Didi pricing method adjustment: Cancellation of 20% commission for drivers does not affect passengers

  After the merger of Uber China and the completion of the local online ride-hailing management plan, Didi began to make major adjustments to the pricing method.

  Surging News (www.thepaper.cn) learned that starting from August 18, Didi Chuxing platform implemented separate pricing for drivers and passengers.20% of each order charged by the driver before cancellation, 0.5 yuan per order, plus 1.77% management fee.

  Taking Beijing as an example, the order is driven for 10 kilometers and 20 minutes. Before the adjustment, the actual income of the owner = (2 * 10 + 0.5 * 20) * 80% = 24 yuan; after the adjustment, the actual income of the owner = (1.8 * 10 + 0.4 * 20) * 100% = 26 yuan.

  Didi said that after this adjustment, the income of car owners has not changed compared with before. The income of car owners in some cities will also increase with the separation of drivers and passengers, which can increase by about 10% -18%.

  The adjustment of Didi’s pricing method this time is mainly aimed at the driver side, with little impact on the passenger side.

  It is reported that after the driver and passenger are priced separately, the basic fare (km + duration + night fee), other fees, and dynamic price adjustment fees will be 100% owned by the owner. The owner does not need to make any changes in the withdrawal operation, which is the same as before.

  Didi told Surging News that the purpose of making this pricing adjustment is very simple. First, after the division of pricing,Owners can see their income more intuitively, and the details of their income become clearer. Second, owners can also calculate their income directly through the pricing rules on the owner’s side, which is simple and clear.Didi said that after the adjustment of the pricing method, the income of car owners will also be more stable and will not be affected by fluctuations in the passenger side.

  As for why they chose to make this pricing adjustment at this time, Didi said that after Didi merged with Uber China, the media reported a large number of Didi price increases (Didi said it was just a normal price dynamic adjustment, and there was no price increase), which confused Didi drivers about the pricing method. Many drivers expressed their desire for a more transparent pricing method to Didi Chuxing.

  After communicating with a number of Didi drivers in Shanghai recently, Surging News found that there has been a recent phenomenon of Didi drivers leaving the platform. Drivers said that the current subsidy for drivers has decreased compared to before.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and an expert member of the Sharing Economy Working Committee of the Internet Association of China, told The Paper.The adjustment of the pricing method made by Didi further illustrates the difference between online car-hailing and traditional taxis. It is not a disguised form of money or a tap, but a manifestation of the sharing economy.This also reflects the requirements of the "differentiated operation" of the new policy on special cars, not only for passengers and owners, but also for the difference in revenue sharing. This will force taxi reform.

  An insider of Volkswagen Chuxing (a ride-hailing platform owned by the mass transportation group) told The Paper that from the recent frequent actions of Didi, including price increases, reduced driver subsidies, and this time drivers charging a fixed proportion, it can be seen that Didi is under increasing pressure in terms of profitability and is working hard to make changes and postures to give confidence to the capital.

  The aforementioned Volkswagen insider also said that in the long run, Didi will surely generate profits on the driver and passenger side.

  It is reported that the new pricing method of Didi Chuxing has been launched in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, and will be gradually rolled out across the board in the future.

Sailis Automobile builds an efficient and stable supply chain system to help AITO enquire about the high-quality delivery of the new M7

"Gold nine silver ten" is the peak season of the traditional car market. According to the data released by the Passenger Federation, the sales of new energy passenger vehicles in September increased by 23.0% year-on-year. The AITO Wenjie new M7, which has been listed for only a month, is undoubtedly the new favorite of the market. According to the official, Dading has broken through 60,000 units. While sales are hot, it also puts forward higher requirements for delivery. It is reported that in order to fully ensure the high-quality and fast delivery of the AITO Wenjie new M7, Sailis Automobile’s joint supply chain has invested 1 billion yuan and added more than 20,000 manpower.

Whether the supply chain can be effectively pulled and managed is the key to ensuring large-scale delivery and high-quality product delivery. Especially in the new energy automobile industry, a stable and efficient supply chain system is the guarantee of the quality, quantity and delivery efficiency of auto parts. This is reflected in some previous new power car companies. Due to the lack of deep cooperation foundation and experience, there may be unstable and uncontrollable risk factors in the supply chain in the face of extreme situations. For example, during the epidemic, there were even situations where the supply chain was tight and "dared not" to take orders, which limited the sales growth of car companies.

As one of the leading enterprises in the whole vehicle chain, Sailis Automobile has 20 years of vehicle manufacturing accumulation and excellent supply chain management capabilities, and uses the high-quality supply chain system as the foundation for the whole vehicle strength. Not only does it cooperate with Huawei’s cross-border business to build a smart car industry chain in depth, but also reaches strategic cooperation with many leading enterprises such as Ningde Times, Topu, Wencan, etc. Among them, Li’er, Huguang, Topu, etc. have settled in the local area to help the local industry strengthen and supplement the chain. Through forward-looking judgment of the industry and cooperation with many supply chain enterprises in advance, Sailis Automobile gathers the leading technologies of leading supply chain enterprises, and at the same time reduces the cost from procurement, production to after-sales services, promotes production efficiency and quality control, and builds a solid foundation for efficient and high-quality delivery.

Since the beginning of this year, the AITO Q & A series has been launched and delivered the M5 smart driving version and the new M7 series, which have been widely recognized by the market. In December, the flagship model AITO Q & A M9 will also be launched soon. Under the support of a complete supply chain system, Sailis Automobile promotes the strategy of large single products, and will seize a place in the fierce competition of new energy vehicles.

It is worth noting that the stock price of 601127.SH has continued to rise recently, and the market value has jumped by 100 billion yuan again. Cinda Securities’ latest research report said that it is optimistic about the rising profit space of Sailis, and pointed out that with the launch of AITO’s new M7 and M9, the company’s new energy vehicle sales are expected to achieve a significant increase.

New richest man Xu Jiayin

Text/Wang Fangjie

With a swipe of the camera, Xu Jiayin appeared on the CCTV news screen, which was a report on the 2017 BRICS Business Forum. Xu Jiayin, wearing a red tie, sat in the first row behind the dignitaries, directly behind the top government. Obviously, this is not a position that ordinary entrepreneurs can get. In addition to the chairperson of the board of directors of China Evergrande, Xu Jiayin is also a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

Mr. Xu’s political status has kept him very busy. On his public itinerary, he attended a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Beijing before going to Xiamen for the BRICS meeting. Before that, he attended a "symposium on private enterprises studying and implementing the spirit of the National Financial Work Conference" held by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Only, he did not attend the half-year performance report of China Evergrande (03333.HK).

