Interview with Yang Zi: Leave the most authentic and precious performances in the camera

1905 movie network news "Family with Children" has accompanied a generation’s childhood.In the blink of an eye, 15 years later, Yang Zi, the child star who played Xia Xue at that time, is now also the head "Huadan" in the entertainment industry who can carry the banner.


Many actors who have worked with her have joked that they "grew up watching Teacher Yang Zi’s plays", and every time, Yang Zi laughed "hahahahahaha".The "true self" in words is also like her laughter, pure and free and easy.In Yang Zi’s WeChat circle of friends, she claims to be the most active one, and the messages are always "hahahahaha". If a friend promotes her, she will give a like.


Yang Zi never taboo "self-blackening", would make fun of her own weight, save her own emoji, and look at Yang Zi’s speech in the words, and if she complained about herself, she would laugh along. When she encountered strange things, she would say "what the hell" in her heart, and then let it go.Yang Zi confessed that her personality resembled"Ode to Joy."Qiu in LiYingyingJust a little girl.


When she went to KTV, her friends would help her order a lot of nursery rhymes similar to "Little Donkey" and "Little Sloppy". When she met teachers and elders, she would also be "second-timed", "I grew up seeing that leaders and teachers are the kind who turn corners and don’t dare to say too much."


On weekdays, Yang Zi discussed many things with her father, and Yang Zi’s father’s WeChat name was "Yang Zi Studio". In many interviews, Yang Zi revealed that her family atmosphere was full of love, and it was this kind of family that cultivated her pure and optimistic character.


This personality makes Yang Zi transparent and self-consistent in the entertainment industry.Since entering the industry in 1999, 21 years of acting experience has also made her appear stable and sober in acting.This time,China Film Report"Looking Up – Young Actors Pay Tribute to Ordinary Heroes" special program interviewed actress Yang Zi. We took this opportunity to organize past interviews with Yang Zi by China Film Report to see how she combines "little girl" and "old actor".

(The following is Yang Zi’s self-report)


I didn’t know "Chaohua" before, and I thought it was the homepage of Weibo searching for my name. Later, Zhang Yishan taught me that "Chaohua" is after searching for Yang Zi, there is "Yang Zi Chaohua" below and then click on it. "Chaohua" is full of things about Yang Zi.


I like to see the funny things inside, complain to me there, I also laugh, feel very funny.Our post-90s actor friends chatted privately, including many famous actors. Everyone was very innocent, "I’ve seen your plays" "I like you too," and I was very happy. In fact, everyone’s private conversations were not what they imagined.


We actors are ordinary people, and we all know these online memes, and we also use our own emojis. Everyone may think that actors or celebrities are far away from us, but in fact, they are not. Everyone is the same.


Many people want to watch me and Zhang Yishan act, not because I don’t want to act, but because I don’t want to consume everyone’s enthusiasm for us. I think we must choose a script that is worthy of the audience, rather than just to satisfy everyone.


If I chose the ideal type in the roles I have played, I would chooseXu Xiaobin in.Like Han Shangyan and Xufeng, they are more like characters living in TV dramas. I don’t think they will appear in life, but Xu Xiaobin will. He is reliable and true. What I value most is kindness, sincerity, and a good person.


I am very grateful to Teen Fame, because Teen Fame made everyone know me earlierI also understand some things earlier than children of the same age. I like acting and have a strong desire to perform. If I don’t act, I can’t think of what else I can do.I think I’m lucky too, it used to be likeThe Great Yangko."Ode to Joy.""War in Changsha"These well-received dramas were all chosen by them. And at that time, I didn’t have much choice, so I naturally went all out when I had the opportunity.


For example, if there is a good script, I will say to my father, "Can you contact them, give me a chance to audition, and let the director at least see me?" Maybe sometimes they will say, "Your image is not suitable, forget it," and I will say, "No, try my play and think I am suitable."


