Exploring Xiaomi automobile production base: small batch trial production has been realized, and the new car will be listed in February next year.

"It should have started production, but not long ago I heard a voice coming from a distance." A few days ago, a person working near the Xiaomi automobile production base said in an interview with reporters.

A few days ago, the reporter visited Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Beijing Economic Development Zone and saw that the production plant had begun to take shape. There is Xiaomi’s LOGO on the office building, and occasionally big trucks and yellow engineering vehicles pass by.

Xiaomi Automobile Production Base Source: Photojournalist Li Xing

Waiting for the dock staff to visit at the gate of Xiaomi automobile factory
Zhang Hai (pseudonym), a component supplier, told reporters that the first phase of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, the four major factories of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, built production workshops (stamping, welding, painting and assembly) and started small-batch trial production. The manufactured car is parked in the assembly workshop.

Since Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, announced Xiaomi’s entry into the smart car industry, the dynamics of Xiaomi Automobile have attracted much attention. An insider who asked not to be named said in an interview that Xiaomi Automobile will start mass production next month (December) and start selling early next year (February). Previously, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi’s first car will be mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

The confidentiality system of the factory is strict, and suppliers queue up to visit.

For a long time, Xiaomi car has been quite secretive because of its high degree of confidentiality. "When we enter the factory, we are forbidden to use tools such as mobile phones and cannot disclose any information." Zhang Hai told reporters.

During the visit, the reporter also found that Xiaomi Automobile Factory is surrounded by green iron sheets and stone walls. Only the north gate is reserved as the entrance and exit, and strict inspection is required when entering.

The security guard at the entrance of Xiaomi automobile told the reporter that foreigners who need to enter the factory should not only scan and register the QR code at the security booth at the door and register the visitor information, but also contact the internal staff Xiaomi to automatically come out and guide them before they enter. "The internal confidentiality system of Xiaomi Automobile is very strict, and we have to go through this process every time we come here." Another component supplier waiting for internal employees at the gate of Xiaomi Automobile Factory also said.

Suppliers queue up at the door to register. Source: Reporter Li Xing

At the north gate of Xiaomi Automobile, the reporter saw nearly 20 people scanning the QR code to register at the door, waiting for contact. To choose. "Most of us are suppliers of Xiaomi auto parts, some have reached cooperation, and some are going to Xiaomi Auto to explore and seek possible cooperation." Zhang Hai said.

Rong Fang (pseudonym), who is also a supplier of Xiaomi Automobile, told reporters that he dropped by Xiaomi Automobile Factory after attending the closed meeting of Xiaomi Automobile. "Xiaomi Auto’s information confidentiality system is particularly strict. The company representatives who participated in Xiaomi’s closed-door meeting signed a confidentiality agreement and could not disclose any information released at the meeting to the outside world." Rong Fang said.

According to public information, on November 8, Xiaomi held a closed-door partner meeting in Xiaomi Science and Technology Park. Participants are all major buyers of Xiaomi Automobile, including Xiaomi mobile phone and automobile supply chain business. This closed-door meeting is only for invited people, and mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment are not allowed in the meeting room.

Thirteen. In November, the relevant person in charge of Xiaomi Group also said in an interview that the only information that can be disclosed to the outside world for Xiaomi Automobile is the mass production time of the first car (that is, the first half of the year). 2024).

Trial production of dozens of new cars

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases. The first phase covers an area of about 720,000 square meters with an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles. It will be completed in June 2023; The first phase project is expected to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025.

According to public information, the related factories of the first phase of Xiaomi Automobile Factory passed the acceptance on June 12. The reporter saw in front of Xiaomi Automobile Factory that the land to be developed and developed in the factory was separated from the completed factories and office buildings, and marked with "No.1". 1 to 5, barbed wire. "In addition to the factory building, Xiaomi Automobile Factory has also set up an internal low-speed test site for the trial production of vehicles." Zhang Hai told reporters.

Around Xiaomi Automobile Factory Image Source: Photographed by Li Xing reporter

According to the above-mentioned insider who asked not to be named, Xiaomi Automobile Factory has started trial production in small batches for some time and is currently producing vehicles. Dozens of cars. "The factory will start mass production at the end of this year to prepare for the launch of the model in February next year." An insider who asked not to be named said.

A few days ago, a detailed picture of the chassis of Xiaomi’s first model was exposed online. From the spy photos, the overall design of the new car is fashionable, and the popular hidden door handle may be adopted. On the back, you can see the arc shape of the taillights.

"From the design point of view, the new car is a car, very similar to Tucki P7." The above-mentioned insider who asked not to be named said. Zhang Hai also said that judging from the appearance of the white body parked in the factory, Xiaomi’s first car may be a "sports car-like" car.

