Hengda Automobile announced that Hengchi 5 will be mass-produced and delivered next month, and the stock will continue to be suspended

Wu Shuying, 21st Century Business Herald reporter, reporting from Guangzhou

On September 16, 2022, Hengda Automobile announced that the Hengchi 5 would be mass-produced at the Tianjin plant on September 16, 2022 and would be delivered in October 2022.

In the announcement, Hengda Automobile said that it will accelerate the development and mass production of other models, and strive to build a national automobile brand with world-leading core technology and world-class product quality.

In a subsequent article published by Hengchi’s official account, Hengchi Automobile said that it has established the concept of "gathering global wisdom and building a national brand", and strives to achieve the goal of world-leading core technology and world-class product quality.

In order to achieve this goal, Hengchi Automobile pointed out that it has tried every means to introduce more than 2,000 international top scientific research talents, established the Global Research Institute and the Global Battery Research Institute, and carried out R & D work simultaneously in China, Sweden, South Korea, Japan and other places. Adopting a global integrated R & D model, introducing international advanced technology, and jointly developing models with the world’s top leaders such as Magna and EDAC.

According to Hengchi Automobile, it currently has world-leading core technologies in the fields of vehicle manufacturing, chassis architecture, intelligent networking, power batteries, and autonomous driving.

In terms of the automotive research and development schedule, Hengchi said that it will accelerate the development and mass production of other models. Hengchi 6 will be launched at the end of this year and mass-produced in the first half of next year. Hengchi 7 will be launched in the first half of next year and mass-produced in the second half of next year. At the same time, we will accelerate the research and development progress of Hengchi 1 and Hengchi 3, and make every effort to build a national automobile brand with world-leading core technology and world-class product quality.

Hengchi Auto’s mass-produced model, Hengchi 5, will start pre-sale at 20:00 on July 6, 2022. On July 30, 2022, Hengchi Auto announced that the cumulative pre-sale order of Hengchi 5 has exceeded 37,000.

Hengchi 5 "innovated" the sales method. According to the sales plan of Hengchi 5, the first 10,000 cars will be given a large profit, and the car will be paid at the time of delivery, and the car can be returned and refunded within 15 days after pickup. All car purchase payments and refunds are in the special account of the notary office.

At the same time as the mass production announcement of Hengchi 5, Hengda also announced the progress of its resumption of trading.

Evergrande Motor is required to publish its 2022 interim results on or before August 31, 2022, while the relevant audit and review work is still in progress. Evergrande Motor said that after the relevant procedures are completed, it will release the 2021 audited annual results and 2022 interim results as soon as practicable.

Evergrande said it would continue to inform the market of all important information in due course. Evergrande has been suspended since April 1, 2022 and has not resumed trading.

Everyone is watching

This article is from the WeChat official account:Chaos University (ID: hundun-university)According to Li Shanyou’s lecture notes in February 2020, the author: Li Shanyou (founder of Chaos University), the original title: "You attack to the death, but you can’t fight a department of giants? After Wang Xing cut three knives… | Classic Good Lesson", the header picture comes from: Screenshot of "Flowing Golden Years"

Many start-up company owners like to put the phrase "nothing unexpected, only impossible" on the wall, thinking that as long as you have a great dream, you will be able to achieve it.

But we often overlook that starting a business is for survival, not to die in competition. Competition is just a part of entrepreneurship, and there is no need to force yourself to attack the giants head-on unless it is a last resort.

In the competition, how to use the weak to overcome the strong is the first proposition for everyone. So, how to solve the problem?

In fact, God has left a "back door" for entrepreneurs

Take the horizontal axis as the market and the vertical axis as the technology to draw a simpleValue network model:

There is no doubt that incumbent companies often occupy the best technology, the best customers, and stand in the most dazzling value network – this is the mainstream market. The marginal value network composed of edge markets and edge technologies is often ignored by everyone.

Imagine you are a start-up, into such an existing competition landscape, will choose the mainstream value network, or the edge value network?

In real life, the vast majority of entrepreneurs will enter the mainstream value network market because it looks the most fertile and the least risky. But in fact, the emerging marginal value network is the best window of opportunity for entrepreneurs.

To follow or to destroy?

Going back to the value network model just now, if you choose the mainstream value network, you obviously adopt a follow-along strategy, thinking that you are more courageous than the giants of the mainstream market. If you choose the emerging value network, you adopt a strategy of disruptive innovation.

A common saying is that entrepreneurs feel they are more productive and have better values, so they can win by putting their lives on the line to compete with a division of a large company.

However, if you go outside Alibaba and Tencent buildings at 2 a.m., you will find that these giant companies are still shining brightly at night, with amazing combat effectiveness and efficiency.

So, don’t think it’s good to be diligent. Many times, we are very diligent just to cover up our laziness in thinking. As Wang Xing said, most people are willing to do anything to avoid thinking.

What are the differences between the two strategies?