Originally, Xu Jiayin could have received a lot of congratulations at the half-year performance meeting. In addition to China Evergrande’s best performance in history, he himself surpassed Wang Jianlin to become the richest man in China’s real estate in July this year. As China Evergrande’s share price rises further, according to the latest data from Forbes, Xu Jiayin is the new richest man in China at a price of 39.10 billion US dollars, slightly higher than the second-place Pony Ma and the third-place Jack Ma.

It’s not that Xu Jiayin has never been the richest man. As early as 2009, the day China Evergrande went public, his net worth reached the top of China. But year after year, Evergrande has been playing the "game" of high debt and high leverage, with capital markets ranging from novelty to boredom to worry, and institutions like Citron shorting. According to the calculation of Xia Haijun, the president of China Evergrande, China Evergrande’s current price-to-earnings ratio is only 4-5 times, about half that of mainland real estate companies. "Evergrande’s stock is still far from reaching the right position," Xia Haijun said.

Since the beginning of this year, China Evergrande has started to deleverage significantly, and at the same time vigorously promoted Evergrande Real Estate’s backdoor listing in class A shares. Under the stimulus of multiple positive factors, the capital markets have expressed their support with practical actions. The company opened at HK $5.04 on January 3, 2017 and closed at HK $28.15 at noon on September 15. Xu Jiayin also once again topped the list of China’s richest people.

However, for a mature entrepreneur, the status of the richest person is no longer of great significance, just like the scale of a leading company. Xu Jiayin and Evergrande’s management need to continue to face the problem of how to keep a giant ship within a safe boundary.

A keen sense of smell

In a fashionable phrase, Xu Jiayin lacks freestyle. In the real estate circle, Sun Hongbin wears T-shirts and sneakers, and usually scolds the Three Character Classic when he is in a hurry. He is an "upright BOY"; Wang Jianlin roars at the company’s annual meeting that he has nothing like a "rock old cannon"; although Wang Shi is full of bourgeois delicacy, he will also be angry and become a beauty. Whether the reporter is in close contact or the public can feel the vividness of these characters through the computer screen. But Xu Jiayin is serious and serious. He is like a "veteran cadre" who is surrounded. You look at him, he looks at you, and they are separated by several layers.

But employees at China Evergrande are used to "the boss is such an old-fashioned person." They told reporters that the billionaire had not had access to a smartphone until recent years. The owner of a media advertising agency brought up a story in which Evergrande people approached them years ago to include a single page on Sina Finance’s Hong Kong stock channel, because the boss only used Sina Finance to watch stocks.

Xu Jiayin, a veteran cadre, is different from Wang Shi – "he will not get involved in politics in this life and the next", and different from Wang Jianlin – "close to the government and away from politics". He is very close to politics and well integrated. This of course attracted criticism from short-selling institutions for him. Citron once pointed out that it was very close to the **, but the accusation was ultimately unfounded. The other side of the coin is Xu’s keen grasp of policy. Just a little attention can be found that ** Evergrande’s strategy is almost in sync with the macroeconomic development strategy. The state expands the scale of Evergrande, and the state shrinks the scale of Evergrande.

At this performance meeting, China Evergrande announced a major strategic transformation, from the past scale priority to efficiency priority. To this end, the company adjusted the previous "three highs and one low" development model to "three lows and one high". The so-called "three highs and one low" means high debt, high leverage, high turnover and low cost, while "three lows and one high" means low debt, low leverage, low cost and high turnover. In this regard, Xia Haijun did not shy away: "China Evergrande’s measures are consistent with the country’s policy orientation of reducing debt and deleveraging."

Xu Jiayin was not among the speakers at the "Symposium on Private Enterprises Learning and Implementing the Spirit of the National Financial Work Conference" on August 23. Xu Lejiang, executive vice chairperson of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, who presided over the symposium, named Xu Jiayin to talk about the experience of studying the National Financial Work Conference. Xu Jiayin said that from 2014 to 2016, Evergrande’s income was 130 billion yuan, 200 billion yuan and 370 billion yuan respectively, and this year it is expected to reach 500 billion yuan. Such rapid growth, no matter which enterprise, is basically a "three highs and one low" development model; now after the Central Financial Work Conference, enterprises must change to the "three lows and one high" model. Only in this way can they achieve long-term stable and healthy development of enterprises. Xu Lejiang joked in the exchange that Evergrande’s past development model should actually add a "high risk".

The guidance from the top is very direct, how can Xu Jiayin not hear the strings and know the elegance? In fact, with his keen sense of policy, there is no need for such a direct reminder at all. In the early years, under the background of policy encouragement to go global, many real estate companies adopted aggressive overseas expansion strategies. Now those overseas real estate projects that rely on domestic investors have become a problem for the company’s future, but China Evergrande has not gone abroad. Evergrande made it clear to reporters that Evergrande has no plans to invest overseas. "In the past 21 years, Evergrande has insisted on investing only in China, and has successfully realized the growth of the company in the dividend of China’s rapid economic development. We believe that this dividend is still very large, and Evergrande can continue to make great progress in it."

Of course, in addition to external factors, Evergrande’s slowdown has its own internal logic.

China Evergrande was founded in 1996 as a project that no one else wanted. That year, Vanke’s operating income exceeded 1 billion yuan, and R & F Real Estate’s sales revenue was about 60 million yuan. In the 20 years leading up to 2016, Evergrande has been playing the role of a chaser, from project companies to local companies, then to national companies, and finally became the world’s largest real estate company last year. Xia Haijun believes that to catch up with others, it must scale up. How can a small company overcome the disadvantage of insufficient capital base and achieve leap growth in scale? There is only one way – borrow more money. The money was deposited on the land, and as the value of the land far exceeded the financing cost, Evergrande became the "diamond in the crown".

But Xia Haijun knew that the development model of high debt was unsustainable. After all, the golden age of Chinese real estate had passed, and a large number of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises had disappeared, which showed that the simple and crude way of making money in the past was no longer feasible. The cost of land was getting higher and higher, and if the financing cost continued to rise, enterprises could only work for the government and banks.

China Hengda decided in the next three years, the scale of land reserves negative growth of 5% to 10% per year, to 50 million square meters per year of floor area calculation, about 10 million per year will reduce the land reserves, buy less land debt will decline, profits will be released.


This year, China Evergrande handed in the best report card since its listing. Its gross profit and net profit increased by about 200%. Due to the repayment of perpetual bonds, the net profit attributable to the company’s shareholders increased more than 8 times to 18.83 billion yuan. After the results were announced, the research reports of various brokerages concluded that it was "recommended to buy". "Shareholders don’t care how big we are, they only care about how much dividends we pay." Xia Haijun told the truth.

Slow down

Judging from the contract sales in the first half of this year, Evergrande is no longer the country’s leader, although it only took this position last year. In the first six months of this year, Evergrande achieved contract sales of 2440.9 billion yuan, slightly inferior to Country Garden’s 2889.1 billion yuan. "We have been the boss, and it is pointless to focus on this goal after this." Xia Haijun said, but he changed the topic and said: "It is useless to put other people’s rights and interests on your own side." This sentence smells of gunpowder. In the first half of 2017, according to the statistics of equity sales, China Evergrande ranked first in the country’s real estate enterprises, reaching 2291.6 billion yuan, surpassing Country Garden.

"Evergrande will no longer emphasize contract sales first, equity sales first, and profit first." Xia Haijun stressed that in response to this strategic adjustment, Xia said that China Evergrande’s consistent low-cost and high-turnover model will not change. "Real estate is bread, we are chefs, land is flour, and Evergrande took the cheapest flour a few years ago." Xia Haijun is quite proud of this. As China’s largest "landlord", China Evergrande currently has 276 million square meters of land reserves. The original value of this land is only 457.60 billion yuan, and the average floor price is 1,658 yuan/square meter. Of this land, 72.6% is located in first- and second-tier cities, and 27.4% is located in third-tier cities. It is well known that since the beginning of last year, China’s real estate market has started a new round of upward cycle, and the price of Evergrande projects has also risen along with the market. According to Xia’s introduction, the average price of Evergrande projects has risen from 8,800 yuan/square meter last year to more than 10,000 yuan/square meter. "The extra 1,200 yuan/square meter is profit," Xia Haijun said.

Xu Jiayin is also a professor of management at his alma mater, Wuhan University of Science and Technology. Many people think this is a false name. After all, Professor Xu studied metallurgy and has never talked about his management methods in public. But when you look closely at this company, you will find that it does have some unique management experience. For example, due to the long management radius of national real estate enterprises, many companies choose to fully delegate power to regional companies. However, China Evergrande adopts a tight group management model. The group directly controls all aspects of the project, planning and design, material supply, bidding, budget and final accounts, project management, quality management, sales, and property delivery. The role of regional companies is only implementation. Of course, this model is difficult to implement. This year, Evergrande Group needs to control and develop more than 8,000 buildings with more than 20 floors at the same time. But this has given birth to Evergrande’s standardized operation. In Xia Haijun’s opinion, no real estate company can surpass Evergrande in this regard. It has only three product lines, with a 5% share of high-end series – Evergrande Washington, a 70% share of rigid demand product series – Evergrande Oasis, Evergrande Yayuan, etc., and a 25% share of tourist real estate series – Evergrande Jinbi World. These products are distributed in 223 cities across the country, but each real estate with the same name looks almost identical.

Evergrande also has a unique management model, which Xu Jiayin regards as a magic weapon for maintaining long-term high growth – target plan management. "In management, usually target management and plan management are two separate chapters, Evergrande combines the two, and Evergrande’s plans are all targeted," Xu Jiayin said in an internal speech at the beginning of this year.

In Hengda Group, there is a unique department in the real estate industry – the management and supervision center. At first, there were only 10 people in this department, but now there are nearly 1,000 people, and the regional companies also have comprehensive planning departments. The two departments have formed a multi-level project plan management system, which is mainly responsible for maintaining the high-speed turnover of project development. According to Hengda, the company has detailed control over the project plan to every week, ensuring that the opening sales are opened within half a year after the land is acquired. Unless there is a serious force majeure, the opening time is a dead order.

Evergrande is about to change the development model of high leverage and high debt. Before this year, few people could say how much money Evergrande had borrowed because of its high perpetual debt. According to the 2016 annual report, the net profit attributable to the holders of perpetual debt exceeded that attributed to the shareholders of the company. It was not until early July, when Evergrande announced that it had redeemed all perpetual bonds in June, that people learned that the size of this "hidden debt" was 112.90 billion yuan, and its disappearance caused China Evergrande’s full-scale net debt ratio (including perpetual bonds) to be sharply halved.

It is undeniable that China Evergrande is still a highly leveraged company, which may even be considered abnormally high by Xia Haijun himself. Its net debt ratio is 240%. Xia Haijun said that the net debt ratio will be reduced to 140% in one year, 100% in two years, and 70% in three years. After that, China Evergrande will maintain such a "normal company" debt ratio.

The Road Ahead

In fact, Evergrande’s net profit in the first half of the year could have been even higher. The company sold its stake in Vanke to Shenzhen Metro at a very low price, losing 7 billion yuan. Of course, as Xu Jiayin said, "all things are pleasant things to do". As we all know, Evergrande Real Estate Group is advancing the plan of backdoor Shenshenfang, and the group headquarters has also been relocated to Shenzhen. Xia Haijun revealed that the appraisal agency is revaluing Evergrande Real Estate’s land assets, and the price after the revaluation of the assets will determine the valuation of Evergrande Real Estate when it goes public. The relevant work is going very smoothly, and the company will soon welcome the third round of strategic investors. The scale of this round of financing is between 30 billion and 50 billion yuan. After the financing is completed, Hengda Real Estate will formally submit a statement to the Securities Supervision Commission.

Of course, there are many people who want to participate in the business of China’s largest landowner, and Evergrande Real Estate has the active option. Its shareholder list is shining, including CITIC, Zhongrong, CEFC, Shenzhen Industry Group, Shandong Expressway, Shenzhen Guangtian, etc. All are powerful central enterprises, state-owned enterprises, large Financial Institution Groups and strategic partners.

It is worth noting that the backdoor listing of class A shares is Evergrande Real Estate Group, while China Evergrande already owns four major sectors: real estate, finance, tourism and health. In recent years, China Evergrande has been trying to diversify. It has successively "fought" FMCG and finance, but the FMCG business was eventually divested, and the financial business was affected by policy changes. Now, tourism, which is in line with the direction of expanding domestic demand and upgrading consumption, is Evergrande’s key direction.

