NIO Phone is really here, founder Li Bin wants to seamlessly connect with the car

Image source: NIO

On September 21, the long-rumored NIO phone finally appeared. At the NIO IN 2023 NIO Innovation and Technology Day, founder Li Bin officially released the flagship smartphone NIO Phone to the outside world.

At the beginning of the mobile phone launch session, Li Bin responded to the long-curious question of the outside world to everyone present – why does NIO make mobile phones?

"This is definitely not because mobile phone companies are building cars, nor is it because NIO doesn’t make money from cars now, but relies on mobile phones to make profits," Li Bin said. "Our reason is actually very simple and well-considered – because users need a mobile phone that is seamlessly connected to NIO, and we want to make NIO products better."

He showed how the phone can be seamlessly integrated into the car, both in terms of hardware and software.

First of all, the hardware configuration of the NIO Phone is basically the same as the flagship mobile phone on the market. In terms of chips, the phone is equipped with Qualcomm’s second-generation Snapdragon 8 leading version. The storage solution is based on 12GB + 512GB, and the maximum optional 16GB + 1T. It is equipped with a 6.81-inch curved screen with 2K resolution and supports a variable refresh rate of 1-120Hz. In terms of images, its main camera, ultra-wide-angle and periscope telephoto are all 50 million pixels. In terms of battery life, the NIO Phone is equipped with a 5200mAh battery and supports 66W wired and 50W wireless flash charging. At the same time, the special project matches the NIO wireless car charging.

In terms of appearance design, NIO Phone refers to the skyline elements of the NIO brand, using nano-microcrystalline ceramics and environmentally friendly leather stitching on the material. In addition, a special version of EPedition has been launched, with red elements interspersed in the fuselage, which is different from the ordinary version in design language.

Image source: NIO

As an important medium for human-vehicle interaction, NIO has injected many software-level interaction shortcuts into NIO Phone.

According to reports, the NIO Phone integrates mobile phones and smart electric vehicles through NIO Link NIO panoramic interconnection technology. The phone is equipped with UWB ultra-wideband technology, which can replace car keys and support unlocking without electricity within 48 hours.

On the left side of the fuselage, NIO Phone sets a NIO Link car control key, which can be just a click away 30 driver interconnection functions, including quick view of vehicle status, parking position, complete vehicle unlocking lock, window lift, trunk opening, air conditioning remote adjustment, etc., in the case of mobile phone without network, it can also realize unlocking, flashing horn, vehicle summoning, remote parking and other functions.

In terms of in-car control, Li Bin mentioned that the NIO Phone can be combined with in-car sensors to identify the user’s location and present a car control card interface with different functions based on the driver’s seat, passenger seat, or rear seat.

Li Bin believes that this reflects the original intention of NIO Phone’s design. "In addition to these functions that can be perceived more quickly, it is more about the seamless information flow and relay at the bottom of the software."

For example, NIO Phone has a more detailed understanding of human-vehicle interaction, such as the navigation route relay, which allows users to set a destination and choose a driving route on their mobile phone. After getting on the bus, it will automatically switch to the car-side navigation, and there is no need to perform additional operations on the car. For example, the navigation clipboard relay can automatically pop up and push on the car’s central control screen according to the location text copied by the user on the mobile phone, and the user can enter the navigation after clicking. It should be pointed out that these operations will not go to the cloud, ensuring the privacy and security of user data.

The Inter-App communications application of the mobile phone and the smart cockpit is the key breakthrough direction of this mobile phone. In addition to the aforementioned functions, the NIO Phone currently also has a panoramic application function, namely "Sky Window". After this function is turned on, a separate phone will run on the central control screen of the vehicle, supporting the parallel operation of the central control screen and the mobile phone dual applications. "Windows is not a simple screen projection, these two screens can run different programs in parallel, which is very different," Li Bin said.

For business scenarios, when users use the super conference, they can automatically transfer to the car after boarding the car, and can also call the in-car hardware (such as cameras). In terms of entertainment scenarios, NIO Link games can also be synchronized to the central control large screen to play.

For more systematic privacy and security issues, NIO said that the NIO Phone’s NIO self-developed SkyUI system provides 0 system advertisements, 0 commercial pre-installation, and only local processing of sensitive data. On cloud data protection, NIO Phone adopts multi-key encryption protection, and data and keys are stored separately.

According to reports, the 12GB + 512GB version of the mobile phone is priced at 6499 yuan, the 12GB + 1TB version is priced at 6899 yuan, and the EPedition 16GB + 1TB version is priced at 7499 yuan. It is currently only available in the NIO App Mall.

The work of Zhou Xingchi!

During the "golden age" of Hong Kong cinema in the mid-1970s and early 1990s, more than a dozen film crews started work at the same time every day in this small city on the southern coast of China. Pretty boys and beautiful women from Hong Kong’s wireless artist training class came together and set up scenes among the various crews. Film and television companies such as Golden Harvest, Shaw’s and New Art City invested heavily in digging up and cultivating newcomers to compete in the entertainment industry. This also contributed to the miracle that Hong Kong films produced more than 200 films a year in the 1980s.

That golden age of Hong Kong cinema gave birth to countless movie superstars. They may be as good-looking as Chow Yun-fat, Andy Lau, and Tony Leung Chaowei, and their acting skills are first-class, becoming hot A-list actors. Or as daring as Samuel Hung, Jackie Chan, Yuan Biao, and Yuan Hua, who sacrificed their lives to complete eye-catching stunts and become action superstars.

However, those who can write, direct, and act, and are unique in artistic expression, can create a personal style, and even find a way to break out of a school of film, I think Xingye is one of the best.

The nonsensical style of "Zhou’s comedy" he pioneered and his special attention to the subject matter of the little people are enough to secure him the top spot in Chinese comedy, and it is no exaggeration to call it "Asian Jim Carrey".

Today, let’s talk about the most outstanding work of Xing Ye in the 21st century so far – "Kung Fu"

First, the self-cultivation of "little people"

The story of "Kung Fu" still follows the tradition of Xing Ye’s "little person narrative", telling the story of the 1940s Shanghai, when A Xing, a street gangster who has been bullied since childhood, tried to get ahead by pretending to be the "Axe Gang" and extorting in the "Pig Cage City". As a result, he attracted the real "Axe Gang" forces.

The unexpected invasion of the gangster forces disturbed the quiet life in the slum, and also disturbed the four peerless kung fu masters who were entrenched here – the inheritors of the Gorang Bagua Band, the Hong Family’s Iron Wire Fist and the Shaolin 12th Road Tan Leg.

The gangsters were naturally no match for the descendants of the divine arts, but the arrogant Axe Gang boss, Brother Kun, was unwilling to stop, so he used the gang’s power to invite peerless experts to try to level the "Pig Cage City" in one fell swoop. Every attack by Brother Kun would stir up more "masters" hidden in the secular world in this unsightly small pool. Until, Brother Kun used his head to sacrifice the ultimate killing king Huoyun Evil God, and his opponent was the little rascal A Xing who caused this disturbance.

Lord Xing wrote, directed and acted himself, focusing the guide tube on the little character A Xing, making him a witness and key participant in the contest between the "evil forces" and the "pig cage city". Every turn in the battle between the two sides was caused by A Xing’s inadvertent speculation.