Hu Zhengnan, who is in charge of Xiaomi’s auto-related business, posted a message in his personal Weibo: "Hey! It’s hard to protect myself from it, and now I have a headache. What if we just start selling? "

Guo Ming, an analyst at Tianfeng International Securities, believes that the key selling points of Xiaomi’s first model will focus on autonomous driving technology, software ecology, 800V fast charging and power configuration, and the price is expected to be below 300,000. "After the first Xiaomi model is listed in 2024, it is expected that the shipment will be 50,000 to 60,000 units." Guo Ming is full of confidence.

"Birth card" may appear.

Although the mass production of the time node is confirmed, there is no news that there is a problem at present.

"Xiaomi Automobile must use its own production qualification. The group has invested so much money (coming in) that it is impossible to produce with the qualifications of others. " A number of Xiaomi auto parts suppliers told national business daily.

According to Reuters, Xiaomi was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission to produce electric vehicles in August this year, but it still needs the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. However, the news has not been officially confirmed. The reporter also inquired about Xiaomi Group many times, but did not get a reply.

The person in charge of the new energy automobile company, who asked not to be named, told reporters that one of the important prerequisites for automobile enterprises to obtain the production qualification of new energy vehicles is to have their own production plants. Xiaomi Automobile has already met this condition, which may be just a problem. "There is still more than half a year before mass production," Xiaomi Automobile revealed. It is not impossible for Xiaomi Automobile to obtain (production) qualification during this period. The CEO of the above-mentioned new energy automobile company, who asked not to be named, said.

It should be noted that it has recently been reported that Xiaomi Automobile has contacted Jianghuai Automobile, Chery Automobile, Beiqi Blue Xiaomi Automobile and Beiqi Blue Valley to make further progress in cooperation, and both parties are interested in further negotiations. In this regard, Xiaomi Automobile related person said that for the person in charge of Beiqi Blue Valley, he only replied to the reporter: "We have not received relevant news internally."

"In theory, Xiaomi Automobile has its own factory and does not need OEM production from other companies. Beiqi Zhenjiang Blue Valley Factory will produce four models at the same time in 2024, and its smart selection cooperation model with Huawei will also have to transform the Futian factory for production. " An insider close to Beiqi Blue Valley told reporters.

In addition, it has recently been reported that Haima Automobile and Xiaomi Automobile have reached a cooperation. In this regard, Haima Automobile said on the interactive platform that the company has no cooperation with Xiaomi Automobile at present. Xiaomi automobile’s news about automobile cooperation. "We don’t know the news." The relevant person in charge of Haima Automobile responded to the reporter.

However, the management of the above-mentioned new energy automobile company, who asked not to be named, believes that Xiaomi Automobile is likely to find other automobile companies to cooperate in production, but will use its own production qualifications. "Even if Xiaomi Car Factory can be put into production quickly next year, there will still be a process of increasing production capacity." The sales target set by Lei Jun is that the production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile in June 2024 is 100,000 units, and it is difficult for the new factory to reach this production capacity quickly. The above-mentioned unnamed executives of new energy automobile companies analyzed this.

The new car of Xiaomi Automobile will be listed in February next year. Data Map Source: vision china

According to Lei Jun’s plan, the first batch of Xiaomi cars will sell 100,000 vehicles within one year and deliver 900,000 vehicles in the next three years, thus "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024". This means that from 2025 to 2027, Xiaomi Automobile needs an annual production capacity of at least 300,000 vehicles.

"Xiaomi Auto’s contact with other car companies to solve the existing capacity problem is a strategy based on its long-term sales target, which can alleviate the subsequent capacity shortage of Xiaomi Auto to some extent. The management of the above-mentioned new energy automobile company, who asked not to be named, believes.

All photos and parameters of Xiaomi Automobile are made public, and the rear part is "Beijing Xiaomi".

According to the official opinion of the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, on November 15th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the announcement of road motor vehicle manufacturers and products (No.377 series) and the catalogue of energy-saving and new energy-using vehicles enjoying the preferential treatment of vehicle and vessel tax (No.56 series).The two Xiaomi cars on the market are all pure electric vehicles of this brand.

According to public information, Xiaomi Automobile is a brand of Xiaomi products, a pure electric car, and a manufacturer.Release Xiaomi Automobile for BAIC Group-Road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Photo, the picture shows the rear logo of Xiaomi automobile "Beijing Xiaomi", and the millet model "BJ7000MBEVR2" with a wheelbase of 3000mm uses lithium iron phosphate battery, which is provided by the supplier and BYD subsidiary; The motor is produced by United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd., and the driving motor power is 220kW.

Another Xiaomi car model "BJ7000MBEVA1" uses ternary lithium battery, and the supplier is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited.

Various parameter information published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology