private data will be automatically isolated when the vehicle is sent for repair, so that the staff cannot view or call the information. The system logically supports the flexible framework and the adjustment of window size and position. In addition, the co-pilot can also slide down the control center from the right side to directly adjust the co-pilot seat and air conditioner. Rapid response is also a major feature of the intelligent cabin system. 澎湃 OS supports a 1.49-second cold start, and it takes about 3 minutes and 30 minutes to upgrade the OTA package and the whole car package respectively.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In terms of the interconnection between people and vehicles, 澎湃 OS system supports mobile phone cross-terminal screen projection, and mobile phone applications can be directly projected on the central control screen to realize functions such as short video brushing, web browsing and online conference. A standardized interface is preset behind the driver and passenger, which can be externally connected with devices such as Xiaomi tablet or Apple iPad. After the Xiaomi tablet and Apple iPad are connected, they can continuously supply power through the 22.5W magnetic interface. At the same time, the tablet can also be connected to the car machine to directly control some hardware on the car, including more than 30 car control functions such as navigation, seat and air conditioning. The standardized interface is not limited to flat plates, but also can be externally connected with equipment such as car hangers with a maximum load of 20 kg. In order to take care of Apple users, 澎湃 OS fully supports wireless CarPlay handcart interconnection, and can realize audio and video circulation based on AirPlay.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In terms of car-home interconnection, SU7 can realize remote control of 1,000+meters of home equipment by means of secret-free connection with the same account, and even support the setting of automatic scene linkage, so as to quickly adjust the air conditioning temperature at home and turn on the lights when driving home from work. Using the magnetic interface around the central control panel, SU7 also prepared a special physical keyboard for the control panel and an aromatherapy system. At the same time, Xiaomi Ecology will be opened to a third party to realize the status reminder of child safety seats (whether to fasten seat belts) and call Xiaomi flat-panel camera (check the status of children in the back row).

● Motor: 21,000 rpm super motor has been put into mass production, and the speed exceeds Model Slaid.

  (|) There are two power versions, the 668km single-motor rear-drive version and the 800km dual-motor four-wheel drive Max version. The two cars are slightly different in hardware configuration and power parameters. In terms of motors, the rear-drive is equipped with Xiaomi Super Motor V6 (United Automotive Electronics), and the Max (four-wheel drive) is the Xiaomi Super Motor V6s of UMC. Both motors have the highest speed of 21000rpm. However, in terms of motor speed, the "20000+ Club" has many rivals, including Model Slaid (20000 rpm), Zhijie S7 (22000rpm released from Huawei DriveONE production car) and Krypton 001 FR(21000rpm). The speed of Xiaomi super motors V6 and V6s has reached the leading level in the industry.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In terms of power parameters, the V6 motor with single motor version has a maximum power of 299Ps(220kW), a peak torque of 400N·m, an acceleration time of 5.28s from 0 to 100 km/h and a maximum speed of 210 km/h.. The dual-motor four-wheel drive version uses the V6s super motor. The maximum power of a single motor is 374Ps(275kW), the peak torque is 500N·m, and the power density is 6.78kW/kg. After the combination of two motors, the total power of Xiaomi SU7 Max system is 673Ps(495kW), the total peak torque of the system is 838N·m, the time of 0-100km/h is 2.78s, and the maximum speed is 265 km/h. The parameter performance is better than that of Model S dual-motor all-wheel drive version (corresponding parameters 3.2s and 250km/h), but lower than that of Plaid version (corresponding parameters 2.1s and 350km/h).

  Considering that the Max version deliberately sets the Boost mode button on the steering wheel (the maximum torque output lasts for 20 seconds) and sets the ejection start mode in the driving mode, I guess the strongest state can only be turned on in a specific mode. After all, it is very likely to cause danger if people who are unprepared are driven by such rapid acceleration. In addition, SU7 also provides users with an infinitely adjustable driving mode, including 10 adjustable items, and personalized settings can be uploaded to Xiaomi community to share with other riders.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  At the press conference, Mr. Lei also announced the next-generation super motor developed by Xiaomi: V8s. At the press conference, it was revealed that the motor has been mass-produced and it is planned to be put on the train in 2025. Compared with V6 and V6s, V8s uses silicon carbide electronic control module, with the highest speed of 27000rpm, the maximum motor power further increased to 578Ps(425kW), the peak torque of 635N·m, and the highest efficiency of 98.11%. The power density is 10.14kW/kg.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In order to withstand ultra-high speed, the rotor is made of a new generation of 960MPa silicon steel material, and the idea of "stepped" design of rotor silicon steel sheet is adopted. At the same time, in order to improve the temperature control ability and prevent overheating at high speed, the V8s super motor also adopts two-way all-oil cooling technology, including the design of stator double-cycle three-dimensional oil circuit and rotor S-type oil circuit. At the meeting, it was even revealed that a super motor is still in the pre-research stage of technology, which uses laser winding rotor technology and has a maximum rotation speed of 35000rpm in the laboratory environment.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In the research and development of high-speed motors, the technical routes adopted by different brands are slightly different. For example, Model Slaid motor uses carbon-coated motor rotor technology, and Huawei DriveONE uses silicon steel sheets as the rotor of Xiaomi Super Motor.