In 2016, the "Analysis Report on the Development Model and Investment Strategic Planning of China’s Theme Park Industry" released by the Prospective Industry Research Institute pointed out that 70% of domestic theme parks are in a state of loss, 20% are flat, and only 10% are profitable. About 150 billion yuan of funds are tied up in theme park investment. This situation can also be seen in the transaction between Wanda and Sunac. According to the original transaction structure, Wanda plans to sell the Wanda City project according to the registered capital base price, so that the average price of the saleable area of the project is only more than 1,000 yuan/square meter. Such a valuation method inevitably makes people feel that those theme parks that need to be held for a long time are a "big pit".

But Evergrande is also pushing ahead with plans for theme parks, known as Evergrande Children’s World, and suddenly there are 15. In the first quarter, Evergrande Travel Group inspected 28 theme parks around the world and finally selected 33 game projects, which will be 1.5 times the size of Disney.

Evergrande Children’s World will be the only fully indoor theme park in the world, which seems magical. Evergrande may need to build a very large dome, and people will probably fall down the rabbit hole like Alice through the entrance. But these theme parks will consume a huge investment. The investment of Shanghai Disneyland without a roof is 5.50 billion US dollars. China Evergrande has not disclosed the commercial estimates of the theme park project, but Xu Jiayin obviously values Children’s World very much. In January this year, he personally participated in the project planning seminar. Maybe the man with nearly 1.50 trillion assets just wants to create some happiness.

The 10,000-person scale two-dimensional yuan concert was held in Shanghai and became the main force for ticket purchases

The 10,000-person scale two-dimensional yuan concert was held in Shanghai and became the main force for ticket purchases

  China News Service, Shanghai, July 23rd (Wang Gupi) The fourth Bilibili Macro Link two-dimensional concert hosted by Bilibili bullet comment network, China’s largest young people’s trend culture and entertainment community, was held in Shanghai on the evening of the 23rd. Under the high temperature of 40 ° C that day, 10,000-person two-dimensional fans from all over the country showed undiminished enthusiasm and shared this annual "two-dimensional event" in China.

  Bilibili Macro Link (hereinafter referred to as "BML") is an annual large-scale offline party brand created by Bilibili bullet comment network (hereinafter referred to as "bilibili"), a cultural gathering place of China’s two dimensions (generally referring to Animation, Comic, Game, Virtual Idol, etc.) and the largest young people’s trend culture and entertainment community in China. In recent years, it has formed an increasing influence across the country.

  According to Chai Xujun, general manager of the cultural division of bilibili, BML’s name comes from a programmer’s "brain hole". "Macro refers to the macro command in the computer. We think this activity should be able to connect a very’grand ‘group of two-dimensional audiences, so there is such a name." And from the first 800-person small performance to this year’s 10,000-person scale, BML’s "macro" wish has been gradually realized.

"Post-95s" has become the main force in ticket purchases at Bilibili Macro Link this year. Official photo

  At the concert that night, in addition to the popular "UP masters" from the bilibili music district, dance district and other major sectors, the organizers also invited well-known foreign stars such as Miyazuki, who had sung interludes for "Digital Baby", to help perform and interact with Chinese fans.

  It is worth mentioning that the world’s first Chinese virtual singer Luo Tianyi and the well-known Japanese virtual idol Miss Black and White also took the stage that night with the latest holographic technology.

  "We want to give all two-dimensional fans a carnival experience. It’s a concert, and it’s a two-dimensional music festival," Chai Xujun said.

  According to the organizers, a total of 12,000 tickets for this year’s BML were sold out in less than two hours. Among them, the most expensive 1280 yuan (RMB) infield tickets were "sold out" in 4 minutes. The main force of ticket purchases this year is the "post-95s" who do not seem to have high spending power.

  "I have been registering for bilibili for many years. I am very curious about what my friends who like the two-dimensional world are like, and I also want to see the behind-the-scenes look of bilibili who has been with me for so long. It’s like wanting to meet an old friend, so when I see BML, I immediately grab the ticket." "After 95" freshman "Yin Lin" said.

  Chen Rui, chairperson of Bilibili, told reporters that in today’s growing spiritual demand, new forms of cultural consumption are also emerging, young people are more willing to accept new things, and the need for cultural consumption structure to develop in a diverse direction is becoming increasingly obvious. "For example, when we started BML, we just wanted to give everyone an opportunity for offline communication, but we didn’t expect to end up with the current 10,000-person scale."

Quality upgrade juice soda, big kiln drinks open the "quality and price ratio" peak season strategy

Recently, Dayao Beverage has launched a variety of new products and upgraded the quality of big soda to a juice version, preparing for the upcoming peak season of the beverage industry. In the process of continuously meeting the diverse needs of consumers, Dayao Beverage practices the concept of long-term doctrine, using this as a guide to pursue the common improvement of categories, quality and brands, so that more consumers can feel the "refreshing atmosphere" of national soda.

It’s not a good idea.The big kiln soda has been newly upgraded, and the juice content is the core

In the era of quality consumption, the consumption scene, consumption demand and sales channels of China’s beverage market are becoming increasingly diverse. The consumer side not only presents diverse needs, but also has increasing requirements for quality, not only to drink well, but also to drink well, and even to satisfy emotional value. Because of this, "quality-price ratio" instead of "cost performance" is becoming a new consumption concept that a considerable number of consumers agree with and pursue.

In the big soda category, the big kiln has always been known for its good drink, large quantity and high cost performance. Under the trend of quality-to-price consumption, the big kiln drinks continue to up the ante in terms of category and quality, and pry the market with high quality-to-price bottles of juice soda, so as to realize the long-term repurchase of products at the end point and establish a long-term deep link with consumers.

For a long time, Dayao Beverage has used "big soda" as a brand strategic positioning through detailed market research and judgment to consolidate the core characteristics of "big soda and aerated drinks". At present, Dayao Beverage has listed carbonated drinks, fruit and vegetable juice drinks, plant protein drinks, and functional drinks in four categories. In terms of taste innovation, Dayao Beverage has launched Qu Jie soda sparkling water, small kiln fruit steam, Chayuanxiang juice sparkling tea, pomelo love honey pomelo sparkling tea series, etc. In 2023, Dayao Beverage launched energy coffee functional drinks.