Before I picked up Heroes of Fire, I didn’t read the script.At that time, the script was still under wraps, but the director told me the story of Xu Xiaobin’s prototype. He and his fiancée died fighting a fire before they even took wedding photos. The director also showed me many photos and videos, and I cried on the spot. Then the director asked me if I would like to participate in this movie? I said, "Director, no matter what the role is, I promise, even if there is only one word, I will also participate."Because my dad used to be a firefighter, at that moment I felt like a nerve was touched, and I felt like I had to act no matter what.


Another point that touches me is my role, Wang Lu. She is a firefighter first, and then a family member of a firefighter. Although her scenes are not particularly large, their love story made me cry just by reading the script.


Wang Lu’s rank is a little higher than Xu Xiaobin’s. As a boy, Xu Xiaobin’s self-esteem will be a little frustrated. In addition, he doesn’t earn much. When Wang Lu asked him during the wedding photo shoot, "What do we plan to do in the future?" He said, "Two blind people walk at night." Meaning, he can’t guarantee my future. But in fact, he loves me very much, and I love him very much, but neither of them said it and left angrily.


And that turned out to be the last time the two of us met. This line of affection was very abusive, including the scene where Xu Xiaobin died at the end, which also touched me a lot.

When I was filming "Heroes of Fire", a lot of people asked me if your dad told you a lot about firefighters, but he didn’t.Now that I think about it, maybe he was afraid that I would worry about my mother. Then one day he told me that when he got out of the fire truck, he would think, "I just want it to be okayAn’anWhen I go back, I can see my daughter-in-law and my two-year-old child at home, and I can see her sleeping face again. "He always sets out with this idea, because he doesn’t know what will happen, and it is possible that he will never come back if he goes.

But my dad would never tell us this. I really know that when I grew up, I read the news, including learning about the lives of firefighters, and realized that this is a great and dangerous thing. Firefighters use their lives to protect our safety. Therefore, I think my dad is great.

After "Heroes of Fire" was released, he went to the audience and invited fellow firefighters to watch it. When he came back, he told me, "You really did a good job. You have to continue to work hard."


The thing I grew up most afraid of and disliked the most was when people said, "Come on, show us a crying scene."So I also reject acting in variety shows. If everyone asks me to act, I will act out hilariously, because I think acting is a mission and my dream. "Acting" is very high in my heart.


In the early stage of a crying scene, you have to work very hard to enter the world of the characters. Although you may think I’m being perfunctory, I really didn’t lie to you. I don’t have any skills. This is what I have summed up over the years. Therefore, I say that actors are very innocent. When you truly believe in this thing, when you really step into this role, you will believe that you are him. Therefore, at the moment of filming a crying scene, you are wronged.


Just like in "Dear Love", when I broke up with Han Shangyan, I felt particularly wronged, but my grievance was not the kind of grievance that I was angry with or resented him, but the kind of grievance that he couldn’t be with me, and I was particularly sad.When I was playing "Honey Sinks Like Frost", there was a scene where I went to kill the person I loved the most, and I cried that time, but it was a kind of hatred, but I loved him very much in my heart, and it was different from the previous emotions. Therefore, when I was playing the crying scene, I played it according to the character’s state.

If a play has a good plot, I will be more immersive in it. This is also due to the director and screenwriter. They have made the play of high quality, including during the shooting, the atmosphere of the scene will naturally bring you into that environment.


A lot of them say I’m good at acting or something, and I’ll say I’m probably just more emotional. I like to observe things and release that emotion in the character.

If I want to play a person, I will definitely be with her, and I hope to keep the most authentic and precious performances in the camera.

Tony Leung Andy Lau fit! Movie Channel Live Promotion "Goldfinger"

1905 movie network feature On December 27, the premiere ceremony of the movie "Global All the Way" was held in Beijing. Around the premiere event, the movie channel launched a live broadcast of financial media to the whole network. The screenwriter, director, leading star,,,,,, and so on gathered at the premiere, and the "whole life" was continuous and the interaction was non-stop.