The first time was when he saw that he was going to be beaten by the residents of the city, so he had to learn the way the Axe Gang used fireworks to call people and threw a cannon fight. As a result, it just blew up the head of the leader of the Axe Gang passing by the wall. Then the villain complained first and blamed the residents of the city, which caused a conflict between the two forces.

The second turning point was that Ah Xing, with an incomparable desire to get ahead, put down all his courtesy and shame to join the Axe Gang. As a result, the first task he received was to rescue the great devil Fire Cloud Evil God from the mental hospital.

Xing clearly knew that his actions were wrong, but he seemed to have been carried away by the desire to become famous. As a result, with the release of the Fire Cloud Evil God, an uncontrolled force of destruction swept through the entire Axe Gang and the city.

The third turning point was when the charterer and the charterer in the base camp of the Axe Gang faced off against the three masters who were entangled with each other, and A Xing chose to use a wooden stick to beat the Fire Cloud Evil God.

This time, the little gangster Ah Xing finally stood on the side of justice. But this also caused the evil god of fire clouds to go berserk directly, breaking Ah Xing’s meridians with a fist, and his life was hanging by a thread. It was precisely because of his walk through the gate of hell that Ah Xing’s potential as a "martial arts genius" was completely exploded.

It can be said that in the first half of the film, Ah Xing has always been a gangster who makes a living by picking locks and speculating. For fame and fortune, he can join gangs, bully civilians, and even rob a girl who buys candy.

But in the end, he was just a small person, without noble virtue or the ferocity of a big traitor, between good and evil. He did not dare to kill, set fire, or rape. After being bitten by a snake, he had to hide in the traffic light box and silently digest the pain.

But it was after a series of setbacks and tribulations that Ah Xing finally realized how precious the opportunity to "be a good person" was, and how despicable it was to be self-deprecating on the old road of a gangster. Therefore, the moment he completed the good and evil decision, the potential hidden in his body also fully exploded.

Eight kung fu stunts, combining Chinese martial arts

Since the movie is called "Kung Fu", the core element of the story is naturally Chinese martial arts. In the "imagined China" in Jin Yong and Gu Long’s martial arts novels, Chinese martial arts can be said to have a long history and many branches. The kung fu of Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Beggar Gang, and Tai Chi schools have their own strengths and weaknesses, and together they have painted the world of pleasure, enmity, swords, light and shadows.

On the one hand, Xing Ye’s "Kung Fu" continues the tradition of Hong Kong martial arts novels, and on the other hand, it inherits the mantle of Hong Kong martial arts films and kung fu films. The eight kung fu that appear in it can be said to be both a reinterpretation of traditional Chinese kung fu and a tribute to Hong Kong classic kung fu films. Let’s take a look at it together:

(1) The Tathagata Palm

The most invincible kung fu in the film "Tathagata’s Palm" is actually a fiction invented by Hong Kong filmmakers. It first appeared in the Hong Kong film "Tathagata’s Palm" in the last century, and was portrayed as the Buddha created for all living beings. There are ten styles.

At the end of the film, Ah Xing used the ninth form of "Ten Thousand Buddha Dynasty". Later, it was continuously interpreted by people, and the Tathagata Divine Palm became a kind of divine power that interacted with the "Heavenly Remnant Foot".

(2) Toad Gong

"Toad Technique" was a must-kill skill of the Fire Cloud Evil God. He once used this skill to put Ah Xing at a disadvantage.

The toad skill comes from Jin Yong’s martial arts novel. It is the original stunt of Western Poison Ouyang Feng, and later passed on to his righteous son Yang Guo.

Its characteristic is that it is like a toad preying on insects, waiting for an opportunity to move, using static braking, and striking after. When the enemy attacks, it pounces suddenly, concentrating all its internal force on one point and bursting out, killing it in one blow.

(3) (4) Shaolin Nanquan North Leg – "Hongquan" and "Tan Leg"

The tailors and laborers who live in seclusion in the Kowloon walled city in the film are the descendants of Hong Quan and Tan Ju respectively. Hong Quan was pioneered by Hong Xiguan, a Cantonese from the Qing Dynasty. When he was a teenager, he studied under the Shaolin sect and integrated the kung fu of the North and South Shaolin with his extremely high understanding. He created a school of "Hong Quan" that combines internal and external cultivation, uses both fists and feet, and combines strength and softness.

The person who plays the tailor in the film is Zhao Zhiling, the apprentice of Huang Feihong, and the iron wire boxing he practices is also one of the five battles of Hongquan.

There are many theories about the origin of "Tan leg", including Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Henan, Longtan Temple in Shandong, and many other theories. Later, the Jingwu Association of Huo Yuanjia in Tianjin also taught this kind of kung fu. There is a proverb that goes "If you practice boxing without training your legs, you are like a daredevil". The Tan leg style, with sharp movements, changeable moves, and quick attack and defense, can complement the boxing technique well.

(5) Goro gossip stick

The origin of this stick technique is hidden in the name. The so-called "Goro" refers to Yang Goro, who fought against the Khitan people in the Southern Song Dynasty. When he was defeated in the battle with his father at the Golden Beach, he disguised himself as a monk.

Later, he really went to Mount Wutai to cut his hair and become a monk, and changed the Yang family’s marksmanship to a stick technique, creating the "Gorang Bagua Stick". The actor who plays the boss Yang in the film is Dong Zhiping, a Peking Opera martial artist, whose gun and stick skills are first-class.

(6) Tai Chi

This can be said to be the most well-known kung fu in the film. In the film, the charterer plays "Chen’s Tai Chi" originating from Chenjiagou, Henan. With Taoist Tai Chi and Yin and Yang as the mental method, he pays attention to both internal and external cultivation, combining rigidity and softness, and overcoming rigidity with softness.

Although the chartered public can use a set of superb tai chi to play the six-fingered piano demon in the palm of his hand, he is a "rake ear" and has to swallow his anger and bear the humiliation in the face of his wife’s domestic violence.

(7) The Lion’s Roar

The renter’s Lion’s Roar skill, which is comparable to ultrasonic weapons in the film, is one of Shaolin’s seventy-two stunts. When the power is performed, the qi is first sank in the dantian, and then it spreads for thousands of miles, which can be transmitted for miles. Hearing it, the heart is frightened and the back is cold. As Du Fu said in his poem, "When I suddenly hear the roar of a lion in Hedong, I am at a loss when the cane falls on my hand." Presumably, only a strong and domineering renter can control it freely.

(8) Three-hole Qin Demon – Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand

In the film, the two of the three-hole piano demons stroke a guqin together, the sound of the piano turns into the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword, the lights turn off the grass wherever they go, and the killing is invisible. This kung fu can be regarded as the original of Xingye, which is composed of the six-style fingerings of the guzheng and the Shaolin dragon claws.

Of course, Xing Ye was also inspired by the "Fuqin Style" and "Drum Style" in Jin Yong’s novels, which Zhang Wuji once used in the Shaolin Dragon Gripper.

Three or ten years of preparation only to fulfill the "Kung Fu Dream"

In fact, Xing Ye had wanted to put "Kung Fu" on the stage as early as 2005. One of his original intentions when he set up his own color star company to film "Journey to the West" was to use the money he earned to shoot his dream work – "Kung Fu".