What is the difference between Yunqi system and standard luxury suspension system?

When I looked up at U9 and walked out of the stage in a dancing posture, I knew it was unusual. On April 10th, BYD released the cloud chariot system for new energy vehicles, which was specially created for new energy vehicles to improve driving quality. Among them, there are four sets of body control systems with different characteristics, including Yunqi -C, Yunqi -A, Yunqi -P and Yunqi -X, and different systems will be set for different models.

In terms of interpretation, the term "chariot" means a multi-person assisted push cart, which describes the state of the emperor’s trip in that year. However, in BYD’s technical system, Yunchariot represents different functional contents under the same platform structure, so it has different classifications. This setting is similar to luxury brands that pay attention to driving, such as Mercedes-Benz magic carpet, Audi’s intelligent attitude stabilization system, Land Rover all-terrain feedback system and Porsche PDCC system. Today, I will share their differences with you.

In the new energy era, vehicles will pay more attention to the functional applications such as three-electric technology and assisted driving, and the demand point for driving itself will become weaker. Therefore, for vehicles with higher overall load than traditional fuel, efforts in body control system are the place to open the gap between brands.

Pure electric vehicles can better achieve the 50:50 gold counterweight because the batteries are evenly distributed at the bottom of the vehicle. However, due to the high quality of the overall equipment, the inertia generated during driving will be greater, and the requirements for suspension damping will be higher. At the same time, according to the characteristics of different vehicles, the differences in control systems also make the vehicles have different performances.

The four systems have special targeted uses.

First of all, Yunxiao -C, which can be simply considered as a suspension system with variable damping adjustment, can adjust the hardness and damping effect of the suspension according to the feedback of road conditions by means of electronic dampers. This system is relatively rudimentary, and many models with torsion beam dependent suspensions will have similar systems to adjust the comfort of the suspension. At present, BYD Han is equipped with it, which can provide better damping effect.

Yunqi -A adds an air suspension, which can realize the soft and hard adjustment of the suspension and adjust it according to the actual demand, which is also the common point of air suspension. However, one thing is special. In the process of high-speed steering, an airbag is added to the flank positions on both sides of the bucket seat, which can be inflated according to the change of speed and steering angle, so that passengers can effectively offset the lateral thrust during the shift of center of gravity, and the direct effect is to make passengers sit on the seat more stably.

The cloud chariot -P is set for looking up to the U8 hard-core SUV. It is mainly divided into three contents, the first is the adjustment range of up and down height of 200mm, which makes the vehicle have stronger passability. Secondly, it is able to have stronger compression resistance and cushion the specific impact caused by the height difference. Finally, the most important thing is to have a longer suspension stroke, which can make it closer to the road surface when passing through the undulating road surface to avoid suspension. At the same time, it can realize the dynamic balance of the vehicle by four-wheel linkage and achieve the same height of the four wheels.

Finally, it is the strongest cloud -X, just like looking up at U9 at the beginning. As a super-running model, more attention is paid to handling, especially in high-speed dynamic driving texture. The active anti-roll bar can be adjusted moderately by combining with the road surface perception software, so that the included angle between the vehicle and the ground can be tracked more perfectly and the vehicle can be driven closer to the ground.

As mentioned above, Yunqi system can adjust different driving dynamics around cars, SUVs and even sports cars. It is targeted and differentiated, and it can be adjusted and adapted according to the driving conditions of different models. What are the differences from the familiar Mercedes-Benz magic carpet, Audi intelligent attitude stabilization system, Land Rover all-terrain feedback system and Porsche PDCC system? What I have concluded is that, on the one hand, the hardware is diversified and has different configurations according to different models, and it will not go all over the world like other systems. On the other hand, according to the computing power of the cloud, we can combine the road conditions and the data collected by the algorithm to simulate the suspension damping effect that changes according to driving habits. This is a process of continuous learning and optimization.