In "The Innovator’s Dilemma," Christensen studied the 20-year history of disk drives and statistically said,If you compete head-on with the giants, the success rate is only 6%. If you are the first to enter an emerging value net and adopt a disruptive innovation competitive strategy, the success rate will be as high as 37%, a six-fold difference.

So we say,The first law of entrepreneurship is better than better.This is the simplest and most direct explanation of the thinking model of dislocation competition.

There is a line in Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: "For a start-up, it’s not that you don’t have a chance. You have to find areas where your strengths and weaknesses are avoided. Make your strengths longer and your weaknesses less important." This is misplaced competition.

Meituan: Specializing in "chicken ribs", leaving the fat for BAT

Meituan did group buying in the early days, when the first giant in the field of e-commerce was Ali. When I studied the Meituan case, I was very shocked that the first consideration of Wang Xing’s entrepreneurship in 2010 was how to compete with Ali.

He has successively proposed two theories of dislocation competition:

Four vertical and three horizontal

Wang Xing said that there are four areas in the Internet: information, communication, entertainment, and business.

In the Web 1.0 search era, there are giants in these fields, such as Baidu in information, Tencent in communication, Shanda in entertainment, and Alibaba in business. Therefore, he must go to the Web 2.0 era to find opportunities.

In the era of Web 2.0 social media, the giants in the information field include Sina Weibo, Renren in communication, and Kaixin001.com in entertainment. Is there any opportunity in business? Therefore, in this field, he made Meituan group buying against Ali, which is the positioning of 2010.

AB classification

In competition, we often have the illusion that the giants stand in front of us like mountains, so that you see the ecosystem where the giants are located as all possibilities. In fact, this is a huge illusion.

For example, most e-commerce companies are eyeing Ali to compete. But Meituan put forward a theory called AB classification:

First of all, based on whether supply and performance are online, we make a cross-cutting knife. Supply and performance are Tencent (Category A) online, and Ali is offline(Category B)

In category B, there is a more beautiful second knife: Ali is a physical e-commerce, and there is another possibility besides physical e-commerce that is a life service e-commerce. For example, takeaway is a life service e-commerce, and selling books, home appliances, and clothes is a physical e-commerce.

This knife is very beautiful. Most people limit e-commerce to the field of physical goods because Ali has done physical e-commerce. But Meituan cut this second knife, allowing you to see a completely different world.

In life service e-commerce, there is also a third knife: off-site life service e-commerce and local life service e-commerce.

Wang Xing’s analysis is very interesting, saying why do life service e-commerce instead of physical e-commerce? Because if you compete directly with Ali’s Juhuasuan, you have to have logistics, which is a very high cost for the start-up company.

Second, life service e-commerce is a non-standard product, a dirty and messy hard work, with low gross profit, so giants often disdain to do it. Meituan Wang Huiwen said:

"We have fallen in love with low-value things. How can BAT be interested in something that is not very profitable, difficult and slow. We specialize in chicken ribs and leave fat to BAT."

Looking back, what are the choices of other group buying websites at the same time? In 2010 and 2011, 58% of companies chose physical e-commerce. They were not killed by Meituan, but by Ali Juhuasuan.

In 16 years, Caijing interviewed Wang Xingshi and asked: Did the emergence of Meituan and Didi bring changes to the original BAT-led Internet order?

Wang Xing said: The law of competition in the Internet field has not fundamentally changed. It is not to squeeze out the original people in the original field, but to expand the new battlefield, and new players occupy the new battlefield. Innovation is always on the edge.

Wang Xing’s words are very wonderful. This is the power of the marginal value network.Innovation is always on the periphery.If you can’t see perfection, it’s because you’re too close to the picture.

Theory, is it really useful? "After being killed by the giant, I was reborn in a dislocation"

Many people ask me, Professor, Meituan is a successful giant, so is dislocation competition useful for small businesses? Is it useful for entrepreneurs?

Here, I would like to proudly invite a classmate to tell my story. Her name is Sister Deng, and she has used this theory to lead her company out of weakness and rebirth.

In 2010, I founded ROYMAX.(Wimes)LED company, launched a patented product, Apollo(LED three-sided luminous candle light), the turnover of single products reached 10 million.

But soon, the giant entered the market and beat our 68 yuan product with a 9.9 yuan congeneric product, causing our sales to plummet by 70% and being crushed by the giant.

Almost overnight, my ten-year savings were wiped out. Why is it that I am obviously different, but still being crushed by the giants?

On an occasional occasion, I learned the theory of "misplaced competition" and understood: "The difference is the difference between different value networks. The difference between the same value network is only better.

So, we started again, re-analyzed the market, positioned ourselves, and did succulent plant lighting and Jedi rebirth. How did you do it?

rough cut market

First look at the LED category map, divided into general lighting, medical lighting, agricultural lighting, and special lighting.

At that time, general lighting was already a red ocean market. Medical lighting was all for hospitals, and we couldn’t reach it in terms of professional technology. Special lighting refers to the aviation, aerospace, and marine fields, and it was difficult for us to enter the market. But there is still one area left, and we seem to have a chance – agricultural lighting.