However, the nonsensical style of "Journey to the West" exceeded the upper limit of the audience’s understanding at that time, encountering an unprecedented box office waterloo, which directly led to the bankruptcy of the color star company and the plan to shoot "Kung Fu" was stranded indefinitely.

From "Journey to the West" in 2005 to "Kung Fu" in 2004, Xing Ye also filmed another classic work, "The King of Comedy" in 1999. It can be said that these three works, separated by five years from each other, together form the "Iron Triangle" of Zhou’s comedy across the centuries at a very high level.

Looking back now, in fact, the box office failure of "Journey to the West" at that time was not necessarily a bad thing. It was with the precipitation and tempering of the next ten years that Xingye was able to polish the script and works to such an exquisite level.

Moreover, based on the special effects level of the 1990s to shoot kung fu, the final scene of A Xing’s group fighting the Axe Gang and the Tathagata’s palm defeating the Fire Cloud Evil God would definitely be very simple, difficult to achieve the desired effect, and unable to perfectly interpret Xing Ye’s understanding of kung fu.

Didi pricing method adjustment: Cancellation of 20% commission for drivers does not affect passengers

  After the merger of Uber China and the completion of the local online ride-hailing management plan, Didi began to make major adjustments to the pricing method.

  Surging News ( learned that starting from August 18, Didi Chuxing platform implemented separate pricing for drivers and passengers.20% of each order charged by the driver before cancellation, 0.5 yuan per order, plus 1.77% management fee.

  Taking Beijing as an example, the order is driven for 10 kilometers and 20 minutes. Before the adjustment, the actual income of the owner = (2 * 10 + 0.5 * 20) * 80% = 24 yuan; after the adjustment, the actual income of the owner = (1.8 * 10 + 0.4 * 20) * 100% = 26 yuan.

  Didi said that after this adjustment, the income of car owners has not changed compared with before. The income of car owners in some cities will also increase with the separation of drivers and passengers, which can increase by about 10% -18%.

  The adjustment of Didi’s pricing method this time is mainly aimed at the driver side, with little impact on the passenger side.

  It is reported that after the driver and passenger are priced separately, the basic fare (km + duration + night fee), other fees, and dynamic price adjustment fees will be 100% owned by the owner. The owner does not need to make any changes in the withdrawal operation, which is the same as before.

  Didi told Surging News that the purpose of making this pricing adjustment is very simple. First, after the division of pricing,Owners can see their income more intuitively, and the details of their income become clearer. Second, owners can also calculate their income directly through the pricing rules on the owner’s side, which is simple and clear.Didi said that after the adjustment of the pricing method, the income of car owners will also be more stable and will not be affected by fluctuations in the passenger side.

  As for why they chose to make this pricing adjustment at this time, Didi said that after Didi merged with Uber China, the media reported a large number of Didi price increases (Didi said it was just a normal price dynamic adjustment, and there was no price increase), which confused Didi drivers about the pricing method. Many drivers expressed their desire for a more transparent pricing method to Didi Chuxing.

  After communicating with a number of Didi drivers in Shanghai recently, Surging News found that there has been a recent phenomenon of Didi drivers leaving the platform. Drivers said that the current subsidy for drivers has decreased compared to before.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and an expert member of the Sharing Economy Working Committee of the Internet Association of China, told The Paper.The adjustment of the pricing method made by Didi further illustrates the difference between online car-hailing and traditional taxis. It is not a disguised form of money or a tap, but a manifestation of the sharing economy.This also reflects the requirements of the "differentiated operation" of the new policy on special cars, not only for passengers and owners, but also for the difference in revenue sharing. This will force taxi reform.

  An insider of Volkswagen Chuxing (a ride-hailing platform owned by the mass transportation group) told The Paper that from the recent frequent actions of Didi, including price increases, reduced driver subsidies, and this time drivers charging a fixed proportion, it can be seen that Didi is under increasing pressure in terms of profitability and is working hard to make changes and postures to give confidence to the capital.

  The aforementioned Volkswagen insider also said that in the long run, Didi will surely generate profits on the driver and passenger side.

  It is reported that the new pricing method of Didi Chuxing has been launched in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, and will be gradually rolled out across the board in the future.

Jackie Chan’s 70th Birthday Special Screening, Movie Channel 4.7 airs "Drunk Fist II"

? Movie: "Drunk Fist II" 

? Broadcast time: Sunday, April 7 at 22:22

? Starring://  

1905 movie network feature This is a film that was selected as one of the "100 Best Movies in Global History" by Time Magazine in the United States; this is a Hong Kong-specific genre film that experienced the golden age of the 1950s and reemerged in the 1970s – Hong Kong Action Movie; this is a representative work that fully shows the style of Hong Kong’s "Dragon Tiger Martial Artist", it is – "Drunken Fist II". This year is the 30th year of this film’s release, and let us see the pinnacle of this kung fu film on the movie channel.

Jackie Chan, the most down-to-earth lone hero.

This movie history classic with its own BGM is a brilliant show of skills by Jackie Chan and his family. Their full dedication has written a crazy and beautiful chapter in the history of kung fu movies. In the film, Jackie Chan plays Huang Feihong, not only the incomparable "fighting king", but also creates a different image of a down-to-earth and profound "lone hero".

In this film, the family class also fully unleashed their potential. Their unique and creative movement design skillfully blended traditional Chinese martial arts with modern action elements to form a unique style that is still loved and sought after by the majority of audiences.

Star-studded – Andy is a little dragon

Think Jackie Chan is the only coffee in the play? Then you are wrong! The "Drunk 2" crew is here to tell you what is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and what is a luxurious lineup! Huang Feihong’s father Huang Qiying, the "Tiger Dad", is played by Dillon; Huang Feihong’s little mother is played by Anita Mui, who not only assumes the funny role in the play, but also the strong backing behind Feihong; the sideways one-word horse who plays the villain Big Boss shows the sky; the director who plays Wu Ju Fu Minqi is a director who has won the Academy Award Lifetime Achievement Award…

In addition, there are also,,, Weng Hong, and other "big coffee" people who collectively play tricks, which is simply the "star team building" of the entertainment industry!

Jackie Chan-esque desperation — the pinnacle of a kung fu movie.

"Do you think you are Jackie Chan? Do you have nine lives?" Jackie Chan really fought with his life by jumping diagonally from a height of 50 meters to a low-temperature fire to be beaten! Coal chips pressed the top, coal barrels smashed, and rolled around on a fire covered with coal. This "desperate" spirit made the audience love and respect, and also made him unique in the film industry and became an eternal legend.

Jackie Chan told us with practical actions: Only by daring to fight and dare to break through can he become a true king! His spirit not only won the love and respect of the audience, but also set a new benchmark for Chinese action movies.

"Dragon Tiger Martial Master" still exists, and the spirit of kung fu is all over the world

Today, many "dragon and tiger warriors" are still active in every corner of the world’s film industry, guiding Hollywood action movies. From gorgeous action designs to shocking fight scenes, they are full of the unique charm of Chinese warriors, and their spirit also shines in global movies.

Their influence has transcended national borders, becoming an indispensable part of the global film industry, and also influencing the gradual evolution of new styles in global film action genres.

70 years of experience, 70 years of quality persistence | Warmly celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Kouzi Liquor!