Say, where are the system characteristics of other brands?

First of all, the magic carpet of Mercedes-Benz is called the magic body control system. Through the "road scanning camera" located at the windshield, the road conditions within 15 meters in front of the vehicle and above 3 mm in ground height can be pre-scanned. When the road surface in front is monitored to be undulating, the magic body control system will automatically change the hydraulic oil quantity of the hydraulic tappet in suspension, and at the same time, it will be integrated with many sensors, calculation actuators and air suspension.

The core of this is predictability, which can perceive the road condition in advance and adjust it, instead of passively reacting when the vehicle drives to the corresponding road section. This configuration is unique to luxury models on Mercedes-Benz S-Class models.

Audi’s intelligent attitude stabilization system, as its name implies, can provide a more stable body driving posture. This system can increase or decrease the load of each wheel through the motor according to the road condition, so it can actively adjust the chassis position no matter what driving situation. In comfort+mode, the intelligent attitude stabilization system can use the tilting function when driving in corners, and can adjust the body posture to reduce the lateral acceleration of passengers.

When entering the curve, the intelligent attitude stabilization system will raise the car body on the outside of the curve and lower the car body on the other side, so that the deviation between the vehicle and the curve is controlled within 3. When driving in a straight line, the intelligent attitude stabilization system can provide buffer compensation for the pitching motion of the chassis, which makes the car body more trackable during driving.

In the field of cars, what Yunqi -C and Yunqi -A have in common with Mercedes-Benz magic carpet and Audi intelligent posture stabilization is that they can adjust the damping adaptively to improve the comfort, but Mercedes-Benz has better foresight and can simulate the road conditions in advance, which Yunqi can’t compare with.

Compared with Audi’s intelligent posture stabilization, Yunqi did not adjust the posture of the whole vehicle, but only simulated the corresponding feelings on the seat, which is a fundamental difference. After all, it has nothing to do with the dynamics of the whole vehicle.

In addition, for luxury models, Land Rover ATF system needs to manually select the corresponding mode system for proper allocation. The changes are the response speed of the engine, the acceleration slip regulation and the difference of the dynamic stability system of the car body, which can have more obvious effects on fuel vehicles.

However, compared with BYD’s Yunqi -P, it is developed around new energy vehicles, which can achieve a more accurate ratio of power output and four-wheel independent operation, which perfectly solves the problem that pure electric vehicles have no mechanical differential, can achieve four-wheel different speed differences, and has better effects on the ability to get rid of difficulties and the adjustment of suspension stroke.

Finally, Porsche’s PDCC, whose core is the active anti-roll bar, can actively adjust the speed between different wheels when cornering, improve the grip of the inner wheel, and compensate for the difference, so that the vehicle has better tracking performance during cornering, and will not be out of control because of the influence of speed and corner angle, thus restraining the roll and improving the cornering speed.

From this technical point of view, BYD’s Yunqi -X system imitates such functionality, which can monitor the dynamics of wheels from time to time. At the same time, it is more evolved than Porsche PDCC in that it is equipped with a laser radar and can realize four-wheel independent operation at the same time. This is the reason for the frog jump.


The different module functions of the cloud-chariot system can be used for different vehicles and different scenes, which can be said to be very targeted. Compared with the system provided by luxury brands to improve driving quality, it is very similar in functional attributes and effects, and the only difference is that it is aimed at new energy vehicles.

The value of luxury brands lies in providing luxury experience and more comfortable riding experience, which is the ultimate goal of all research and development of advanced suspension systems. However, Yunqi has mastered the core contents of luxury brands at present, and at the same time, it can be said that the innovation in the field of new energy is more advanced.

When others are still thinking about how to improve their sense of science and technology, BYD still returns to the original point and focuses on the driving quality itself. This consideration shows that BYD has begun to understand cars.

SAIC: Zhiji L7 has wireless charging function.

  () Financial Research Center On April 21st, some investors asked (), Hello: Is the newly released Zhiji L7 pure electric vehicle jointly built by your company and Alibaba? Is it true that this car also has wireless charging function? thank you

  The company replied, Dear investors, hello. Zhiji Automobile Technology Co., Ltd. was established at the end of 2020. It is a brand-new user-oriented automobile science and technology company jointly built by SAIC, () and Alibaba Group. Zhiji L7 has wireless charging function.