This time, the classic carbonated product family added 520ml large glass bottles of pineapple-flavored juice soda, and also launched three portable pineapple, lime, and frozen pear, bringing a more refreshing experience to the whole people in midsummer. At the same time, the official announcement of the big kiln drinks increased the juice content of the three classic products, the big kiln guest, the big orange kiln Nuo, and the big kiln Liai, and upgraded it to juice soda, integrating the original classic taste with the juice demand. On the basis of retaining the core characteristics of "refreshing atmosphere", up the ante juice soda category. Previously, in order to meet the juice needs of young people, the big kiln has launched the big fruit juice in 2023, featuring the "chewing and drinking" big fruit juice, which truly returns to the original taste of fruit.

It is worth mentioning that, no matter how the product is upgraded, Dayao Beverage has always regarded quality management as the top priority of product development, adhered to the implementation of the "0471" quality management strategy, and controlled the quality from the whole process of supplier management, transportation and warehousing, environmental hygiene, and production technology, so that consumers can rest assured.

In addition, the quality of the newly upgraded Big Kiln Juice Soda has been greatly improved, but the product maintains the original 520mL specification, and the price remains unchanged, insisting on large quantity and high quality. Under the guidance of quality and price ratio, Big Kiln drinks have now been recognized by more and more consumers, providing strong support for the national market.

It’s not a good idea.Nationalized strategy-driven, long-term approach leads sustainable development

In the current practice of high-quality development requirements, it is essential for enterprises to adhere to the long-term approach, focus on the future, take a long-term perspective, give full play to the company’s determination, resilience and vitality, and pursue excellence in brand, quality and word-of-mouth, so as to create more cost-effective beverages for consumers.

Among them, Dayao Beverage will make nationalization the core strategy for the long-term development of the enterprise and firmly implement it. At present, Dayao Beverage has built seven production bases across the country. In 2017, Ningxia Dayao Beverage Production Base was officially put into operation; in 2021, Dayao Production Base in Liaoning, Jilin, and Shalqin, Inner Mongolia was put into operation one after another; in 2022, Anhui Funan Factory was put into operation; in 2023, Dayao chose to build two new production bases in Baoji, Shaanxi and Tai’an, Shandong, and will be put into operation one after another this year.

The production capacity of the seven major production bases of Dayao Beverage covers seven regions in North China, Northeast China, East China, Central China, South China, Southwest and Northwest China. It can not only efficiently guarantee production capacity, deliver in time, shorten the logistics radius, reduce costs and increase efficiency, but also control the quality from the raw materials, production environment, packaging, transportation and other aspects of the product, so that consumers can drink more assured, and provide sufficient and rich supply and quality assurance for the "North Business and South Aid" plan proposed by the southern market.

In the era of intensive farming in the industry, Dayao Beverage is well aware that long-term principles must achieve sustainable development. Therefore, in the early stage of its establishment, Dayao Beverage aimed to build "intelligent, digital, multi-functional, high-reliability, long-life, heavy quality, and safety" factory production technology. Product Research & Development focuses on all high-value attributes of carbonated beverage products throughout the life cycle, and fully introduces ecological concepts. In the process of factory construction and management, multiple energy-saving equipment such as electric energy metering, water saving, solid waste disposal and other intelligent equipment are invested to reduce excessive energy consumption, realize waste heat recovery and recycling, and achieve emission reduction from the source to ensure maximum utilization of resource recycling, so as to achieve clean production management.

Long-term perseverance has resulted in the high-quality development of the enterprise and the recognition of authority in the industry. Many factories of Dayao Beverage have won national and provincial honorary titles such as "Green Factory", "Digital Workshop" and "Intelligent Factory", highlighting the recognition of consumers and all sectors of society for the development achievements of Dayao.

In the future, Big Kiln Beverage will continue to embrace technological innovation, enhance its independent research and development capabilities, and ensure product quality through digitalization, intelligence, and information technology. This will provide momentum for the sustainable and efficient development of enterprises and bring the best quality-to-price soda to the people.

The takeaway platform does not need tableware options to be embarrassed, and merchants are worried about being given bad reviews.

  During the "meal" period of a restaurant, takeaways waiting for "departure" are filled with the desk Photographer/Intern, Huang Jiating

  The scale of the Internet catering market has doubled, and the problem of disposable tableware pollution is also very serious. It is reported that Meituan and Ele.me, two major takeaway platforms in China, have launched "Qingshan Plan" and "Blue Planet Plan" environmental protection plans respectively. However, some people believe that in dealing with the problem of takeaway waste, the takeaway platform can play a limited role. In addition, catering companies, disposable tableware manufacturers, and consumers should share the corresponding responsibilities to improve the environmental protection problems caused by takeaway lunch boxes.

  Big data shows that 3 out of every 10 Chinese people are takeout users, generating more than 20 million takeaways every day. In the next ten years, the socialization, intensification and industrialization of kitchens will see tremendous development, and the problem of disposable tableware pollution will also come.


  How much takeaway waste can be generated every day?

  At around 11:30 noon, the deliveryman Xiao Liu hurried into a commercial building at Wudaokou. He didn’t have time to wait for the elevator, so he chose to climb the stairs to pick up the food at the gourmet food stall on the third floor. At this time, in the stairwell leading to the food stall, there were already many delivery guys running up and down like meteors, and the atmosphere was quite tense.

  The peak delivery period is called "rice mouth" by the delivery brothers. In the delivery hotspot – a university campus, during the "rice mouth" period, the delivery frequency of a delivery brother can reach 4 to 5 times, and the order volume for one delivery is about 4 to 5 copies. In terms of takeaway restaurants, according to the observation of the Beijing Youth Daily reporter, taking the rice noodle takeaway as an example, the order volume during the "rice mouth" period is 16 to 25 copies. The standard package includes a pair of chopsticks, a plastic spoon, a plastic round bowl, a plastic round bowl lid, and a plastic bag. If the user’s order requires soy sauce, vinegar, or chili peppers, another 3 to 5 plastic bags will be generated. According to the statistics of standard orders, a "rice noodle takeaway" will generate 16 to 25 meals of lunch box waste.

  In this food stall, there are a total of 14 merchants, each with an order volume of about 20 to 50 copies. Taking each standard lunch box as an example, the food stall produces 840 to 2,100 fast food lunch boxes in one "meal".