  Today, the official Weibo of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a concise but intriguing statement: Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s official vehicles will use domestic Hongqi sedans from today. This is less than 20 days before the launch of the Hongqi H7.

  In fact, the Red Flag is a model that has weathered great storms, in other words, it is also a portrayal of China’s industrial manufacturing. Before starting the article, it is worth briefly recalling the history of the Red Flag.

  First, the history and current situation of the red flag

  Founding and development period: 1958-1965

  In 1958, the leaders hoped that China would have high-end cars and wanted to rewrite the history that Chinese people could not make high-end cars, so the Hongqi brand was born with honor.

  It was not until 65 that Hongqi completed the accumulation from scratch and completed the initial accumulation of technology. Hongqi borrowed and imitated models mainly from the United States, and produced some sedans and inspection cars. The most classic model is the Hongqi CA72. Since then, the Hongqi CA770 high-end sedan has become a national-level courtesy car and a chief car above the Vice Premier of New China, becoming a veritable "national car".

  Stagnation period:

  During the Cultural Revolution that began in 1966, Hongqi CA72 was framed as a "belly car" due to the designer’s background and was persecuted.

  From 1965 to 1970, Hongqi went from imitation to autonomy. However, due to the "movement", Hongqi CA72 was forced to stop production after only a few hundred were produced. Subsequently, Hongqi developed the CA770 model, whose engine was designed with reference to the Cadillac engine. This model then formed a large number of derivative models, including China’s first bulletproof car CA772. However, due to the "political movement", although Hongqi had the right model during this time, production was seriously affected.

  Product lost period:

  From 1970 to 1981, Hongqi went to the road of technological upgrading, but the product failed. In 1972, FAW put forward the goal that it must catch up with the world’s advanced sedan level. In 1975, it produced the world-class car CA774-4E, with curved glass for the side windows of the body, high-strength thin steel plates for the body, four-speed automatic transmission for the gearbox, independent front and rear suspension, radial tires, power steering, and disc braking system. But for "some reason", the model did not pass the review.

  During the period of severe setbacks:

  From ’81 to’ 87, Hongqi went on the road of overseas cooperation. In ’81, German cars already had the intention to enter China, and Hongqi stopped production, but the research and development work has not stopped. During this period, there were negotiations with Nissan, Ford, Chrysler, and Audi to find the possibility of cooperation in mass production. However, due to various reasons, the cooperation with various companies came to an end. During the period, Chrysler maliciously defrauded and suffered heavy losses.

  From ’87 to’ 96, Hongqi once again went down the road of imitation. During these years, Hongqi imitated several foreign models, but for various reasons, they were not mass-produced. Overseas cooperation failed across the board, technicians were suppressed by managers, and the spirit of Hongqi had completely disappeared.

  From 1996 to 2008, Hongqi began to produce new models by OEM. The CA7220 was produced by imitating the Audi 100, the CA7460 was produced by imitating the Lincoln City, and the Hongqi Century Star was produced by imitating the Audi 200. At first, the engine was changed, but later the headlights were too lazy to move, so the new model was directly replaced. During this time, Hongqi never developed again.

  In 2008, Hongqi had a plan to revitalize Hongqi through independent research and development. It plans to produce a new model every year in the future, and it is self-service research and development. Last year, Hongqi H7 and L9 cars were seen at the auto show. On May 29 this year, Hongqi H7 was launched, priced 29.98-47 9,800.

  In fact, after seeing the development history of Hongqi, I feel that Hongqi sedan was a microcosm of China’s industry from its independent research and development in the early stage, to being hit, and then to being in a slump. And when it came to the joint venture period, FAW Group relied on Volkswagen to live, and the 55-year-old Hongqi sedan did not have the spirit of the year. This can be seen from the sales volume of the last two years: only 2 were sold in 2011 and 127 in 2012. It is estimated that these are all customized production, processed from the prototype workshop, and the cost is not cheap.

  Second, the red flag has the best opportunity

  In recent years, independent brands have continued to impact the high-end market, such as SAIC Roewe, FAW Pentium, etc., but the official car market is still controlled by Germany and Japan. Although they have surpassed Japanese and Korean mid-sized cars in some technologies and performance, the market response is still poor. If independent brand mid-sized cars can make a difference in the market, it will have strategic and positive significance for the growth of independent brands.

  After talking about history, let’s talk about the current situation of the red flag. The foreign minister’s car was replaced by the red flag and published on social media, which is quite profound. Does this prove that the state supports the red flag car in full swing? In fact, since the first lady’s visit, many independent brands have entered the best era.

  With the implementation of the "Double 18" official car purchase, automobile companies have also seen the potential of the official market. Hongqi, as the former boss, of course cannot be missed, so he started a series of plans: Zhang Xiaojun, the former executive deputy general manager of FAW-Volkswagen Audi Sales Division, who has served for 7 years, has become the general manager of FAW Car Sales Company, shouldering the heavy task of rebuilding the Hongqi brand. At the end of May this year, Hongqi’s high-end car H7 was launched. Enterprises are ready from the sales side and the product side, and the government has cleared the obstacles from the procurement side. This may be the best historical opportunity for Hongqi.

  III. Can red flags make ideals fly?

  Before Hongqi, there was no bright spot in technology, and the market positioning was in chaos. Hongqi is already a failed brand, which is an indisputable fact.

  At the technical level, in recent years, Hongqi’s strategy has been entirely based on existing foreign products. Chassis, engine, on the basis of prototype cars, modified to avoid patents, which is also a common problem before all independent enterprises. H7 claims to be purely independent research and development, and I personally think it is basically a mature model.

  Market level: Hongqi wants to copy Audi’s success in China too much, and everything is guided by Audi’s success precedent. Focusing on the high-end market, focusing on government procurement, hoping to promote this legendary brand from the top down. This can be seen from the executives transferred to Audi. There is a lack of luxury brands in the market for independent brands, and Hongqi happens to be a high-end government car. It has no choice but to take a detour a few years ago and make some four differences: technically pieced together, the market positioning is high or not, and the market positioning is not low. Home rental business government, where to use it is embarrassing. Now I finally woke up and started to focus on the high-end market. This strategy is also the only way out for Hongqi. If this strategy fails again, Hongqi can be said to never turn around.

  FAW’s plan is that once the government’s top management adopts the Hongqi as an official car, Audi’s market position will change accordingly (I am skeptical of this), and the Hongqi car will be changed overnight due to the market downturn caused by the loss of its leading car position. Although this idea is a bit simple, the beneficiaries of this change are not only Hongqi cars, but also the market position of the entire independent brand B-class car, and even greatly benefit the public’s confidence in the independent brand.

  But although the red flag is actively prepared, how to compete with Audi, BMW, Accord, Passat and other official cars? R & D, production, marketing, quality management, after-sales services, etc., are these red flags ready?

  In general, the recognition of the official vehicle market will take time, and the market side is even more difficult. Not to mention the popularity of German, Japanese, and American products, in addition to mandatory documents, local support cannot be ignored. The only worry now is FAW’s system, efficiency, and marketing integration capabilities. In the next five years, if Hongqi cannot come up with independent and excellent technology and models that conform to official and business temperament, it may be time for the Hongqi brand to disappear.