Oil price welcomes 9 yuan era, this year’s listing saves money, inventory of hybrid cars.

  [car home Information] The oil price is about to usher in the "9 yuan" era, and friends around us have begun to succumb and want to change to a more economical car. Unfortunately, not only the oil price has gone up, but also the price of electric vehicles. Tesla and BYD have just announced price adjustments. In the era of high oil prices, hybrid models seem to be an ideal transition choice. Just last year, many car companies also released their own hybrid models. Today, let’s take a look at those hybrid models that have been listed this year and will be listed within 200,000 yuan to help you find more economical cars.

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  Many consumers have very high requirements for cars, which require both strong power, money saving and large space. In the past, for pure fuel vehicles, it was very difficult to achieve strong power, large space and fuel economy, because it was a contradiction in itself. Strong power requires large displacement, and it is impossible to save fuel with large displacement. However, the arrival of new energy technologies has perfectly solved these contradictions.

Key hybrid vehicles that have been listed/will be listed within 200,000 yuan in 2022. car make and model grade Energy type Price (ten thousand yuan) BYD destroyer 05 compact car Plug-in hybrid power Not yet announced Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV Compact SUV Plug-in hybrid power Not yet announced Chery tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ Medium SUV Plug-in hybrid power 15.18-16.58 Chang’ an UNI-K iDD Medium SUV Plug-in hybrid power 17.69-19.29 Geely xingyue l Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version of oil and electricity Compact SUV Oil-electric hybrid power Pre-sale of 173,700 yuan Nissan hacker e-POWER Compact SUV Extended range hybrid power Not yet announced

  At present, there are three main types of hybrid models on the market, namely, hybrid electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle and extended-range hybrid vehicle. These three types will be included in the models to be recommended today. The battery of hybrid electric vehicle is small, which mainly depends on pure electric drive at low speed to save fuel. It does not need to be charged separately, and the price of new vehicle is easy to accept, but in terms of fuel economy, it is only slightly lower than that of ordinary fuel vehicle.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  Plug-in hybrid vehicles, compared with ordinary hybrid vehicles, have larger batteries, so they will have better performance in fuel economy. Because it not only works in pure electricity at the starting state, but can completely choose EV pure electricity mode. In this way, pure electric commuting is not a dream in the road sections with more traffic lights in the city. If the daily commuting distance is within a reasonable range, you can basically commute by pure electricity, so in this way, the fuel consumption is actually zero. However, plug-in hybrid vehicles need to be charged separately to give full play to its advantages. If there is no charging pile at home, it will cost some time.

  The extended-range hybrid model is an electric vehicle that does not need to be charged. The engine mainly charges the battery or supplies the generator. Although the fuel consumption is not lower than that of the plug-in hybrid model, it is lower than that of the oil-electric hybrid model, and it also saves the trouble of charging. Next, let’s take a look at the money-saving hybrid models that will be listed within 200,000 yuan this year.

 ● BYD destroyer 05

  BYD is gradually forming a series of marine life mainly equipped with E platform 3.0 pure electricity and a series of warships mainly equipped with DM-i plug-in hybrid technology. The destroyer 05 will be the first model of the warship series, and it will be positioned as a compact car. Its model size is 4780/1837/1495mm, and its wheelbase is 2718mm, which is basically the same as that of Qin PLUS DM-i, and its positioning will also form a complementary relationship with Qin PLUS DM-I. The car is equipped with an 8.8-inch full LCD instrument and a 15.6-inch floating multimedia touch screen.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  The sales of BYD DM-i are booming in 2021, which has a lot to do with BYD’s strategic change. BYD plug-in hybrid models have been sold in the market for many years, and the early publicity point is its powerful power, even the acceleration time of 0-100km/h will be marked at the rear of the car. Last year, BYD changed its thinking and launched a number of DM-i models focusing on fuel-saving routes. After years of deep cultivation in the plug-in hybrid vehicle market and pure electric market, BYD DM-i models were quickly recognized by consumers.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  Compared with the past DM-p models, the DM-i model engine is mainly a naturally aspirated small displacement engine, which increases the cruising range in pure electric mode and makes the comprehensive fuel consumption lower. Although the power is reduced, it is still at an excellent level in ordinary models.