During the live broadcast, the host of the movie channel and the reporters were divided into multiple paths, and the life-like joint record of the premiere. Sitting in the "Blue Feather Parlor", the host Lan Yu had an in-depth conversation with Zhuang Wenqiang and Leung Chaowei and Andy Lau, who have cooperated for more than 20 years; during the special session of the M viewing group, the host witnessed the "get rich" scene where the main creator sprinkled "gold coin chocolate"; during the roadshow and in the background of the premiere, the host had interesting conversations with a number of reporters Cai Zhuoyan, Ren Dahua, Chen Jiale and other main creators, and scanned the premiere scene panoramic to share the mood of lucky movie fans.

"Blue Feather Parlor" welcomes big coffee

Tony Leung and Andy Lau send blessings together

As one of the most high-quality film in-depth interview brands, "Blue Feather Club Big Coffee", which returns to the live broadcast of the film channel, has ushered in a real big coffee partner – director Zhuang Wenqiang, who co-created the classic film series more than 20 years ago, and Tony Leung and Andy Lau.

Talking about the reason for the filming of "Goldfinger", Zhuang Wenqiang bluntly said that it was because he felt that "only publicity is not enough" when commemorating the 20 years of the release of "Infernal Affairs", so he asked Andy Lau to talk about the new film plan, but "this time Tony Leung played the bad guy, and Andy Lau played the good guy"! According to him, when the two stars read the script, they also felt that the roles should be played by each other.

Click the link to watch the video: Blue Feather talks to Zhuang Wenqiang, the director revealed that the filming of "Goldfinger" is to commemorate "Infernal Affairs"

After the "Infernal Affairs" series, they played opposite scenes. Sitting together, Tony Leung and Andy Lau, who were "different", expressed satisfaction with the cooperation they had reunited after a long absence. Looking back on their initial impressions of each other, Tony Leung said that it was on the set of "Falcon", when he was still a "small supporting actor", that he first met Andy, who was already the protagonist. Andy Lau said that when he first met Wei Zai, "He was hosting a children’s program!" Regarding the friendship between the two, Andy Lau revealed that it was established during the filming of "The Deer’s Cauldron". For so many years, the two have maintained a good friend relationship with a certain distance. "Everyone has their own life, and I don’t want to disturb it. This relationship is very comfortable."

Click the link to watch: Blue Feather Parlor | Tony Leung on Friendship and Memories of the First Meeting in Life

Who is more committed in their career? Who cares more about appearance? Who can stay up late more? Who is more talkative? Who loves food and cooking more? Who is more suitable to be a director… In the specially set "Goldfinger coreference" session, two old friends held "Goldfinger" props to identify each other, showing mutual affection. Leung Chaowei bluntly said that he had never seen Andy Lau take a break, and his more emotional self "spoke for a year" during this roadshow. Andy Lau admitted that Leung Chaowei faced greater challenges in cooperation, and joked that if he became a director, he must give Wei Zai a "flamboyant role".

At the end of the conversation, the two old friends who co-starred in the love and hatred of the money world "combined" to send "get rich" blessings. The golden "fireworks" bloom, and who else’s blessings will be more effective than Tony Leung, who holds the "first pot of gold", and Andy Lau, who engraved "Gong Xi Fa Cai" into the DNA of Chinese people around the world?

M movie group starts to rain gold coins

Star guests are chasing stars

The dream of getting rich with "gold coins" in the sky, the movie channel M viewing group will help you achieve it!

On the premiere day of "Goldfinger" in Beijing, Tony Leung and Andy Lau, who were present at the M viewing group special, led the creators to sprinkle "gold coins" graphic chocolate to the audience. The two "i people" and "e people" are completely different from each other. The Goldfinger gesture of "who refers to who gets rich" pushed the celebratory atmosphere to the extreme.

Click the link to watch: Super happy! Tony Leung Andy Lau combined to sprinkle "gold coins"

The strong sense of New Year’s Eve festival is the core of this live broadcast. In the M viewing group, whether it is the reunion of Tony Leung and Andy Lau who are "still fresh" about their cooperation with each other, or the two-way rush of fans and them on the spot for many years, they all carry a unique sense of celebration.