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  Disclaimer: The author of this article is a columnist, and the views expressed in this article are personal and cannot be representative of Autohome.

  The pictures in this article are from the Internet, thanks to the original author.

Rich rights and interests, delayed delivery and compensation, ask the new M7 to break 70,000 units in 45 days

   After a wave of Wang fried, "far ahead" has begun to appear "interlaced" (interlaced like mountains, no) phenomenon. Now, Huawei’s wave of "breaking the sky" has been used in the new M7 Dading gameplay: in early October, Huawei announced the new M7 worth 30,000 yuan Dading rights and interests, and soon made a commitment to the market to delay the delivery of subsidies of 200 yuan/day. On the basis of the order surge, the drainage of "welfare on the top is guaranteed" was formed again. The market continued to be hot, and the cumulative Dading has exceeded 70,000 units in the 45 days of listing! Triggered netizens to ridicule, Huawei just issued "benefits", regardless of their own pressure gameplay, giving the marketing market another lesson.



  Rights and security "together" Huawei is playing heartbeat?

  For a long time, the official listing of new cars will focus on "welfare" promotions, in order to win good market sales. Huawei has found a new way to stand on the "consumer side" and let the rights and protection of the new M7 go together!

  In terms of "welfare", Huawei’s new M7 rights and interests: (Time: 10.8-10)

  ① Dading enjoys 5,000 yuan to deduct 8,000 yuan, and the balance is reduced or exempted;

  ② Give away 12,000 yuan worth of inner and outer decoration matching gold;

  ③ Enjoy a matching right worth 15,000 yuan (as described below);

  Max Smart Driving Edition users can deduct the optional ADS2.0 urban pilot NCA function in equal amounts;

  Plus rear drive version users can equally choose a technology comfort package worth 15,000 yuan;

  Users of all models can also choose a combination of rights and interests worth 15,000 yuan (21-inch wheels worth 10,000 yuan and original rear-installed boutiques 3 choose 1)



  Shortly after the release of the 30,000 yuan rights and interests, the care plan for consumers to "back the bottom" was immediately released: Wenjiexin M7 users who completed the big payment before November 30, 2023 (inclusive), the order status on the AITO App from the date of "the delivery plan has been confirmed" to the date of "the vehicle has arrived at the store", if the corresponding waiting period in the table below is exceeded, the cash subsidy for car pickup will be obtained according to the number of days (the date the vehicle has arrived at the store – the date the delivery plan has been confirmed – the waiting period). The overdue subsidy standard is 200 yuan/day, up to 10,000 yuan.



  Two policies have come out one after another, allowing consumers to call "fun", creating a "Mate7 moment" in which the new M7 is set to break the 70,000 in 45 days. Even Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of end point BG, and chairperson of smart car solutions BU, has to go to the factory to supervise production and quality control. He also personally made a commitment to the market: currently, the Sailis smart factory is working overtime, the entire supply chain has invested more than 1 billion new funds, increased more than 20,000 people, and the new production shifts are 22 hours a day, going all out to ensure delivery! Directly let consumers praise "this wave, stable"!

  Not only is it smart and safe, but the space is also beyond your imagination

  After 25 days on the market, 50,000 orders will be broken, 60,000 orders will be broken in a month, and 70,000 orders will be broken in 45 days. Naturally, this splash of orders cannot be achieved solely by "welfare" and "rights and interests". People are increasingly discovering that the new M7 backed by Huawei is not only full of sincerity, but also extraordinary in the fields of intelligence and security. Even regular items such as space and interiors are impressive.



  The length, width and height of the five seats of the new M7 are 5020 × 1945 × 1760mm respectively. Huawei creatively uses the "room acquisition rate" to tell the market that the body size is not equal to the large space, and the effective interior space is the point that needs to be paid attention to. The five seats of the new M7 have the best effective interior space in the same class, and the "room acquisition rate" of 66.3% leads the same class. The length of the car is 3338mm, which is better than the excellent ideal L7 and BMW X5L in the same class. Each position is very spacious. The trunk depth is 1100mm, and the standard volume can reach 686L, which can easily accommodate 12 20-inch boarding boxes. After the second row of seats is reclined and connected to the trunk, the maximum depth is expanded to 2051mm, which can form a loading space of 1619L, easily accommodate 30 20-inch suitcases, and with the 52L storage compartment of the trunk, the ultimate space efficiency meets the loading needs of family cars. At the same time, the new M7 enjoys a more flexible six-seat layout, providing consumers with more car purchase options.



  In terms of seats, the new M7 focuses on family travel scenarios and comprehensively optimizes the driving experience. The five seats are standard with new "marshmallow" seats, 10 layers of comfortable stacked design, and the total thickness of foam is 100mm; the standard four seats are equipped with ventilation, heating and massage functions, each seat is as comfortable as first class. Through Xiaoyi smart assistant, the double-row nap function of the main and co-pilot can be activated by voice. Enjoy six seats with new zero-gravity seats, allowing users to relieve fatigue while riding, as if they were in a space capsule, bringing ultimate comfort and relaxation experience.



  Backed by Huawei, I thought that the product power of the new M7 in the world was far ahead, but after it went on the market, I found that the original Dading gameplay was also unparalleled. In fact, apart from the surface look of the kernel, these "unattainable" all stem from Huawei’s always standing at the starting point of the user, resulting in the popular fried chicken in the automotive circle and the new M7 in the world. At present, all rights and interests are in place, and the opportunity must not be missed. If you are interested in the new M7 in the world, speed up and rush!

Pre-sale price of 300,000/600,000 BYD Tang announced.

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Still very fierce to test the new BYD Tang DM 80 first. Evaluation Editor-Liang Haiwen:

For its acceleration and braking performance, in fact, this level can already be predicted before the test, and the new Tang DM 80 impressed me deeply mainly because it should be said that it has done a good job in driving quality. The quiet and comfortable feeling when driving with pure electricity will make passengers have a good riding experience, and the excellent performance of kinetic energy recovery system is also an important assistant to reduce energy consumption/fuel consumption. On the whole, if you are interested in buying a hybrid model, Tang DM is a model worthy of special consideration.

Evaluation editor-Chen Hai maid:

The hybrid system of Tang DM can be said to be relatively mature, although it has a lot of bright data, such as speeding up the results in less than five seconds. But it is a family car after all, so I am actually more concerned about its pure battery life and daily driving experience. Fortunately, I am not disappointed. More importantly, the new Tang price is quite kind. Even if you don’t want a hybrid model, then the fuel version of less than 130,000 is believed to impress many friends.

Evaluation Editor-Huang Rongjia:

It is not news that Tang DM accelerates quickly. The old model itself is very fast, and the new generation has inherited the aura. What really surprises me is that the new generation of Tang DM is equipped with 22-inch rims and brembo six-piston brake calipers, and the vibration reduction effect is very good. If you consider that this is a medium-sized 7-seat SUV with less than 300,000, it is really exciting. For BYD, for China brand, it’s really disappointing this time, which makes people sit up and take notice.

What is the difference between Yunqi system and standard luxury suspension system?

When I looked up at U9 and walked out of the stage in a dancing posture, I knew it was unusual. On April 10th, BYD released the cloud chariot system for new energy vehicles, which was specially created for new energy vehicles to improve driving quality. Among them, there are four sets of body control systems with different characteristics, including Yunqi -C, Yunqi -A, Yunqi -P and Yunqi -X, and different systems will be set for different models.