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  BYD Destroyer 05 is equipped with Xiaoyun-Plug-in special 1.5L engine, which adopts Atkinson cycle working mode and ultra-high compression ratio of 15.5:1. It is a fuel-saving engine. Compared with ordinary engines, it simplifies the engine structure, improves the reliability and makes the power more efficient. On the motor, EHS electromechanical coupling unit adopts double motor design, including driving motor and generator. At medium and low speeds, the motor is mainly used to drive the vehicle, and at high speeds, the engine is used to directly drive the vehicle, and the driving motor is used as power assistance. In addition, the battery is equipped with Ferrous lithium phosphate’s blade battery, which has higher energy density and smaller volume, reducing the occupation of vehicle space.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

BYD destroyer 05 2022 DM-i 120KM flagship model.

  From the parameter point of view, the 1.5L engine of destroyer 05 has a maximum power of 110 HP (81 kW) and a maximum torque of 135 Nm. In terms of driving motor, two power versions are provided according to different models, with the maximum power of 180 HP and 197 HP and the maximum torque of 316 Nm and 325 Nm respectively. The comprehensive pure electric cruising range of WLTC is 46km and 101km, respectively. Referring to Qin PLUS, the average fuel consumption given by the owner is 3.8L/100km. Of course, powerful friends can wait for Han DM-i, and its cruising range will be longer in pure electric mode.

 ● Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV

  Wei brand latte DHT-PHEV is positioned as a compact SUV, which will be equivalent to the positioning of Macchiato DHT-PHEV listed last year, forming complementary advantages. In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4668/1890/1730mm and its wheelbase is 2745mm, which is obviously slightly larger than that of Macchiato DHT-PHEV. The car is equipped with four screens, including a 14.6-inch central control LCD screen, a 9.2-inch LCD instrument, a 9-inch touch screen and a HUD head-up display.

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

  In the future, Wei Pai will promote DHT lemon mixing in all products and gradually transition to the era of new energy. DHT will be the focus of Wei Pai’s future development. At the same time, in terms of new energy technology, Wei Pai will also have two modes: HEV (oil-electricity hybrid) and PHEV (plug-in hybrid).

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

  Great Wall DHT is a set of dual-motor high-efficiency hybrid system independently developed by Great Wall Motor for three years. The engine and two motors are connected through a parallel shaft 2-speed reduction mechanism, and the power output relationship between different components is adjusted through a clutch. That is, double motors are used to decouple the same wheel end of the engine to flexibly adjust the working state of the engine. In this way, the following three working modes can be realized: EV, series and parallel mode.

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  In pure electric mode, the TM main drive motor is driven by the lithium battery to directly drive the vehicle forward, and the engine is in a flameout state; In series mode, the engine runs in the high-efficiency interval to drive the GM motor to generate electricity, and the TM motor drives the wheels to move forward; In parallel mode, the engine drives the wheels through a two-speed reducer, and at the same time, the TM drive motor assists in adjusting the load of the engine.

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

Great Wall Motor Latte DHT 2022 1.5T DHT Super Cup

  In terms of parameters, the Latte DHT-PHEV is equipped with 1.5T intelligent DHT, with a total system power of 181kW and a peak torque of 532N·m, which will be matched with the DHT130 hybrid gearbox, with an acceleration of 7.5s from 0-100km/h, and a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 4.9L/100km, and a full-oil battery life of over 1,000km.

 ● Chery Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+

  In January of this year, the Chery Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ was officially launched, and the price of the new car was 151.8-165.8 thousand yuan. It is a plug-in hybrid medium-sized SUV. Compared with the same price model, the Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ has a larger body size, and it also brings more interior seating space, forming a three-row and seven-seat layout. The interior adopts double 12.3-inch dual-screen design, with built-in high-tech maps, singing bars, iQiyi and other apps, combined with SONY audio, showing a different audio-visual experience.

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

  Chery Kunpeng Power was released at the Shanghai Auto Show in 2021. It is a global power architecture of Chery 4.0, a hybrid technology platform composed of Chery’s fourth-generation engine and a special DHT hybrid gearbox. Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ is the first model of Chery equipped with Kunpeng DHT hybrid power system.

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

  Chery claims in the advertisement of Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ that the car has 3 engines, 3 gears, 9 models and 11 speeds. What is this? Three engines refer to three kinds of power sources, including 1.5TGDI Miller cycle engine with the highest thermal efficiency of more than 45%+DHT double motors (front double motors+rear single motors). Double motors can be driven separately or simultaneously, and generate electricity at the same time. At the same time, DHT has three physical gear ratios.