  In contrast, the number of takeout orders from large chain restaurants is even more impressive. According to the owner of a restaurant chain specializing in northwestern flavors: "We have about 4.40 million takeout orders a year. According to the average order of four lunch boxes, we should use 17 million lunch boxes a year." The owner admitted that for restaurants, the most concerned is how to ensure that takeout is delivered to customers within 25 minutes to an hour, and that the color, aroma, taste and shape of the dish are basically unchanged when it comes out of the pot. "We have also tried paper lunch boxes," he said. "But Chinese food and beverage forms are particularly rich and complex, and the cartons with soup and water do not penetrate for more than a few minutes. It cannot be achieved in an hour."

  Data from Xinhua News Agency: Our country has more than 20 million takeaways every day. But the amount of waste generated is also worrying. The used lunch boxes are stacked up enough to go three and a half times from the earth to the International Space Station, and the plastic bags can cover 168 football fields.

  current situation

  The rapid development of takeout brings garbage problems

  According to the "China Plastic Products Industry Production and Marketing Demand and Investment Forecast Analysis Report", the cumulative output of plastic products in our country 30.47 million tons in January-May 2017, with a cumulative increase of 3.8%. The growth of plastic products is inseparable from the rise and development of emerging industries such as takeaway. At the "Takeaway Food Packaging Safety and Environmental Protection Seminar" held recently, Zhou Lili, a senior engineer in the comprehensive business department of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association, introduced that plastic products account for a large proportion of disposable tableware. China’s current total amount of disposable tableware plastics belongs to a large consumer group in the world. But in fact, if the per capita is calculated, we are not the largest consumer, but the United States should be the largest consumer.

  Just how big the Chinese takeout market is can be seen by looking at the data released by the two major takeout platforms.

  Meituan comments on big data show that the national takeaway industry has developed rapidly in 2016: in 2016, the overall transaction volume of the takeaway industry reached 130 billion, it is expected to break through 200 billion in 2017, and it will climb to 300 billion scale in 2018. From the user perspective, 3 out of every 10 Chinese people are takeaway users. Ele.me expects the takeaway market to break through 700 billion in 2020.

  According to the analysis, the top reasons why Chinese users choose online takeaway are busy with work and no time to cook, unwilling to cook at home, preferential activities for takeaway, delicious meals for takeaway, bad weather, and lifestyle habits. Among them, the fast pace of work and time constraints are the main reasons for users to order takeaway. 42.7% of users choose takeaway to solve work meals, and 21.8% of users are unwilling to cook at home.


  The "no utensils required" option doesn’t work well

  Takeaway food delivery companies are very concerned about the problem of tableware waste. Recently, Meituan Dianping and Ele.me have started to trial the "no tableware" service, which is to add the "no tableware" option on the APP order page, where the tableware refers to disposable chopsticks. It is understood that Meituan Takeaway launched the "Qingshan Plan" this year, establishing the post of chief environmental protection officer to encourage customer engagement in "bring your own tableware" activities and reduce the use of disposable tableware such as chopsticks and napkins. At the same time, for catering companies that promise to use "environmentally friendly lunch box packaging", light up the environmental protection logo and add screening items. Consumers can screen with one click and invite consumers and professional organizations to supervise catering companies that promise to use "environmentally friendly lunch box packaging".

  This year, Ele.me launched the "Blue Planet" program, adding a "no tableware" note option on the order confirmation page of the new version of the APP, and providing points rewards for users who choose "no tableware". The Ele.me points mall will open an environmental protection area for users to use points to claim desert public welfare forests and redeem environmentally friendly shopping bags. At present, Ele.me has reached preliminary cooperation intentions with well-known environmental protection organizations such as the Alxa SEE Foundation.

  But it is understood that the trial effect is not very satisfactory. Some merchants would rather spend time and effort on diners’ taste preferences for fear of making mistakes, such as less sugar, less oil, no cilantro, etc., but when it comes to the question of whether to put chopsticks, they are "rather trusting them than not trusting them". "What if the customer gives me a bad review? I have to send someone to deliver it again, and the labor cost has risen again."

  Some analysts believe that in dealing with the problem of takeaway waste, the takeaway platform can play a limited role. Only catering companies that provide takeaway services, manufacturers of disposable tableware, and consumers can assume corresponding responsibilities, and all parties can work together to improve the current environmental protection problems caused by takeaway lunch boxes.

  expert opinion

  Waste tableware should be recycled

  Zhou Lili, a senior engineer in the comprehensive business department of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association, pointed out that plastic products are a relatively contradictory product, which facilitates our lives, but also brings environmental protection problems. Zhou Lili suggested that the relevant departments formulate a rule on how to recycle these discarded catering utensils, how to regenerate them, and how to manage them well. "We also recommend centralized inspections in some key regions and setting up some recycling points. Of course, this cost should be based on the production enterprises, distributors, and the model of white polystyrene lunch boxes. This is a contribution to environmental protection. In addition, we still recommend using degradable materials as much as possible in the future when conditions are available."

  Meng Suhe, chairperson of the Chinese Society of Food Science and Technology, said that in terms of the safety and environmental protection of takeaway lunch boxes, catering platforms should actively formulate entry thresholds, guide catering enterprises to choose qualified, safe and environmentally friendly lunch box products, and eliminate catering enterprises that do not pay attention to environmental protection and safety. For lunch box manufacturers, Meng Suhe believes that due to the characteristics of Chinese cooking and consumption, it is necessary to actively produce lunch box products suitable for Chinese takeaway use, and ensure their environmental protection attributes and product quality.

  Shang Guiqin, director of the National Key Laboratory of Food Contact Materials (Changzhou), believes that food delivery companies can formulate industry standards for the fast food industry, unify the requirements of lunch box standards, select manufacturers and suppliers that can meet the standards, and make environmental protection choices from the perspective of social responsibility.

  Financial Observation

  Just by "advertising"

  It is difficult to solve the problem in the short term

  The pollution problem of fast food boxes has recently become a hot topic of public opinion. Experts say that the amount of plastic used in the United States far exceeds that of our country, but the public opinion in the United States is not hot about pollution. From a certain perspective, our citizens’ concern for environmental protection has made the fastest progress in the world.

  It is commendable that the two food delivery companies have taken the lead in environmental protection measures and found ways to remind users to appropriately reduce the use of disposable dining products. These efforts have not only reduced the pollution of disposable tableware in our country, but also made the corporate culture and corporate image of two responsible large enterprises.