In terms of interpretation, the term "chariot" means a multi-person assisted push cart, which describes the state of the emperor’s trip in that year. However, in BYD’s technical system, Yunchariot represents different functional contents under the same platform structure, so it has different classifications. This setting is similar to luxury brands that pay attention to driving, such as Mercedes-Benz magic carpet, Audi’s intelligent attitude stabilization system, Land Rover all-terrain feedback system and Porsche PDCC system. Today, I will share their differences with you.

In the new energy era, vehicles will pay more attention to the functional applications such as three-electric technology and assisted driving, and the demand point for driving itself will become weaker. Therefore, for vehicles with higher overall load than traditional fuel, efforts in body control system are the place to open the gap between brands.

Pure electric vehicles can better achieve the 50:50 gold counterweight because the batteries are evenly distributed at the bottom of the vehicle. However, due to the high quality of the overall equipment, the inertia generated during driving will be greater, and the requirements for suspension damping will be higher. At the same time, according to the characteristics of different vehicles, the differences in control systems also make the vehicles have different performances.

The four systems have special targeted uses.

First of all, Yunxiao -C, which can be simply considered as a suspension system with variable damping adjustment, can adjust the hardness and damping effect of the suspension according to the feedback of road conditions by means of electronic dampers. This system is relatively rudimentary, and many models with torsion beam dependent suspensions will have similar systems to adjust the comfort of the suspension. At present, BYD Han is equipped with it, which can provide better damping effect.

Yunqi -A adds an air suspension, which can realize the soft and hard adjustment of the suspension and adjust it according to the actual demand, which is also the common point of air suspension. However, one thing is special. In the process of high-speed steering, an airbag is added to the flank positions on both sides of the bucket seat, which can be inflated according to the change of speed and steering angle, so that passengers can effectively offset the lateral thrust during the shift of center of gravity, and the direct effect is to make passengers sit on the seat more stably.

The cloud chariot -P is set for looking up to the U8 hard-core SUV. It is mainly divided into three contents, the first is the adjustment range of up and down height of 200mm, which makes the vehicle have stronger passability. Secondly, it is able to have stronger compression resistance and cushion the specific impact caused by the height difference. Finally, the most important thing is to have a longer suspension stroke, which can make it closer to the road surface when passing through the undulating road surface to avoid suspension. At the same time, it can realize the dynamic balance of the vehicle by four-wheel linkage and achieve the same height of the four wheels.

Finally, it is the strongest cloud -X, just like looking up at U9 at the beginning. As a super-running model, more attention is paid to handling, especially in high-speed dynamic driving texture. The active anti-roll bar can be adjusted moderately by combining with the road surface perception software, so that the included angle between the vehicle and the ground can be tracked more perfectly and the vehicle can be driven closer to the ground.

As mentioned above, Yunqi system can adjust different driving dynamics around cars, SUVs and even sports cars. It is targeted and differentiated, and it can be adjusted and adapted according to the driving conditions of different models. What are the differences from the familiar Mercedes-Benz magic carpet, Audi intelligent attitude stabilization system, Land Rover all-terrain feedback system and Porsche PDCC system? What I have concluded is that, on the one hand, the hardware is diversified and has different configurations according to different models, and it will not go all over the world like other systems. On the other hand, according to the computing power of the cloud, we can combine the road conditions and the data collected by the algorithm to simulate the suspension damping effect that changes according to driving habits. This is a process of continuous learning and optimization.

Say, where are the system characteristics of other brands?

First of all, the magic carpet of Mercedes-Benz is called the magic body control system. Through the "road scanning camera" located at the windshield, the road conditions within 15 meters in front of the vehicle and above 3 mm in ground height can be pre-scanned. When the road surface in front is monitored to be undulating, the magic body control system will automatically change the hydraulic oil quantity of the hydraulic tappet in suspension, and at the same time, it will be integrated with many sensors, calculation actuators and air suspension.

The core of this is predictability, which can perceive the road condition in advance and adjust it, instead of passively reacting when the vehicle drives to the corresponding road section. This configuration is unique to luxury models on Mercedes-Benz S-Class models.

Audi’s intelligent attitude stabilization system, as its name implies, can provide a more stable body driving posture. This system can increase or decrease the load of each wheel through the motor according to the road condition, so it can actively adjust the chassis position no matter what driving situation. In comfort+mode, the intelligent attitude stabilization system can use the tilting function when driving in corners, and can adjust the body posture to reduce the lateral acceleration of passengers.

When entering the curve, the intelligent attitude stabilization system will raise the car body on the outside of the curve and lower the car body on the other side, so that the deviation between the vehicle and the curve is controlled within 3. When driving in a straight line, the intelligent attitude stabilization system can provide buffer compensation for the pitching motion of the chassis, which makes the car body more trackable during driving.

In the field of cars, what Yunqi -C and Yunqi -A have in common with Mercedes-Benz magic carpet and Audi intelligent posture stabilization is that they can adjust the damping adaptively to improve the comfort, but Mercedes-Benz has better foresight and can simulate the road conditions in advance, which Yunqi can’t compare with.

Compared with Audi’s intelligent posture stabilization, Yunqi did not adjust the posture of the whole vehicle, but only simulated the corresponding feelings on the seat, which is a fundamental difference. After all, it has nothing to do with the dynamics of the whole vehicle.

In addition, for luxury models, Land Rover ATF system needs to manually select the corresponding mode system for proper allocation. The changes are the response speed of the engine, the acceleration slip regulation and the difference of the dynamic stability system of the car body, which can have more obvious effects on fuel vehicles.

However, compared with BYD’s Yunqi -P, it is developed around new energy vehicles, which can achieve a more accurate ratio of power output and four-wheel independent operation, which perfectly solves the problem that pure electric vehicles have no mechanical differential, can achieve four-wheel different speed differences, and has better effects on the ability to get rid of difficulties and the adjustment of suspension stroke.

Finally, Porsche’s PDCC, whose core is the active anti-roll bar, can actively adjust the speed between different wheels when cornering, improve the grip of the inner wheel, and compensate for the difference, so that the vehicle has better tracking performance during cornering, and will not be out of control because of the influence of speed and corner angle, thus restraining the roll and improving the cornering speed.

From this technical point of view, BYD’s Yunqi -X system imitates such functionality, which can monitor the dynamics of wheels from time to time. At the same time, it is more evolved than Porsche PDCC in that it is equipped with a laser radar and can realize four-wheel independent operation at the same time. This is the reason for the frog jump.


The different module functions of the cloud-chariot system can be used for different vehicles and different scenes, which can be said to be very targeted. Compared with the system provided by luxury brands to improve driving quality, it is very similar in functional attributes and effects, and the only difference is that it is aimed at new energy vehicles.

The value of luxury brands lies in providing luxury experience and more comfortable riding experience, which is the ultimate goal of all research and development of advanced suspension systems. However, Yunqi has mastered the core contents of luxury brands at present, and at the same time, it can be said that the innovation in the field of new energy is more advanced.

When others are still thinking about how to improve their sense of science and technology, BYD still returns to the original point and focuses on the driving quality itself. This consideration shows that BYD has begun to understand cars.