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  Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ can realize pure electric mode and series extended range mode, that is, the engine drives the motor to generate electricity, and the motor drives the wheels, and it can also realize parallel mode, that is, the engine and the motor are driven at the same time. Nine modes can realize high-efficiency working modes such as single/double motor drive, extended range, parallel connection, direct engine drive, single/double motor energy recovery, driving/parking charging, etc. In addition, Chery combined the motor with the transmission to form the DHT hybrid special transmission, thus achieving 11 combination modes and smooth and efficient power output. Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ also has 11 driving scenarios, including starting, medium and low speed, overhead, overtaking, red light, congestion, high speed, long distance, mountain road, high-speed steering, ice/snow/mud/sand.

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

Chery automobile tiggo 8 PLUS kunpeng e+ 2022 PHEV 1.5T style e+

  In terms of parameters, the Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ is equipped with a hybrid power system consisting of front double motor+rear single motor +1.5T engine. The four-wheel drive model with engine+double motor+electric rear axle accelerates for 4.9 seconds at 0-100km/h, and the engine+double motor model accelerates for 7.2 seconds at 0-100km/h. The whole system comes standard with a battery pack of 19.27kWh, and the maximum input torque is 57.

 ● Changan UNI-K iDD

  Changan UNI-K iDD is a plug-in hybrid medium-sized SUV, which just announced the price of the new car, with the price range of 176,900-192,900 yuan. The new car continues the design of the fuel version, and adopts a sporty and futuristic design. At the same time, the interior design is also very layered. The full LCD instrument panel and the suspended central control panel will not be absent from the car.

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

  At the Chongqing Auto Show in 2021, Changan released the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system, which is a plug-in hybrid system, supporting pure electric mode and hybrid electric mode. This system includes blue whale engine, blue whale transmission, large-capacity battery control system, etc. Changan UNI-K iDD became the first vehicle equipped with the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system, and it will be applied to more of its products in the future.

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

  The structure of Blue Whale iDD hybrid system is similar to that of plug-in hybrid system of Volkswagen. Both of them adopt P2 hybrid system structure, and the motor is placed between the engine and the transmission. Blue Whale iDD hybrid system adopts core technologies such as high-efficiency and high-pressure hydraulic system, three-clutch integration technology, intelligent electronic double pump technology, etc. The comprehensive efficiency of electric drive of Blue Whale electric drive transmission is 90%, and it has a super-capacity PHEV battery with a battery capacity of 30.7kWh and a pure electric cruising range of 130km. In addition, Changan UNI-K iDD also supports OTA upgrade in full power domain, which can continuously enhance users’ feelings.

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Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

Changan Automobile Changan UNI-K New Energy 2022 Blue Whale iDD 1.5T distinguished model

  In terms of parameters, Changan UNI-K iDD is equipped with the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system consisting of a 1.5T turbocharged four-cylinder engine and an electric motor, in which the maximum power of the engine is 170 HP, the maximum torque is 260 Nm, the maximum power of the motor is 116 HP, and the maximum torque is 330 Nm. The transmission system is matched with the Blue Whale three-clutch electric drive gearbox, and the NEDC has a pure electric cruising range of 130 km and a comprehensive cruising range of 1,100 km, which is power-deficient.

 ● Geely Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Edition

  At the end of last year, Geely Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version officially announced the pre-sale price, and the pre-sale price of the new car was 173,700 yuan, which was positioned as a compact SUV. This is a hybrid model based on the Star Yue L model, which is different from the fuel version of Star Yue L in appearance design, mainly reflected in the design of the front grille. In the interior design, the three screens in the car are the biggest highlights, and the use of large-area suede leather fabrics shows the luxury inside the car.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version is equipped with a 1.5T three-cylinder engine code-named DHE15. The three-cylinder engine is smaller, which helps to reduce the volume of the whole hybrid system. For the working conditions where the three-cylinder engine is prone to jitter, such as starting, the system can be driven by a motor to avoid poor working areas. The temperature of compression and combustion process of Miller cycle engine is lower, thus reducing heat transfer loss and saving fuel.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version with high version.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  With the appearance of DHT Pro, Geely hybrid system entered the era of dual motors. Of course, not all the double motors are used to drive the vehicle. The P1 motor is connected with the engine and mainly used to generate electricity, and the P2 motor is responsible for driving the vehicle. Geely has integrated a 3-speed transmission in the P2 drive motor of DHT Pro, which has more gears than ordinary models, and theoretically accelerates more smoothly, so the engine has more chances to be in an efficient working area.