Fun and laughter have also become a way to connect the inside and outside of the event venue. Cai Zhuoyan, who "competed" with Tony Leung at the premiere to speak more slowly, immediately smiled at the "Sister Sa" evaluation of the fans during the transition interview, calling it "Ah Sa is very Sa". Ren Dahua swept the table tennis level of the "Goldfinger" crew, and challenged Chen Jiale’s Mandarin and Cantonese to switch freely, all of which gave the live broadcast a life-like soul.

The release of the wonderful new work has promoted a new gathering of the starring fans. Outside the premiere ceremony, fans of Andy Lau’s "Andy World" collectively cheered for the film and Andy, and sang the golden songs "Love You for 10,000 Years" and "Gong Xi Fa Cai" on the spot to pass on love and blessing to more fans. Shuttle between the "Money Tree" and "Wishing Tree" and other devices, the premiere audience around the "First Pot of Gold" also shared the joy of grabbing the New Year’s jackpot when interviewed by the movie channel.

No matter on the spot or online, "Goldfinger" has gained a good reputation. Many industry guests who came to watch the movie also gave praise one after another.,,,, Zhang Jiayuan and other "fan girl" identities starring Tony Leung, Andy Lau, etc., pushed the all-day premiere to a climax of unity and celebration.

Click the link to watch: Hui Yinghong appeared at the Beijing premiere of "Goldfinger", claiming to be Andy Lau’s fan girl

Click the link to watch: Guo Fan’s self-disclosure of "Infernal Affairs" saved his career

On December 30th, the movie "Goldfinger" will accompany the audience to "get rich" on the big screen for New Year’s Eve. At present, the roadshow of the movie "Global All the Way" is still in progress. Please continue to pay attention to the "Wealth Code" sent by the movie channel M viewing group from all over the country.

The takeaway price of the same package is 11 yuan more expensive than dine-in. What is the reason for the price of the two sets?

  In the new Jingwei client side July 28th (Jiang Ying, intern Wang Qi) the same package why the takeaway price is 11 yuan more expensive than the dine-in? In response to the recent online controversy, the new Jingwei client side survey found that McDonald’s delivery and dine-in There is a price difference is not an exception, many stores takeaway price is higher than the dine-in price, which is more or less related to the takeaway platform.

  Multi-merchant delivery dine-in pricing varies

  A few days ago, some consumers sent Weibo saying that when ordering on the McDonald’s app, they found that the price of the same food Mai Le sent was much higher than that of the dine-in food, and the price difference between the Mai Fragrant Fish set was 11 yuan. In this regard, the client side of Zhongxin Jingwei made a field comparison and found that there is indeed a price difference between the dine-in food and the takeaway price of McDonald’s, and the number is not small. For example, the price of the Dine-in Mai Fragrant Fish medium set is 21 yuan, but the price of Mai Le sent is 32 yuan. The price of this set meal alone is about 52% higher, while the price difference of the Mai Garbage Leg Fort set meal is 11.5 yuan, and the delivery fee of 9 yuan is required. The total price difference

  Many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the price of two sets of McDonald’s dine-in delivery: "If you pay the delivery fee and it doesn’t account for the guest fee, you have to add money, which is unreasonable." Some netizens questioned, "It is also a special delivery, why does Starbucks’ special star delivery not only not increase the price but also reduce the delivery fee from time to time?" But some netizens said they could understand the high delivery price: "Even if the self-operated platform does not have other platform deduction points, it also requires a separate operation team and other costs. The delivery staff has to pay separate delivery fees, insurance premiums, etc. Customers have to bear the cost to enjoy the convenience."

  In addition, the client side of Zhongxin Jingwei also found that there is a price difference between in-store food pickup and takeout, and McDonald’s is not an exception. This phenomenon is common from chain brands to individual merchants. For example, well-known fast food brands and Hegu, takeout prices range from 3-5 yuan higher than the in-store food pickup price, and they also have to bear the packaging fee and 6 yuan delivery fee. In addition, all products of Beijing Yonghe Fresh Pulp are listed on the takeaway platform at a price higher than the in-store pickup price of 1 yuan, which requires a certain price of packaging and 3 yuan delivery fee.