Exploring Xiaomi automobile production base: small batch trial production has been realized, and the new car will be listed in February next year.

"It should have started production, but not long ago I heard a voice coming from a distance." A few days ago, a person working near the Xiaomi automobile production base said in an interview with reporters.

A few days ago, the reporter visited Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Beijing Economic Development Zone and saw that the production plant had begun to take shape. There is Xiaomi’s LOGO on the office building, and occasionally big trucks and yellow engineering vehicles pass by.

Xiaomi Automobile Production Base Source: Photojournalist Li Xing

Waiting for the dock staff to visit at the gate of Xiaomi automobile factory
Zhang Hai (pseudonym), a component supplier, told reporters that the first phase of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, the four major factories of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, built production workshops (stamping, welding, painting and assembly) and started small-batch trial production. The manufactured car is parked in the assembly workshop.

Since Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, announced Xiaomi’s entry into the smart car industry, the dynamics of Xiaomi Automobile have attracted much attention. An insider who asked not to be named said in an interview that Xiaomi Automobile will start mass production next month (December) and start selling early next year (February). Previously, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi’s first car will be mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

The confidentiality system of the factory is strict, and suppliers queue up to visit.

For a long time, Xiaomi car has been quite secretive because of its high degree of confidentiality. "When we enter the factory, we are forbidden to use tools such as mobile phones and cannot disclose any information." Zhang Hai told reporters.

During the visit, the reporter also found that Xiaomi Automobile Factory is surrounded by green iron sheets and stone walls. Only the north gate is reserved as the entrance and exit, and strict inspection is required when entering.

The security guard at the entrance of Xiaomi automobile told the reporter that foreigners who need to enter the factory should not only scan and register the QR code at the security booth at the door and register the visitor information, but also contact the internal staff Xiaomi to automatically come out and guide them before they enter. "The internal confidentiality system of Xiaomi Automobile is very strict, and we have to go through this process every time we come here." Another component supplier waiting for internal employees at the gate of Xiaomi Automobile Factory also said.

Suppliers queue up at the door to register. Source: Reporter Li Xing

At the north gate of Xiaomi Automobile, the reporter saw nearly 20 people scanning the QR code to register at the door, waiting for contact. To choose. "Most of us are suppliers of Xiaomi auto parts, some have reached cooperation, and some are going to Xiaomi Auto to explore and seek possible cooperation." Zhang Hai said.

Rong Fang (pseudonym), who is also a supplier of Xiaomi Automobile, told reporters that he dropped by Xiaomi Automobile Factory after attending the closed meeting of Xiaomi Automobile. "Xiaomi Auto’s information confidentiality system is particularly strict. The company representatives who participated in Xiaomi’s closed-door meeting signed a confidentiality agreement and could not disclose any information released at the meeting to the outside world." Rong Fang said.

According to public information, on November 8, Xiaomi held a closed-door partner meeting in Xiaomi Science and Technology Park. Participants are all major buyers of Xiaomi Automobile, including Xiaomi mobile phone and automobile supply chain business. This closed-door meeting is only for invited people, and mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment are not allowed in the meeting room.

Thirteen. In November, the relevant person in charge of Xiaomi Group also said in an interview that the only information that can be disclosed to the outside world for Xiaomi Automobile is the mass production time of the first car (that is, the first half of the year). 2024).

Trial production of dozens of new cars

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases. The first phase covers an area of about 720,000 square meters with an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles. It will be completed in June 2023; The first phase project is expected to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025.

According to public information, the related factories of the first phase of Xiaomi Automobile Factory passed the acceptance on June 12. The reporter saw in front of Xiaomi Automobile Factory that the land to be developed and developed in the factory was separated from the completed factories and office buildings, and marked with "No.1". 1 to 5, barbed wire. "In addition to the factory building, Xiaomi Automobile Factory has also set up an internal low-speed test site for the trial production of vehicles." Zhang Hai told reporters.

Around Xiaomi Automobile Factory Image Source: Photographed by Li Xing reporter

According to the above-mentioned insider who asked not to be named, Xiaomi Automobile Factory has started trial production in small batches for some time and is currently producing vehicles. Dozens of cars. "The factory will start mass production at the end of this year to prepare for the launch of the model in February next year." An insider who asked not to be named said.

A few days ago, a detailed picture of the chassis of Xiaomi’s first model was exposed online. From the spy photos, the overall design of the new car is fashionable, and the popular hidden door handle may be adopted. On the back, you can see the arc shape of the taillights.

"From the design point of view, the new car is a car, very similar to Tucki P7." The above-mentioned insider who asked not to be named said. Zhang Hai also said that judging from the appearance of the white body parked in the factory, Xiaomi’s first car may be a "sports car-like" car.

Hu Zhengnan, who is in charge of Xiaomi’s auto-related business, posted a message in his personal Weibo: "Hey! It’s hard to protect myself from it, and now I have a headache. What if we just start selling? "

Guo Ming, an analyst at Tianfeng International Securities, believes that the key selling points of Xiaomi’s first model will focus on autonomous driving technology, software ecology, 800V fast charging and power configuration, and the price is expected to be below 300,000. "After the first Xiaomi model is listed in 2024, it is expected that the shipment will be 50,000 to 60,000 units." Guo Ming is full of confidence.

"Birth card" may appear.

Although the mass production of the time node is confirmed, there is no news that there is a problem at present.

"Xiaomi Automobile must use its own production qualification. The group has invested so much money (coming in) that it is impossible to produce with the qualifications of others. " A number of Xiaomi auto parts suppliers told national business daily.

According to Reuters, Xiaomi was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission to produce electric vehicles in August this year, but it still needs the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. However, the news has not been officially confirmed. The reporter also inquired about Xiaomi Group many times, but did not get a reply.

The person in charge of the new energy automobile company, who asked not to be named, told reporters that one of the important prerequisites for automobile enterprises to obtain the production qualification of new energy vehicles is to have their own production plants. Xiaomi Automobile has already met this condition, which may be just a problem. "There is still more than half a year before mass production," Xiaomi Automobile revealed. It is not impossible for Xiaomi Automobile to obtain (production) qualification during this period. The CEO of the above-mentioned new energy automobile company, who asked not to be named, said.

It should be noted that it has recently been reported that Xiaomi Automobile has contacted Jianghuai Automobile, Chery Automobile, Beiqi Blue Xiaomi Automobile and Beiqi Blue Valley to make further progress in cooperation, and both parties are interested in further negotiations. In this regard, Xiaomi Automobile related person said that for the person in charge of Beiqi Blue Valley, he only replied to the reporter: "We have not received relevant news internally."

"In theory, Xiaomi Automobile has its own factory and does not need OEM production from other companies. Beiqi Zhenjiang Blue Valley Factory will produce four models at the same time in 2024, and its smart selection cooperation model with Huawei will also have to transform the Futian factory for production. " An insider close to Beiqi Blue Valley told reporters.

In addition, it has recently been reported that Haima Automobile and Xiaomi Automobile have reached a cooperation. In this regard, Haima Automobile said on the interactive platform that the company has no cooperation with Xiaomi Automobile at present. Xiaomi automobile’s news about automobile cooperation. "We don’t know the news." The relevant person in charge of Haima Automobile responded to the reporter.