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  Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version of the ternary lithium battery pack has a capacity of about 1.8kWh, and the battery pack is located in the channel in the middle of the seat. Compared with the strategy of putting the battery pack under the seat in mainstream hybrid models, this method has less impact on the space of riding and storage, giving consideration to practical performance.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  In terms of parameters, Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X hybrid version is equipped with a hybrid power system consisting of a 1.5T three-cylinder engine. The maximum power of the engine is 150 HP and the peak torque is 225 Nm. The transmission system adopts a 3-speed electric drive gearbox (DHT Pro). The thermal efficiency of the engine is 43.32%, the fuel saving rate is 40%, the maximum endurance is 1300km with full oil, the acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h is 7.9 seconds, and the comprehensive fuel consumption is 4.3L/100km.

 ● Nissan hacker e-POWER

  After Nissan Sylphy e-POWER, a new generation of hackers will also bring e-POWER models and position compact SUVs. The appearance style of the new hackers is similar to that of the current Qijun, and the new cars look more sporty and flamboyant than the current models. In the interior, the overall design is layered, and the suspended central control panel and full LCD instrument are equipped.

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2022 e-Power Europe Edition

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2022 e-Power Europe Edition

  E-POWER can be understood as an extended-range hybrid power system equipped with a small-capacity battery. It is an electric vehicle without charging. It is structurally composed of an engine, a generator and a drive motor. The engine is an extended-range generator, which only drives the generator to generate electricity. The generated electric energy will be stored in the battery or directly used as the energy input of the drive motor according to the vehicle working conditions.

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

  E-POWER system has a simple structure and no complicated coupling device, which is beneficial to miniaturization and lightweight and is presented in series. In terms of working mode, under low load, the energy of driving motor is completely provided by battery, and the driving mode of vehicle is the same as that of pure electric vehicle. With the increase of vehicle driving load, the output power of the battery can’t meet the demand of the motor. At this time, the engine starts to drive the generator to generate electricity to meet the demand of the motor for electric energy. When the battery power is low, the engine will also start to drive the generator to generate electricity. Part of the generated electricity will be sent to the motor to drive the wheels, and the other part will charge the battery to ensure that the battery power is at an appropriate level.

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  In terms of working mode, under low load, the energy of driving motor is completely provided by battery, and the driving mode of vehicle is the same as that of pure electric vehicle. With the increase of vehicle driving load, the output power of the battery can’t meet the demand of the motor. At this time, the engine starts to drive the generator to generate electricity to meet the demand of the motor for electric energy. When the battery power is low, the engine will also start to drive the generator to generate electricity. Part of the generated electricity will be sent to the motor to drive the wheels, and the other part will charge the battery to ensure that the battery power is at an appropriate level.

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2022 e-Power Europe Edition

Nissan (Import) Hacker (Overseas) 2021 Basic Model

  In terms of parameters, the new generation of hacker’s e-POWER model is equipped with a 1.5T variable compression ratio engine with a maximum power of 190 HP, and the front wheels are driven by the motor. There are no parameters for fuel consumption. At present, the comprehensive fuel consumption of Sylphy e-POWER is 3.9L.

 ● Edit Comment:

  Consumers should still decide which model to choose according to their own situation, for example, it is inconvenient to charge, or don’t consider plug-in hybrid vehicles. Hybrid models are more suitable for commuting in cities with congested road conditions. In addition to saving fuel and money, they can also bring you a better driving experience and a smoother feeling on the stop-and-go road. I believe that in 2022, it may be a new year for hybrid vehicles, and oil prices will promote the change of historical wheels, which is similar to the process of Japanese cars knocking on the door of the United States. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

New aesthetics BYD Qin PLUS interior official map released

  [Official map of new car in car home] Recently, we obtained the interior picture of (|) from BYD official. The new car will be built on BYD’s brand-new DM-i platform, and the Xiaoyun-plug-in special 1.5L high-efficiency engine will be the first to be mounted on its model. The appearance of Qin PLUS will follow BYD’s classic "Dragon Face" design language.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

  In terms of interior, the new car adopts the embracing cockpit design, and the central control design is biased towards the main driving side. With the simple lines of the center console, the whole car is very layered. At the same time, the car is also equipped with a suspended LCD instrument+a suspended large-size central control panel, and with a three-spoke flat-bottomed multifunctional steering wheel, its overall sense of science and technology has been well improved.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