  In the next ten years, the socialization, intensification, and industrialization of kitchens will see tremendous development, and the problem of disposable tableware pollution will also develop rapidly. There is no time to wait. If we only rely on the publicity of these enterprises, we will definitely not be able to solve such a huge social problem in the short term.

  According to Ele.me, although the "no tableware" option is designed on the APP, and some people do check this option often, many merchants still provide tableware for each takeaway. The reason is that it is very troublesome to selectively remove some tableware from the order, and the second is that if there is a mistake, the customer’s request for supplementary tableware will increase the cost. Also, in case the customer reneges, he dares not not to send supplementary tableware. So this environmental protection measure worth boasting has become a decoration.

  Therefore, to solve the problem of white waste, we must first rely on the consciousness of the people. How to quickly improve the awareness of the people’s environmental protection is the key to the problem. In fact, without the promotion of these companies, everyone who has the habit of ordering takeout frequently will definitely be able to express a lot of profound insights on environmental protection issues. But whether they are willing to do it by themselves, and whether they are willing to exchange their own little trouble for a greater improvement in the living environment of the whole country’s citizens is another question.

  Our reporter, Zhao Xinpei, intern, Huang Jiating

Who will compensate for the traffic accident caused by the driver? Let me tell you the real case!

  CCTV NewsIt is the consensus of many car owners to find a surrogate driver after drinking and socializing, but if the surrogate driver is fully responsible for the traffic accident, should the insurance company insured by the owner unconditionally settle the claim? Recently, the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate Court) heard a case of subrogation by an insurance company caused by "Internet + surrogate driving". The court ruled that the surrogate driving company should be liable to the insurance company according to law.

  At 21:33 on October 22, 2014, Mr. Zhou contacted a car service company to provide chauffeur services. At 21:45, the chauffeur Tang arrived at Mr. Zhou’s location. Due to Mr. Zhou’s drinking, his friend Cai signed a "entrusted chauffeur service agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "agreement") with a car service company. The signature of the "agreement" was stamped with the seal of a car service company.

  At 21:50, Tang had a traffic accident while driving Mr. Zhou’s vehicle, causing damage to the three vehicles. The traffic police department determined that Tang was fully responsible for the accident. Afterwards, the insurance company that insured Mr. Zhou’s car paid Mr. Zhou 53,300 yuan for the claim, and then obtained the transfer of rights issued by Mr. Zhou, and sued a car service company in court.

  The insurance company believes that a car service company, as the party providing the driving service, should ensure the safety of the vehicle. Now the company is responsible for the accident and should bear the liability of 53,300 yuan.

  The court of first instance ruled in favor of all the claims of the insurance company. A car service company refused to accept it and appealed to the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate Court, requesting that the original judgment be revoked and the original lawsuit request of the insurance company be rejected. An auto service company appealed that it was only a driver information service platform, an intermediary who provided driver service information to drivers and customers and facilitated the signing of the Agreement between the two parties, and was not a party to the Agreement. The driver-on-behalf relationship occurred between Mr. Zhou and Tang. Even if compensation is required, it should be Tang’s compensation.

  A car service company also proposed that the "Agreement" has stipulated relevant exemption clauses. For example, Article 12 stipulates that the client should first use vehicle insurance to settle claims. The company only compensates for "the part that falls within the scope of insurance liability but fails to pay", "the increase in insurance premiums in the following year" and "traffic compensation". Article 9 "Traffic accidents caused by non-personnel operations" are not responsible. When the customer logs in to the company platform to register, the company has informed the above exemption content, and the company’s website has also been publicized. When Mr. Zhou placed an order on the same day, the company also sent the relevant terms to Mr. Zhou via SMS. Therefore, the company has fully informed the exemption clause, and the exemption clause is legal and valid, and the company should be exempted accordingly.

  After the trial, the Shanghai First Intermediate Court held that it was not improper for the insurance company to assert the right of subrogation against an automobile service company based on the contractual relationship between an automobile service company and Mr. Zhou, and the exemption clause was not legally effective because it failed to provide a prompt explanation. An automobile service company should be liable for the losses caused by the traffic accident. Finally, 2nd-round Moderation rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment.

  The Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate Court held that an automobile service company affixed the official seal to the "entrusted party" of the Agreement, and Mr. Zhou’s friend Cai signed it at the "customer confirmation". An automobile service company also recognized that Mr. Zhou sent the information that needs to be driven to the company. According to the agreement in the Agreement that "the agreement signed by the accompanying person shall be regarded as signed by the client himself", Mr. Zhou and an automobile service company reached an agreement on the Agreement. The Agreement has come into effect, and the two parties have established a trust contract relationship. An automobile service company is a party to the Agreement. It is not improper for an insurance company to claim the right of subrogation from an automobile service company based on the contractual relationship between an automobile service company and Mr. Zhou. In addition, an automobile service company provides paid driving services, and the designated driver is fully responsible for traffic accidents during the driving process. Therefore, the company is at fault in the performance of the contract and should compensate the client, Mr. Zhou, for his losses.

  The "Agreement" is a format contract provided by the company, and Article 12 of it is a limitation of one’s own liability. The "Agreement" does not take black or bold methods to draw the attention of the client. The company claims to prompt customers through notifications during website registration and sending text messages, but does not provide evidence to prove it. Therefore, this clause has no legal effect because it fails to fulfill the obligation to prompt and explain. In addition, since the driver Tang is fully responsible for the traffic accident, this case does not fall under Article 9 of the "Agreement". "Therefore, an automobile service company shall be liable for the losses caused by the traffic accident. (CCTV reporter, Li Wenjie)

Nanning area Xingyue L Zhiqing has a big price cut! The reserve price is 152,700, and the quantity is limited.

In [car home Nanning Preferential Promotion Channel], we will bring you the latest car purchase benefits! At present, this high-profile model is undergoing limited-time preferential activities, with a preferential margin of 0.7 million yuan. The starting price has dropped to 152,700 yuan, which is a good opportunity to buy a car. If you want to seize this affordable opportunity, click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount and add a high-quality car for yourself. Take action and don’t miss this good opportunity to save the budget!


The car system Xingyue L Zhiqing shows a delicate and dynamic design. Its front face adopts a unique family-style design, and the air intake grille adopts a large area of chrome decoration, creating a strong visual impact. The overall style combines strength and elegance, and the lines are smooth, showing the style of a luxury SUV. The proportion of the car body is coordinated, and the details are full of scientific sense and exquisite craftsmanship, which makes people unforgettable.


Xingyue L Zhiqing proudly appeared on the stage, and its body size showed the combination of exquisiteness and atmosphere. The proportion of the body with a length of 4795mm, a width of 1895mm and a height of 1689mm was coordinated, and the wheelbase was as long as 2845mm, giving the car a spacious and comfortable ride space. Streamlined body lines outline a steady and dynamic silhouette, showing luxury temperament. The front and rear tyre size are both 235/50 R19, with unique rim design, which not only improves the driving stability, but also adds a dynamic visual impact.


The interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is mainly exquisite and scientific, creating a luxurious and comfortable atmosphere. It is equipped with a 12.3-inch high-definition central control screen, which not only displays clearly, but also integrates multimedia system, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and other functions, making it easy to operate. The steering wheel is made of high-grade leather, which provides a good grip and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth to meet the needs of drivers. In terms of seats, Xingyue L Zhiqing is made of imitation leather, and the seat design pays attention to ergonomics. The main driver’s seat supports four-way adjustment of front and rear, backrest and height, and is equipped with heating and ventilation functions, so that drivers can enjoy a comfortable riding experience. In addition, the front seats also have electric memory function, and passengers can automatically adjust the seat position according to their personal habits. The co-pilot seat also provides multi-directional adjustment, while the second row of seats supports backrest adjustment. As for the convenience configuration, Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with two USB and a Type-C interface in the front row, which is convenient for passengers to charge and transmit data, and the driver’s seat also has the function of wireless charging of mobile phones, which fully meets the needs of modern drivers.


The car is equipped with a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120kW, which can provide excellent power output. This engine is also equipped with 163 horsepower, which makes the vehicle have good acceleration performance in daily driving. The matching 3-speed DHT gearbox further optimizes the power transmission and ensures a smooth and efficient driving experience.

Summarizing the evaluation of car home car owners, we can draw the conclusion that although there are some controversies about the appearance design, this car owner has a special liking for the protruding front face design of Xingyue L Zhiqing. His unique vision and preferences show that the appearance design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is not only a single aesthetic standard, but can meet the individual needs of different car owners. Therefore, the aesthetic design of Xingyue L Zhiqing may be one of its attractive highlights, which is worth further exploration and taste.

Pre-sale price of 300,000/600,000 BYD Tang announced.

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Still very fierce to test the new BYD Tang DM 80 first. Evaluation Editor-Liang Haiwen:

For its acceleration and braking performance, in fact, this level can already be predicted before the test, and the new Tang DM 80 impressed me deeply mainly because it should be said that it has done a good job in driving quality. The quiet and comfortable feeling when driving with pure electricity will make passengers have a good riding experience, and the excellent performance of kinetic energy recovery system is also an important assistant to reduce energy consumption/fuel consumption. On the whole, if you are interested in buying a hybrid model, Tang DM is a model worthy of special consideration.

Evaluation editor-Chen Hai maid:

The hybrid system of Tang DM can be said to be relatively mature, although it has a lot of bright data, such as speeding up the results in less than five seconds. But it is a family car after all, so I am actually more concerned about its pure battery life and daily driving experience. Fortunately, I am not disappointed. More importantly, the new Tang price is quite kind. Even if you don’t want a hybrid model, then the fuel version of less than 130,000 is believed to impress many friends.

Evaluation Editor-Huang Rongjia:

It is not news that Tang DM accelerates quickly. The old model itself is very fast, and the new generation has inherited the aura. What really surprises me is that the new generation of Tang DM is equipped with 22-inch rims and brembo six-piston brake calipers, and the vibration reduction effect is very good. If you consider that this is a medium-sized 7-seat SUV with less than 300,000, it is really exciting. For BYD, for China brand, it’s really disappointing this time, which makes people sit up and take notice.

Pure electric version of Mercedes-Benz "Big G"? Mercedes-Benz EQG official spy photos exposure, can achieve in-situ U-turn.

A few days ago, Mercedes-Benz released a video about EQG, from which it can be found that the new car has the function of tank turning around. The new car is a pure electric version of Big G, and its appearance is consistent with that of Big G as a whole. It is reported that the new car will be officially unveiled in early 2024. What are the highlights of this car? Let’s take a look at it with the car brother!

The most striking thing this time is that the new car is equipped with four drive motors. Officials say that the new car is also equipped with an independent front suspension and a rigid rear axle specially developed for electric vehicles. Its main function is to control the wheels on both sides to rotate in different directions, so as to realize a form similar to tank turning, which is officially called "G-turn". From the officially released video, we can clearly see that the new car shows the function of turning around the tank, which can realize the original circle.

The tank here turns around, which may not be unfamiliar to users who are familiar with off-road. Simply put, it turns around in place like a tank. This function is mainly to reduce the turning radius of the vehicle in order to improve the passing performance.

In the appearance part, through the exposed video, we can find that the appearance of the new car is basically consistent with the fuel version of G-class. The overall appearance still looks hard and rough, and the headlights on both sides adopt retro round design.

On the side of the car body, the body lines of the new Mercedes EQG are rough, which highlights the domineering of the new car. The overall shape is still the same as the big G, and there is no difference. If you don’t look carefully, you may not be able to see that this is a pure electric vehicle.

In the rear part of the new car, a bare spare tire is hung outside the rear of the new car. This design is also a classic shape of off-road vehicles, and it also follows the side door design of Mercedes-Benz G.

In terms of power, it is understood that the new car will be equipped with a silicon anode battery, which can increase the battery density by 20%-40%, mainly to allow the car to save more energy in the same space, which can effectively alleviate the battery life problem to some extent.

For off-road enthusiasts, Mercedes-Benz G can be said to be their own "dream car", but the high price has dissuaded many people. Due to the influence of electrification, Mercedes-Benz G has to make corresponding changes, which shows that Mercedes-Benz EQG came into being. Generally speaking, the new car, as an electric hard-core off-road vehicle, has shown everyone the function of turning around the tank and realizing the original circle, which must be very attractive to everyone.

The question is coming. What do you think of the in-situ U-turn function of the new car? Leave a message in the comment area and discuss it with your brother!

Editor: sunny day