However, the management of the above-mentioned new energy automobile company, who asked not to be named, believes that Xiaomi Automobile is likely to find other automobile companies to cooperate in production, but will use its own production qualifications. "Even if Xiaomi Car Factory can be put into production quickly next year, there will still be a process of increasing production capacity." The sales target set by Lei Jun is that the production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile in June 2024 is 100,000 units, and it is difficult for the new factory to reach this production capacity quickly. The above-mentioned unnamed executives of new energy automobile companies analyzed this.

The new car of Xiaomi Automobile will be listed in February next year. Data Map Source: vision china

According to Lei Jun’s plan, the first batch of Xiaomi cars will sell 100,000 vehicles within one year and deliver 900,000 vehicles in the next three years, thus "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024". This means that from 2025 to 2027, Xiaomi Automobile needs an annual production capacity of at least 300,000 vehicles.

"Xiaomi Auto’s contact with other car companies to solve the existing capacity problem is a strategy based on its long-term sales target, which can alleviate the subsequent capacity shortage of Xiaomi Auto to some extent. The management of the above-mentioned new energy automobile company, who asked not to be named, believes.

All photos and parameters of Xiaomi Automobile are made public, and the rear part is "Beijing Xiaomi".

According to the official opinion of the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, on November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the announcement of road motor vehicle manufacturers and products (No.377 series) and the catalogue of energy-saving and new energy-using vehicles enjoying the preferential treatment of vehicle and vessel tax (No.56 series).The two Xiaomi cars on the market are all pure electric vehicles of this brand.

According to public information, Xiaomi Automobile is a brand of Xiaomi products, a pure electric car, and a manufacturer.Release Xiaomi Automobile for BAIC Group-Road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Photo, the picture shows the rear logo of Xiaomi automobile "Beijing Xiaomi", and the millet model "BJ7000MBEVR2" with a wheelbase of 3000mm uses lithium iron phosphate battery, which is provided by the supplier and BYD subsidiary; The motor is produced by United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd., and the driving motor power is 220kW.

Another Xiaomi car model "BJ7000MBEVA1" uses ternary lithium battery, and the supplier is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited.

Various parameter information published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Huawei Cloud Zhang Peng: Technology empowerment releases digital intelligence productivity and enables the modernization of government and enterprise applications.

At this juncture in 2023,Using digital powerAccelerate application modernization,alreadybecomeGovernment and enterprises jointly build a digital China to promote Chinese modernization.The main theme.It can be said that going to the cloud has become the only way to intellectualize government and enterprises, and it is the future of digital China.

As a global manufacturing enterprise with nearly 200,000 employees, Huawei has many similarities with many government and enterprises, both of which are non-cloud-native, and have also experienced the process of their own digital transformation from scratch.Practicing the strategy of "everything is service", Huawei Cloud is based on the positioning of digital "cloud base" and "enabler".The technology, tools and experience precipitated in the digital transformation will continue to be opened on Huawei Cloud to help more government and enterprises accelerate digitalization.

On the one hand, Huawei Cloud provides a comprehensive and rich cloud service to help government and enterprises make good use of the cloud. In the application of modern technological innovation, Huawei Cloud provides six key technologies: "assembly delivery, digital intelligence drive, DevOps, service-oriented architecture, security, credibility and resilience", including the leading Huawei Cloud Astro low-code platform and innovative cloud services covering databases, AI, digital content production and other aspects. At the same time, Huawei Cloud also creatively integrated the four production lines, launched DevCloud Development Cloud, and realized the collaboration of DataOps, MLOps, MetaOps and DevOps. Through one-stop XOps solution, the asset sharing and development process of data, AI, digital content and applications were seamlessly integrated, and isolated islands were broken, which made the process from innovation to value realization more efficient and reliable.

In addition, for the diversified application scenarios of government and enterprises, Huawei Cloud Stack has comprehensively carried out innovation on the cloud. By extracting the common characteristics of industry segmentation scenarios, the cloud service combination Offering, networking, configuration, application, etc. has been standardized and continuously introduced to the market. Based on rich experience in industry cloudization, Huawei Cloud Stack is working with partners to provide professional services and best practices to help many government and enterprise users move towards deep cloud use. In 2022, Huawei Cloud Stack accumulated more than 5,200 global government and enterprise customers, and continued to lead in the government and enterprise market.

At the same time, Huawei Cloud has also built a soft capability of digital transformation, that is, spilling Huawei’s own digital transformation experience to Huawei Cloud, and jointly building industry aPaaS with partners to help users better realize application modernization and complete digital transformation through "experience as a service". Up to now, Huawei Cloud has released several basic aPaaS services, such as industry, heating, government affairs, coal mine, education, electric power and highway, as well as KooMessage cloud messaging service and river map KooMap service. Huawei Yunkaitian aPaaS has fully opened more than 50 scene cloud services and more than 100,000 API services, which are widely used in more than ten vertical industries.

On the other hand,With the comprehensive and deep use of the cloud in the government and enterprise market, the demand has increased by leaps and bounds year by year.The coordinated development among cities, industries and enterprises has become particularly important, which requires the joint efforts of government, enterprises, industry and research.

In order to accelerate the overall improvement of the quality and efficiency of the digital economy, and help the smart development of cities, the upgrading of industrial digital intelligence, and the innovative growth of enterprises, Huawei Cloud joined hands with institutions such as China Soft Institute, Federation of Industry and Commerce, Xinhua Net, media and ecological partners to jointly launch the "100-city enterprise application modernization China Tour" action, and joined hands with all parties.Promote the modernization of government and enterprise applications and accelerate the high-quality development of government and enterprise.

"China Tour of’ 100 Cities and 100 Enterprises’ Application Modernization" promotes the modernization of government and enterprise applications and accelerates high-quality development.

As an important part of the "100 Cities and 100 Enterprises Apply Modernization to China" campaign, Huawei Cloud City Summit has gone through five years, which is the five years that Huawei Cloud has been deeply cultivating government and enterprises, and it is also the five years that it witnessed the rapid cloudization of government and enterprises and entered the deep-water area of digital intelligence. In order to bring the latest intelligent transformation concepts, technologies and successful practical experience to various cities, industries and enterprises, since 2019, Huawei Cloud City Summit has begun to go deep into the country and enter the forefront of the intelligentization of government and enterprises. To this day,Huawei Cloud City Summit has been completed.Grow more and moreThe preferred platform for cities and enterprises to explore technology and business model innovation.Next, Huawei Cloud City Summit will continue to go to the whole country, injecting new kinetic energy into the modernization of urban and industrial applications.

Up to now, Huawei Cloud has served the 800+ China government cloud project in the government market, built a "one city and one cloud" with 150+ cities, and provided digital empowerment services for over 40 central enterprises and 200 state-owned enterprises; At the same time, relying on more than 160 innovation centers nationwide, Huawei Cloud has helped more than 23,000 manufacturing enterprises to digitally transform.

One tree doesn’t make a forest, and one river can’t make a sea. Digitalization has become the biggest dividend and opportunity for government and enterprises at present, and it is also a common opportunity for the whole industry. Huawei Cloud hopes to release digital productivity by building a "cloud base" in the future world and become the primary force for the intelligentization of government and enterprises.