  At the same time, the overall color of the interior of the car adopts the color matching style of clouds and blue, just like the clouds walking in the blue sky, which is advanced and comfortable. With the colorful ambient lights in the front row, the cockpit is filled with sports texture. In addition, the body-oriented sports seat is ergonomically designed, which has a strong sense of wrapping, and the texture of red and white stitching is embellished to better reflect the sense of sports. In addition, BYD Heart central control area presents a simple and avant-garde style, which shows the aesthetic way of Qin PLUS as a whole.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

  BYD Qin PLUS is BYD’s latest leapfrog compact car product, and its front face incorporates brand-new design elements based on the design language of "DragonFace". The larger front grille of "Dragon Mouth" and the newly designed "Dragon Armor" bring strong sensory impact. At the same time, the combination of the heavily pressed front and the four three-dimensional lines on the hood creates a visual effect of diving. Its headlights and daytime running lights make the new car look very energetic.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

   The side lines of the car body are smooth and full of lines, and with a plurality of spoke aluminum alloy wheels, the sense of movement is enhanced. The horizontal lines and downward curved design of the tail widen the overall visual effect, and the through taillights are more recognizable, and the slogan above the taillights has also become the latest design font.

BYD Qin PLUS 2021 DM Basic Model

  BYD said that DM-i super hybrid technology is the core weapon of Qin PLUS. It is reported that Qin PLUS is equipped with a hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L naturally aspirated engine and an electric motor. The official said that the thermal efficiency of this 1.5L engine can reach 43%, and it also has Atkinson cycle, high compression ratio of 15.5, EGR exhaust gas recirculation system and split cooling technology. Without electric drive, the engine fuel consumption is 3.8L/100km.

Editor’s comment:

   It can be seen that Qin PLUS is positioned as a stylish and practical family car, but on this basis, BYD also hopes to let the new car release more features, such as simple but not simple design, ultra-low fuel consumption, etc., in order to meet the needs of users in terms of quality, cost performance and face value, and attract more potential consumers. Therefore, if its final pricing is close to the people in the future, it is expected to have good product sales. (Text/car home Zhouyi)

Pure electric version of Mercedes-Benz "Big G"? Mercedes-Benz EQG official spy photos exposure, can achieve in-situ U-turn.

A few days ago, Mercedes-Benz released a video about EQG, from which it can be found that the new car has the function of tank turning around. The new car is a pure electric version of Big G, and its appearance is consistent with that of Big G as a whole. It is reported that the new car will be officially unveiled in early 2024. What are the highlights of this car? Let’s take a look at it with the car brother!

The most striking thing this time is that the new car is equipped with four drive motors. Officials say that the new car is also equipped with an independent front suspension and a rigid rear axle specially developed for electric vehicles. Its main function is to control the wheels on both sides to rotate in different directions, so as to realize a form similar to tank turning, which is officially called "G-turn". From the officially released video, we can clearly see that the new car shows the function of turning around the tank, which can realize the original circle.

The tank here turns around, which may not be unfamiliar to users who are familiar with off-road. Simply put, it turns around in place like a tank. This function is mainly to reduce the turning radius of the vehicle in order to improve the passing performance.

In the appearance part, through the exposed video, we can find that the appearance of the new car is basically consistent with the fuel version of G-class. The overall appearance still looks hard and rough, and the headlights on both sides adopt retro round design.

On the side of the car body, the body lines of the new Mercedes EQG are rough, which highlights the domineering of the new car. The overall shape is still the same as the big G, and there is no difference. If you don’t look carefully, you may not be able to see that this is a pure electric vehicle.

In the rear part of the new car, a bare spare tire is hung outside the rear of the new car. This design is also a classic shape of off-road vehicles, and it also follows the side door design of Mercedes-Benz G.

In terms of power, it is understood that the new car will be equipped with a silicon anode battery, which can increase the battery density by 20%-40%, mainly to allow the car to save more energy in the same space, which can effectively alleviate the battery life problem to some extent.

For off-road enthusiasts, Mercedes-Benz G can be said to be their own "dream car", but the high price has dissuaded many people. Due to the influence of electrification, Mercedes-Benz G has to make corresponding changes, which shows that Mercedes-Benz EQG came into being. Generally speaking, the new car, as an electric hard-core off-road vehicle, has shown everyone the function of turning around the tank and realizing the original circle, which must be very attractive to everyone.

The question is coming. What do you think of the in-situ U-turn function of the new car? Leave a message in the comment area and discuss it with your brother!

Editor: sunny day