Slice niche

Then we can divide the agricultural planting lights into breeding lighting and planting lighting. Aquaculture lighting because I was not familiar with it at the time, I couldn’t do it.

Planting lighting giants mainly serve B-end users, and Philips has launched a comprehensive solution that has eaten up this market. 

It can be seen that the opportunity can only be found at the C end. The C end requires flower and fruit lighting and succulent lighting. Because of the wide variety of colors, flowers need to be matched by many different spectra. At that time, our resources were insufficient, so we had to give up.

The pain point of succulent plants is the slow growth cycle and single color, which can be satisfied by our products. And in this field, compared with giants, as a start-up company, we have structural advantages: flexible market, online and offline simultaneous operation; startups with few personnel and efficient organization; product iteration speed is very fast. 

Through layers of analysis, we finally found the edge industry that this giant could not see, see, or do – succulent lighting, competing in a dislocation.

In the end, we occupied 60% of the market share, and the 18-year turnover exceeded 50 million, becoming a leading enterprise in the field of Taobao and Tmall horticultural lighting.

This is the power of the theory of misplaced competition, and by applying it, I can make change happen in the present moment.

Summary: Better than better, better than different

In an environment where leading companies have established a dominant advantage, any me too product will be reduced to chicken ribs. Don’t exaggerate your execution, don’t exaggerate your efforts, and don’t exaggerate your efficiency. The efforts and efficiency of today’s giants are much greater than ours, which is unimaginable.

Therefore, entrepreneurs need to keep in mind the misplaced competition model of "better than different".

The dislocation competition is not to be weak, but to make the chessboard bigger. To make the chessboard bigger, not in the same plane, but after the breakdown, it becomes a higher dimension and becomes bigger in a higher dimension.

This article is from the WeChat official account:Chaos University (ID: hundun-university)According to Li Shanyou’s lecture notes in February 2020, the author: Li Shanyou (founder of Chaos University)

Didi’s management loopholes deserve further investigation, and two executives were removed from the national ride-hailing business

  CCTV News:In response to some netizens’ doubts about the problems of the police in the process of solving the case, the Wenzhou Public Security Bureau immediately organized personnel to carry out an investigation. After questioning the reporter Zhu Moumou and the family of the victim, reviewing the video and report records of the police reception hall, and reviewing the relevant communication records, the police issued a notice saying that there was no "case will not be filed without the license plate number and the driver’s phone number."

  At 16:22 on August 24, the victim’s friend Zhu Moumou went to Yongjia County Shangtang Police Station to report the case. The police used Zhu Moumou’s mobile phone to communicate with Didi customer service. After indicating the identity of the police, they hoped to learn more from Didi customer service. Regarding the relevant information of the owner and vehicle of the hitchhiker taken by the victim, Didi customer service replied that the security expert would intervene and asked to continue waiting for a reply.

  At 17:13, Didi customer service reported to the police that the victim had cancelled the order at 14:10 after booking a ride at 13:00 and did not get on the bus. The police questioned that the order could be cancelled halfway through the ride, and again asked to know the driver’s contact number or license plate number for easy contact, but failed. At around 17:30, the family of the victim also went to the police station to report the case.

  Xie Zhangan, Chief of the Propaganda and Education Section of Yueqing Public Security Bureau: "At around 5:30 pm on the 24th, the family of the victim came to our Yueqing Hongqiao police station to call the police. Her father and his grandfather came over. Her father said that her daughter lost contact, and the police briefly understood the situation. At about 5:36, the police contacted Didi customer service. When the police contacted him, Didi customer service said that it would take about 3 to 4 hours to inquire about relevant information. The police said that the situation was more urgent. According to the police, Didi Company said that the situation could be expedited. At 5:49, Didi Company came back and said that we needed a police card and a letter of introduction, and then the police forwarded the relevant procedures to Didi Company. The relevant emails arrived. At 6:13, Didi sent us their inquiry, the license plate of Didi and the basic information of the driver. "

  The license plate number provided by Didi does not match the registered license plate number.

  According to the police report, the license plate number information provided by Didi was consistent with the license plate number of the vehicle seized by the police the next morning. It is worth noting that the apology statement issued by Didi said that the license plate issued by the suspect Zhong was temporarily forged offline. That is to say, when the license plate number of the crime was provided to the police on the 24th, Didi should have known that the license plate number was inconsistent with the license plate number used by Zhong when registering. This shows that Didi is fully capable of knowing the driver, and it is worth investigating what kind of management loopholes exist in the end.

  Didi will start the national offline ride-hailing business tomorrow

  On the 26th, Didi Chuxing announced that since 0:00 on August 27, it will offline the Hitch business nationwide, removing the general manager of Huang Jieli’s Hitch business department and the vice president of Golden Red customer service. Didi Chuxing said that after the Hitch business goes offline, the company will reassess its business model and product logic internally.