  However, the above-mentioned merchants all have different degrees of price-break discounts and discount packages, with a maximum discount of 50%, but because the takeaway price of merchants is higher than the in-store price, there are still a considerable number of takeaway prices higher than the in-store food. Take McDonald’s as an example. McDonald’s participated in activities such as Meituan "49 minus 9". The unit price of a McGarbage Leg Fort big set meal is 30.5 yuan, and the takeaway price is 36 yuan. For two sets of meals, it costs 61 yuan for dine-in and 72 yuan for takeaway. After deducting the delivery fee, the actual meal fee is 63 yuan. There are no promotions on McNuggets, which has its own delivery platform. The total price of the two sets is 81 yuan, which is 20 yuan higher than the dine-in.

  What is the reason for the two sets of prices?

  For the hotly discussed high-priced delivery products, a McDonald’s store manager told Zhongxin Jingwei client side that takeaway platforms such as Meituan and will deduct a certain percentage of fees, as well as platform advertising fees, which increase the cost of takeout. When asked about McDonald’s self-owned platform McNuggets, which does not need to deduct fees and prices are still high, the manager explained that the prices of each platform need to be consistent. As for why the price difference is as high as more than ten yuan, the manager said "I don’t know". Zhongxin Jingwei client side tried to seek answers from McDonald’s customer service, and the other party also said "I don’t know".

  Yonghe Fresh Pulp staff said: "The pricing of takeaway and the store will definitely be different, and the cost of packaging boxes, fresh and heat preservation will also be charged. The platform will take some points. We will definitely increase the price when these are added together."

  Mr. Xie, who runs a noodle shop in Wuxi, said that the same product takeaway will generally be two to three yuan higher than picking up food at the store, because Meituan, and other takeaway platforms will deduct 18% to 19% of the total price of the dishes, even if it is a price-break discounts activity, it is self-operated by the merchant, and the cost is borne by the merchant.

  Xie said that the profit of takeaway is not as high as the public thinks. In the past, there were fewer deduction points. This year, the deduction point for takeaway has risen by one percentage point. deducts 18% for a single order. Therefore, the profit of takeaway has been compressed. Coupled with the irregular promotion price-break discounts and the cost of promotion, it is difficult for merchants without price increases to make profits. Even if the price is increased, the profit of takeaway is not as high as that of dine-in.

  "Originally, there was a subsidy, and I wanted to specialize in takeaway business. Later, after the subsidy was cancelled, the deduction point was increased, the price-break discounts were increased, and the raw materials increased, we were called’black-hearted ‘, but the real profit was too small, and we only got a few dollars." Miss Zhu, who runs a fried chicken shop, said that due to poor operating efficiency, she was ready to close the store.

  According to the "China Sharing Economy Development Annual Report (2019) " released by the State Information Center, the scale of online takeaway users in 2018 was about 360 million, and the average annual growth rate of online takeaway income from 2015 to 2018 was about 117.5%. The online takeaway market has developed rapidly, accounting for the proportion of the national catering industry. Gradually expanding, online takeout has gradually become a part of people’s lives.

  In order to maintain the "freedom of takeout", netizens opened their minds. Some netizens said: "For nine yuan, you can find an errand company to buy a set meal with the same price as dine-in, and you can save dozens of yuan in minutes." Others said, "If you really want to eat, you can find a substitute to buy it. At most, the delivery fee is one or two yuan. You can’t get used to these platforms anymore." (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

The man ordered takeout and was eaten by the rider, and was also threatened by the rider’s text messages

  Qilu Evening News (reporter, Qi Yunlei, intern, He Xishuang) At noon on July 22, Mr. Qi, a citizen of Jinan, ordered a takeaway through, but he didn’t expect to wait for more than an hour before receiving it. After contacting the delivery rider, the rider actually claimed that he was taking revenge on the person who ordered the takeaway, and sent a text message to abuse and threaten Mr. Qi. At present, the platform has been involved in the investigation, and a delivery manager of said that he will pay Mr. Qi.

  At around 7pm on the 22nd, the netizens "Cen Cen _" broke the news on the Internet, saying that he ordered a takeaway through at noon, but did not expect to be eaten by the rider who delivered the food. "This person took the order to get the meal, and then ordered to complete the order for himself to eat. Then the mobile phone was turned off and could not be contacted. customer service did not care. The responsibility was pushed to the merchant, and the merchant was pushed to" netizens said.

  According to the exposed order, the reporter saw that netizens spent 32.75 yuan to order takeout, showing that it was delivered at 1:34 pm, and the delivery rider was Liu. However, two other screenshots show that Liu sent multiple text messages to netizens at 3:29 to abuse, with a bad attitude and a lot of swear words. He also said "we are in the dark" and "be careful of bricks these days", and made verbal threats to netizens.

  At 9 PM on the 22nd, the reporter contacted Mr. Qi, who broke the news. According to his introduction, he ordered the takeaway at 12 noon. An hour later, although the order showed that the takeaway had been delivered to the destination, it was strange that he did not get the takeaway.

  Then, Mr. Qi tried to contact the rider to ask where his takeaway was, but the rider’s phone could not get through. He contacted the customer service of again, but the customer service staff put the responsibility on the merchant and did not deal with it. In desperation, Mr. Qi contacted a regional manager of, who just asked him to order another takeaway without explaining the relevant problems.

  Then why did the rider send abusive text messages? Mr. Qi said that he later contacted the delivery rider Liu and asked why the other party did not deliver the food to him. As a result, the rider told him that the food was indeed in his hands, and he ordered the delivery on purpose without delivering it. The purpose is to treat people like him who specialize in ordering food, because they do not get paid. "It sounds like he has a kind of revenge mentality."

  Mr. Qi told reporters that he had contacted Liu with another mobile phone number at the time, but Liu began to keep calling and harassing him, one after another, and even sent text messages to abuse him. Unbearable, Mr. Qi complained again to customer service, but the customer service staff only sent him the rider’s information and asked him to contact the rider himself. "They did this so incorrectly that they haven’t dealt with it until now," Mr. Qi said.

  According to the situation reported by Mr. Qi, the reporter tried to contact the rider involved to verify the relevant information, but Liu’s mobile phone has been unanswered.

  Subsequently, the reporter contacted a manager surnamed Li who was in charge of takeaway delivery at Regarding the situation that Mr. Qi placed an order but did not get the takeaway, Manager Li said that they would negotiate with the merchant to compensate Mr. Qi. As for the rider’s abuse and threats against Mr. Qi, Manager Li said he was not clear and they would verify.

  Reporters noticed that when Mr. Qi exposed the rider online, official Weibo quickly responded and apologized to the user for the matter, saying that it would private message the parties and communicate the specific situation.

  "Money is a small matter, but I am very dissatisfied with the way handles it. The takeaway was not delivered, the rider scolded people, and the customer service has been dragging it out." At 10 pm on the 22nd, Mr. Qi said that the staff of the platform had called him back, and the other party would refund him today.

The 13-year time difference on Andy Lau’s hot search is particularly touching

  Andy Lau is a hot search, not a new song or a new drama, let alone a negative gossip, but an event more than 10 years ago. This incident shows that a star has been popular for more than 30 years, let several generations listen to his songs and remember his name, and maintain a clear and firm "character" in the entertainment industry where people turn over every day. It is not without reason.

  Andy Lau has reached the age of being called "Grandpa Liu", and his hot search this time is actually quite ironic. Sexual assault, tax evasion, arrogance, illegal money, and one after another celebrity rollover incidents have made people see the dirt and smoke in the entertainment industry. People miss those clear star personalities, and Andy Lau quickly resonated and was quickly searched.