Changan once again empowered Avita to cooperate with Huawei, and Avita became a big winner

  Recently, Changan Automobile and Huawei signed an "Investment Cooperation Memorandum" in Shenzhen. Xu Zhijun, chairperson of Huawei, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei and chairperson of BU Intelligent Vehicle Solutions, and Zhu Huarong, chairperson of Changan Automobile, attended the event. According to industry analysts, the cooperation between the two parties will further release technological benefits for the domestic automotive industry, and Avita, as a smart model jointly built by the two parties, may enjoy priority to empower.

  After all, the reason why Avita, as an emerging smart car brand, can quickly make a name for itself in the domestic market is inseparable from Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Times, which respectively empower Avita Technology in the fields of vehicle research and development, smart car solutions, and smart energy ecology. Take Avita’s two flagship models as an example, Avita 11 is fully equipped with HI Huawei full-stack smart car solutions, and with strong strength, it has become the world’s first car brand to reach Mount Everest with intelligent driving. The subsequent iteration of Avita 12 is a new benchmark for global luxury smart electric vehicles.

  According to the official data released by Avita, in November this year, Avita 11 delivered a total of 4,080 units, and at the same time, sales are also steadily increasing. And Avita 12, which went on sale on November 10, orders exceeded 20,000 units in November, and mass deliveries are about to start. At the same time, Avita launched its two flagship models in the Thai market to show overseas fans the charm of China’s intelligent luxury, and its overseas strategy is steadily advancing.

  From the "Memorandum of Investment Cooperation" signed by Changan Automobile and Huawei in Shenzhen, Huawei plans to integrate the core technologies and resources of the smart car solutions business into the new company. Changan Automobile and related parties will intend to invest in the company and jointly support the company’s future development with Huawei. The new company of Huawei’s car BU business will continue to serve customers with high quality, and work with partners to promote the innovation and leadership of smart car technology and promote the prosperity and development of the automotive industry.

  From the perspective of the shareholding structure of the new Huawei Car BU company, Changan Automobile, as the only shareholder at present, has a relatively large say in the new company. Furthermore, based on the previous experience in building the Avita brand, the deep coordination and strategic cooperation between Changan Automobile and Huawei this time will be a further innovation and sublimation of the CHN model. Next, the new Huawei Car BU company is likely to tilt more core technologies to Avita, help its existing models OTA upgrade, and empower new smart driving models.

  Next, Avita will use the technology of Changan Automobile and Huawei to create a more user-friendly smart travel experience for the majority of users, and at the same time set an example to show the world the smart driving strength of China’s own brands.

Andy Lau is suspected of announcing his marriage, asking fans "Should I get married?"

Andy Lau is singing and dancing in Taipei

    On November 21, Andy Lau began singing in Taipei. At the age of 47, he showed his abs and sang "Chinese" in front of the LED screen, which was magnificent. The eternal idol in the hearts of thousands of fans said: "I’m back, do you miss me? Do you really?" As soon as he opened his mouth, he stirred the hearts of 10,000 viewers. Afterwards, Andy Lau also asked the fans in the audience: "Do you think an idol should get married and have a girlfriend?" After saying that, he immediately won thunderous applause from the audience. "

    Back then, Andy Lau became popular in Taiwan with the movie "Extrajudicial Love". When he sang the theme song of the film "Dear Child" that night, the live film played the movie footage, which was very interesting in the past. When singing "Stupid Child", he said emotionally: "More than 20 years ago, a stupid child was born in the entertainment industry, but I didn’t expect everyone to support him so much now." The time and space exchange of this concert was misplaced, and he was suddenly in the Shanghai style of Shili Yangchang, and suddenly turned into a cowherd in the sky, performing the unblessed love song and drama with the Weaver Girl.

    Andy Lau started singing in Taipei, and the two box offices were full, earning about 12.50 million yuan. It was the best concert at the box office in Taipei in the second half of this year. The entertainers in the audience also shone brightly that night, and even Jolin Tsai became a small fan to join the audience, wanting to learn the lighting and stage design of his concert. Luo Zhixiang, who regards Andy Lau as his number one idol, and Da S, Cai Kangyong, Ella, and Bang Bang Tang, who recently co-produced a new film with Andy Lau, all attended the performance.

Editor in charge: Sun Jie

2023 China Home Appliance Technology Annual Meeting TCL Air Conditioning Interprets High-quality Development with a New Generation of Air Conditioning

   From December 13th to 14th, the 2023 China Home Appliance Science and Technology Annual Conference and the High-quality Development Exchange Activity of the Smart Home Appliance Industry were held in Wuhan, Hubei. TCL Air Conditioning and a new generation of air conditioners – TCL Small Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning appeared, with a smart health experience upgrade that understands your health, energy conservation, and usage habits better, bringing a new wind to the high-quality development of the industry.

  According to the introduction, the theme of this conference is "Scientific and technological innovation leads the high-quality development of the home appliance industry", focusing on "green and low-carbon, intelligent home appliances, health and cleanliness, refrigeration, noise reduction, DC flexibility" and other technical directions. Many academicians and authoritative experts and professors in related fields such as intelligence and refrigeration were invited to give special reports.

  TCL air conditioning breaks the market with high-quality development

  At the plenary meeting held on the morning of December 13, Chen Shaolin, senior vice president of TCL Industrial and general manager of the Air Conditioning Division, gave a keynote speech entitled "The Road to Breakthrough in the High-quality Development of TCL Air Conditioning".

  Chen Shaolin pointed out that the challenges from respiratory health, the challenges of high energy consumption and refrigerants to global warming, and the opportunities and challenges of new technologies to the traditional air-conditioning industry are the main challenges facing the development of the current air-conditioning industry. In the face of industrial challenges and changes, it is necessary to use leading strategies to achieve high-quality development, and high-quality development is first and foremost the high-quality development of brands.

  In order to find a way to break through the high-quality development, TCL Air Conditioning is taking smart health as its value direction, with the brand mission of allowing more people to easily enjoy the healthy and green life brought by the air, and becoming a leading brand in healthy air management, heat pump and thermal energy management that users can trust.

  In terms of high-end, intelligent and green, TCL air conditioning takes Wuhan intelligent manufacturing base as its foothold, deepens 5G + industrial Internet integration, promotes digital transformation and high-quality development of the industrial chain, and increases efficiency by 40% in the past four years.

  Leading the new generation of air conditioning technology innovation, TCL air conditioning won the Intelligent Fresh Air Innovation Award

  On December 10th, TCL Little Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning was released in Beijing Water Cube. From Beijing to Wuhan, TCL Little Blue Wing P7 Fresh Air Conditioning has attracted extensive attention from consumers and the industry. At this event, TCL Air Conditioning won the 2023 Intelligent Fresh Air Innovation Award and 6 Excellent Paper Awards for its fresh air air technology innovation, further demonstrating its technological research and development strength as a leading brand of fresh air.

  According to reports, the TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air conditioner has been fully upgraded from three aspects: health, energy saving and user habits.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your health. This product upgrades the user’s health from sound comfort, air quality comfort and thermal comfort, achieving 30 dB (A) silent fresh air, air quadruple filtration purification, temperature fluctuation control ± 0.3 ℃ and other experience improvements.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your energy saving. TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air air conditioner not only saves energy in hardware, but also realizes energy saving in software algorithms, design energy saving, and operation energy saving. Among them, in terms of operation energy saving, the product adopts AI time domain prediction algorithm, which will anticipate the temperature and optimize it in real time, which can avoid excessive dehumidification and excessive cooling, and the energy saving rate can reach up to 40%.

  A new generation of air conditioners, better understand your usage habits. TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air conditioner is equipped with a high-performance offline voice module, which has a high wake-up rate in the bedroom environment, making voice control freer and more satisfactory. At the same time, it is equipped with a two-wheat control system with sound source positioning function, which can achieve the effect of "wind blowing towards people" or "wind avoiding people blowing".

  In fact, the TCL small blue wing P7 fresh air air conditioning is the innovation of TCL air conditioning in the fresh air track. At present, TCL air conditioning has seven international leading technologies, including high-efficiency energy-saving silent fresh air technology, heat pump operation energy-saving technology, large fresh air volume and low noise technology, frequency conversion energy-saving technology, smart soft air technology, 60 ° C high temperature and strong cooling technology, and power visualization technology.

  Industry experts say that the high-quality development and breakup of the air-conditioning industry cannot be separated from the joint promotion of the whole industry. TCL Air Conditioning has focused on the fresh air track, continuously increased investment in technology research and development, and launched a new generation of air conditioners that understand your health, energy conservation, and usage habits better. This has created a path of high-quality development.

Didi pricing method adjustment: Cancellation of 20% commission for drivers does not affect passengers

  After the merger of Uber China and the completion of the local online ride-hailing management plan, Didi began to make major adjustments to the pricing method.

  Surging News (www.thepaper.cn) learned that starting from August 18, Didi Chuxing platform implemented separate pricing for drivers and passengers.20% of each order charged by the driver before cancellation, 0.5 yuan per order, plus 1.77% management fee.

  Taking Beijing as an example, the order is driven for 10 kilometers and 20 minutes. Before the adjustment, the actual income of the owner = (2 * 10 + 0.5 * 20) * 80% = 24 yuan; after the adjustment, the actual income of the owner = (1.8 * 10 + 0.4 * 20) * 100% = 26 yuan.

  Didi said that after this adjustment, the income of car owners has not changed compared with before. The income of car owners in some cities will also increase with the separation of drivers and passengers, which can increase by about 10% -18%.

  The adjustment of Didi’s pricing method this time is mainly aimed at the driver side, with little impact on the passenger side.

  It is reported that after the driver and passenger are priced separately, the basic fare (km + duration + night fee), other fees, and dynamic price adjustment fees will be 100% owned by the owner. The owner does not need to make any changes in the withdrawal operation, which is the same as before.

  Didi told Surging News that the purpose of making this pricing adjustment is very simple. First, after the division of pricing,Owners can see their income more intuitively, and the details of their income become clearer. Second, owners can also calculate their income directly through the pricing rules on the owner’s side, which is simple and clear.Didi said that after the adjustment of the pricing method, the income of car owners will also be more stable and will not be affected by fluctuations in the passenger side.

  As for why they chose to make this pricing adjustment at this time, Didi said that after Didi merged with Uber China, the media reported a large number of Didi price increases (Didi said it was just a normal price dynamic adjustment, and there was no price increase), which confused Didi drivers about the pricing method. Many drivers expressed their desire for a more transparent pricing method to Didi Chuxing.

  After communicating with a number of Didi drivers in Shanghai recently, Surging News found that there has been a recent phenomenon of Didi drivers leaving the platform. Drivers said that the current subsidy for drivers has decreased compared to before.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and an expert member of the Sharing Economy Working Committee of the Internet Association of China, told The Paper.The adjustment of the pricing method made by Didi further illustrates the difference between online car-hailing and traditional taxis. It is not a disguised form of money or a tap, but a manifestation of the sharing economy.This also reflects the requirements of the "differentiated operation" of the new policy on special cars, not only for passengers and owners, but also for the difference in revenue sharing. This will force taxi reform.

  An insider of Volkswagen Chuxing (a ride-hailing platform owned by the mass transportation group) told The Paper that from the recent frequent actions of Didi, including price increases, reduced driver subsidies, and this time drivers charging a fixed proportion, it can be seen that Didi is under increasing pressure in terms of profitability and is working hard to make changes and postures to give confidence to the capital.

  The aforementioned Volkswagen insider also said that in the long run, Didi will surely generate profits on the driver and passenger side.

  It is reported that the new pricing method of Didi Chuxing has been launched in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, and will be gradually rolled out across the board in the future.

Jackie Chan’s 70th Birthday Special Screening, Movie Channel 4.7 airs "Drunk Fist II"

? Movie: "Drunk Fist II" 

? Broadcast time: Sunday, April 7 at 22:22

? Starring://  

1905 movie network feature This is a film that was selected as one of the "100 Best Movies in Global History" by Time Magazine in the United States; this is a Hong Kong-specific genre film that experienced the golden age of the 1950s and reemerged in the 1970s – Hong Kong Action Movie; this is a representative work that fully shows the style of Hong Kong’s "Dragon Tiger Martial Artist", it is – "Drunken Fist II". This year is the 30th year of this film’s release, and let us see the pinnacle of this kung fu film on the movie channel.

Jackie Chan, the most down-to-earth lone hero.

This movie history classic with its own BGM is a brilliant show of skills by Jackie Chan and his family. Their full dedication has written a crazy and beautiful chapter in the history of kung fu movies. In the film, Jackie Chan plays Huang Feihong, not only the incomparable "fighting king", but also creates a different image of a down-to-earth and profound "lone hero".

In this film, the family class also fully unleashed their potential. Their unique and creative movement design skillfully blended traditional Chinese martial arts with modern action elements to form a unique style that is still loved and sought after by the majority of audiences.

Star-studded – Andy is a little dragon

Think Jackie Chan is the only coffee in the play? Then you are wrong! The "Drunk 2" crew is here to tell you what is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and what is a luxurious lineup! Huang Feihong’s father Huang Qiying, the "Tiger Dad", is played by Dillon; Huang Feihong’s little mother is played by Anita Mui, who not only assumes the funny role in the play, but also the strong backing behind Feihong; the sideways one-word horse who plays the villain Big Boss shows the sky; the director who plays Wu Ju Fu Minqi is a director who has won the Academy Award Lifetime Achievement Award…

In addition, there are also,,, Weng Hong, and other "big coffee" people who collectively play tricks, which is simply the "star team building" of the entertainment industry!

Jackie Chan-esque desperation — the pinnacle of a kung fu movie.

"Do you think you are Jackie Chan? Do you have nine lives?" Jackie Chan really fought with his life by jumping diagonally from a height of 50 meters to a low-temperature fire to be beaten! Coal chips pressed the top, coal barrels smashed, and rolled around on a fire covered with coal. This "desperate" spirit made the audience love and respect, and also made him unique in the film industry and became an eternal legend.

Jackie Chan told us with practical actions: Only by daring to fight and dare to break through can he become a true king! His spirit not only won the love and respect of the audience, but also set a new benchmark for Chinese action movies.

"Dragon Tiger Martial Master" still exists, and the spirit of kung fu is all over the world

Today, many "dragon and tiger warriors" are still active in every corner of the world’s film industry, guiding Hollywood action movies. From gorgeous action designs to shocking fight scenes, they are full of the unique charm of Chinese warriors, and their spirit also shines in global movies.

Their influence has transcended national borders, becoming an indispensable part of the global film industry, and also influencing the gradual evolution of new styles in global film action genres.

Easy car: stable price+improved sense of technology, BYD Han EV hits the hearts of young customers.

According to the data of "Yi Che Zhi" and "October Passenger Car Market Operation Report", in October 2021, the sales volume of BYD Hanxin Energy reached 9,250, a year-on-year increase of 134.3%; From January to October this year, BYD’s cumulative sales volume of Hanxin Energy was 82,087 vehicles. According to the data released by BYD, as of October, Hanxin has achieved positive sales growth for seven consecutive months, and the monthly sales volume has exceeded 10,000 for the sixth time. Therefore, Hanxin has also become a well-deserved star among domestic high-end new energy vehicles.

Zhang Lin, the general manager of Beijing BYD Dynasty flagship store, told Yi Chezhi that BYD Han, as a domestic B-class car, accounts for about 40% of consumers aged 25-35, which is quite rare. He believes that Han models are widely favored by the younger generation, which is the result of the proper combination of product strength and channel sales strategy.

Nowadays, vehicle modeling is a prerequisite for grasping the younger generation of consumers. Former Audi design director Iger has sharpened his sword for five years, integrating China elements with international trends. The birth of BYD Han has created the DNA of a new era of independent vehicles, and its design sense and trendy aesthetics have undoubtedly touched many young consumers. "Most young people are’ Yan Kong’, and the plain shape is tantamount to a horse slipping." Fan Anjing, sales director of Suzhou Ganyuan Xinjing BYD, said, "Young people’s pursuit of beauty is more unique than other age groups, and Han’s overall design is not stereotyped, which is far from the stereotype of domestic independent brand models."

Zhang Lin pointed out that in addition to design, the sense of science and technology is also a major selling point for products to attract young people. BYD, which built its own R&D system in the early years, is a leader in the automotive three-electric system. Soon after the revolutionary R&D achievement-blade battery was launched, BYD Han EV also came out.

Based on excellent quality, BYD Han EV also has the "Three Electricity Lifetime Warranty", which can be described as full of sincerity. Fan Anjing said that when explaining the Han model to potential users, the most basic thing is to fully develop the product’s own value. "The configuration of the car, the after-sales policy and BYD’s technology are the overall value of the vehicle. The value reflects the basis of pricing, and it is concluded that the model has a strong cost performance, which is an important basis for attracting young users to buy entry-level high-end cars."

"Chasing low prices" was once the label of domestic car consumers. With the improvement of national consumption level and industrial manufacturing level, a new generation of young consumers no longer blindly pursue low prices to save money, but they will not rudely pursue the identity brought by high prices. From the sales performance of BYD Han, young consumers tend to be more rational and pay more and more attention to the brand’s "true cost performance".

As a strategic model of BYD’s comparable Tesla Model 3, the Han model also has a fairly stable price system, which is rare among independent models. Zhang Lin revealed that since the listing, Han models have been sold at the manufacturer’s guide price, and dealers have not sold at a premium or at a reduced price. "In the past, consumers who bought domestic brands often encountered price cuts a few months after buying a car, so everyone would tend to wait and see the price and hold the money for purchase. Selling at the guided price like BYD Han is conducive to maintaining the high-end image of the brand and increasing consumers’ trust in the brand. "

Not only that, according to Zhang Lin, the purchase mode of "consignment by order" by Tesla and other brands has greatly reduced the inventory pressure of dealers on Han models and laid the foundation for the stability of the price system of the whole Han model. Especially in 2021, when there is a shortage of automobile chips and the production capacity is tight, the period from "making a decision" to picking up a car becomes longer. This model reduces the wait-and-see bargaining mentality when holding money for purchase, and indirectly makes consumers recognize the price.

Want to know Xiaomi SU7? Just read this one!

● Xiaomi 澎湃 OS intelligent cabin system can realize cross-end interaction.

In terms of intelligent cabin hardware, the SU7 center console includes three pieces of screen hardware:

1. 56-inch HUD head-up display (10°x3.6° wide viewing angle, 1500: 1 contrast, 13000 nits brightness)

2. Display system of overturning instrument with 7.1-inch screen.

3. 16.1-inch 3K large screen (aspect ratio 16 to 10, 91.7% screen ratio, 1024-level dynamic dimming)

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  The intelligent cabin system is built with the latest and strongest car gauge chip in the current production car.Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295, the computing power is up to 30TOPS of ops. System software is Xiaomi’s strong point, equipped with Xiaomi’s own research.澉湃 OS(Xiaomi HyperOS) system, has the characteristics of fast start-up, fast upgrade and convenient operation. Based on Xiaomi’s strong consumer electronics product ecology, SU7 also has a strong interconnected ecology, spanning many aspects of people, cars and homes. The system also specially considers the security of accounts. When logging in different user accounts, the self-defined layouts (desktop layout, sitting posture, driving habits, etc.) of each account are independent and invisible to each other, and the private data will be automatically isolated when the vehicle is sent for repair, so that the staff cannot view or call the information. The system logically supports the flexible framework and the adjustment of window size and position. In addition, the co-pilot can also slide down the control center from the right side to directly adjust the co-pilot seat and air conditioner. Rapid response is also a major feature of the intelligent cabin system. 澎湃 OS supports a 1.49-second cold start, and it takes about 3 minutes and 30 minutes to upgrade the OTA package and the whole car package respectively.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In terms of the interconnection between people and vehicles, 澎湃 OS system supports mobile phone cross-terminal screen projection, and mobile phone applications can be directly projected on the central control screen to realize functions such as short video brushing, web browsing and online conference. A standardized interface is preset behind the driver and passenger, which can be externally connected with devices such as Xiaomi tablet or Apple iPad. After the Xiaomi tablet and Apple iPad are connected, they can continuously supply power through the 22.5W magnetic interface. At the same time, the tablet can also be connected to the car machine to directly control some hardware on the car, including more than 30 car control functions such as navigation, seat and air conditioning. The standardized interface is not limited to flat plates, but also can be externally connected with equipment such as car hangers with a maximum load of 20 kg. In order to take care of Apple users, 澎湃 OS fully supports wireless CarPlay handcart interconnection, and can realize audio and video circulation based on AirPlay.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In terms of car-home interconnection, SU7 can realize remote control of 1,000+meters of home equipment by means of secret-free connection with the same account, and even support the setting of automatic scene linkage, so as to quickly adjust the air conditioning temperature at home and turn on the lights when driving home from work. Using the magnetic interface around the central control panel, SU7 also prepared a special physical keyboard for the control panel and an aromatherapy system. At the same time, Xiaomi Ecology will be opened to a third party to realize the status reminder of child safety seats (whether to fasten seat belts) and call Xiaomi flat-panel camera (check the status of children in the back row).

● Motor: 21,000 rpm super motor has been put into mass production, and the speed exceeds Model Slaid.

  (|) There are two power versions, the 668km single-motor rear-drive version and the 800km dual-motor four-wheel drive Max version. The two cars are slightly different in hardware configuration and power parameters. In terms of motors, the rear-drive is equipped with Xiaomi Super Motor V6 (United Automotive Electronics), and the Max (four-wheel drive) is the Xiaomi Super Motor V6s of UMC. Both motors have the highest speed of 21000rpm. However, in terms of motor speed, the "20000+ Club" has many rivals, including Model Slaid (20000 rpm), Zhijie S7 (22000rpm released from Huawei DriveONE production car) and Krypton 001 FR(21000rpm). The speed of Xiaomi super motors V6 and V6s has reached the leading level in the industry.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In terms of power parameters, the V6 motor with single motor version has a maximum power of 299Ps(220kW), a peak torque of 400N·m, an acceleration time of 5.28s from 0 to 100 km/h and a maximum speed of 210 km/h.. The dual-motor four-wheel drive version uses the V6s super motor. The maximum power of a single motor is 374Ps(275kW), the peak torque is 500N·m, and the power density is 6.78kW/kg. After the combination of two motors, the total power of Xiaomi SU7 Max system is 673Ps(495kW), the total peak torque of the system is 838N·m, the time of 0-100km/h is 2.78s, and the maximum speed is 265 km/h. The parameter performance is better than that of Model S dual-motor all-wheel drive version (corresponding parameters 3.2s and 250km/h), but lower than that of Plaid version (corresponding parameters 2.1s and 350km/h).

  Considering that the Max version deliberately sets the Boost mode button on the steering wheel (the maximum torque output lasts for 20 seconds) and sets the ejection start mode in the driving mode, I guess the strongest state can only be turned on in a specific mode. After all, it is very likely to cause danger if people who are unprepared are driven by such rapid acceleration. In addition, SU7 also provides users with an infinitely adjustable driving mode, including 10 adjustable items, and personalized settings can be uploaded to Xiaomi community to share with other riders.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  At the press conference, Mr. Lei also announced the next-generation super motor developed by Xiaomi: V8s. At the press conference, it was revealed that the motor has been mass-produced and it is planned to be put on the train in 2025. Compared with V6 and V6s, V8s uses silicon carbide electronic control module, with the highest speed of 27000rpm, the maximum motor power further increased to 578Ps(425kW), the peak torque of 635N·m, and the highest efficiency of 98.11%. The power density is 10.14kW/kg.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In order to withstand ultra-high speed, the rotor is made of a new generation of 960MPa silicon steel material, and the idea of "stepped" design of rotor silicon steel sheet is adopted. At the same time, in order to improve the temperature control ability and prevent overheating at high speed, the V8s super motor also adopts two-way all-oil cooling technology, including the design of stator double-cycle three-dimensional oil circuit and rotor S-type oil circuit. At the meeting, it was even revealed that a super motor is still in the pre-research stage of technology, which uses laser winding rotor technology and has a maximum rotation speed of 35000rpm in the laboratory environment.

Xiaomi automobile Xiaomi SU7 2023 800km Max

  In the research and development of high-speed motors, the technical routes adopted by different brands are slightly different. For example, Model Slaid motor uses carbon-coated motor rotor technology, and Huawei DriveONE uses silicon steel sheets as the rotor of Xiaomi Super Motor.