  The hot article "The Day So-and-So Was Hot, Andy Lau Was Also Exposed" mentions an incident more than a decade ago: In 2008, China welcomed the Olympic Games. At that time, countless stars on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places competed to sing for the Beijing Olympic Games. "Welcome to Beijing" invited 100 stars to participate in the singing and recording. This song has become popular all over China. One thing is quite puzzling: among the 100 artists, there are popular and old-fashioned, young and old, strangers and familiar faces, but only Andy Lau. It was only later that I learned that he chose not to go. He said: "Everyone is competing for the Olympics, and no one is competing with me for the Paralympics." He didn’t steal the limelight of the Olympic Games, and he provoked the propaganda for the Paralympic Games without hesitation. He personally participated in the songwriting and wrote a song called "Everyone is No. 1". Chinese translation: Everyone is No. 1.

  He paid 1.50 million yuan out of his own pocket to make the song, and in the music video of the song, he played a disabled athlete. In order to play the role of "broken leg" well, he had to wrap his left calf in bandages and hang it every day for seven hours during the filming process. The left leg was often paralyzed and cramped, and the pain was too great. Later, a netizens said in the comment section of Weibo: "I was only 8 years old at that time. When I saw this music video, I really thought that the singer named Andy Lau was disabled." Some netizens said that a reporter interviewed Andy Lau during the Olympic Games and asked him which athlete he liked the most, but he did not say the name of the star athlete. He Junquan, who lacked both arms, won four Paralympic swimming gold medals.

  The Paralympic Games didn’t receive much attention back then, so few people knew about these things about Andy Lau. It was more than 10 years later that it was on the hot search, and this hot search "hot" made people tear up. This is the temperature and dimension of people’s hearts. You have done a lot of good things in obscurity, and you have gone to your clothes to hide your merits and fame. Things may be "hidden", but the light of kindness cannot be hidden. For 10 or 20 years, you have adhered to this quality for decades, and one day you will suddenly touch the string of people’s hearts, and the people who have been recorded will be turned out like treasures, shining like gold. The longer the time, the deeper the precipitation, and the more powerful it will be to warm people’s hearts.

  Do things in a low profile, care for the weak, cultivate both morality and art, cherish feathers, and speak with works. People are like his works. The quality of Andy Lau is very representative of old-school stars. Many of that generation of star stars were spelled out from bitter children, went through the difficult years of walking around, spelled out representative works step by step, and conquered the public one song at a time. Wealth is spelled out, and fame is hard "hit", so their mental intelligence can control the temptation of wealth and the entertainment industry, and they are more caring for the weak. Because they have also come from poverty, they feel that they have the obligation to help the weak. Unlike some small fresh meat today, it can be called an upstart in traffic. It did not rely on "plays" and "songs" to break out, but was spelled out by traffic. The family was rich, and parents used money to invest to help their children "smash" their fame. The rice circle helped, the variety show was blessed, the hype was promoted, and the abnormal culture was nourished. At a young age, they accumulated huge wealth. If morality does not match, the body and mind cannot control wealth, and they lack empathy for the weak. Andy Lau became a hot search at this time, reflecting a clear literary attitude: Andy Lau, who needs to be spelled out, does not want these little fresh meat soaked in traffic.

  Andy Lau’s hot search, what particularly touched me was this "hot search time difference". It happened more than 10 years ago, when there was no fire, and it was only widely known on the hot search today. This shows that he doesn’t care about any hot searches at all, it’s good that he can make Paralympic athletes feel that someone cares and someone pays attention. Just as under the halo of the Olympic Games, he chose the Paralympic Games without heat and cared about those outside the heat. Therefore, this heat that has been settled for more than 10 years has a profound value. Nowadays, some small fresh meat seems to often donate money to do good deeds, but they always feel that it is too utilitarian. Wherever they do good deeds, they bring a bunch of photos and records. They quickly go on the hot search, and soon realize this "how much money donated" as a kind of "charity person". Andy Lau avoided the hot search, quietly wrote songs for the disabled, and served as a love ambassador. More than 10 years later, the hot search contains people’s deep respect for this "hidden merit and fame".

  Achievement doesn’t have to be in me, the heat doesn’t have to be at the time, hiding from the heat to do things, there is the power of time to penetrate 10 years and 20 years, and it is discovered in the story of time like a treasure. This kind of star and heat is more valuable.

  Cao Lin, Source: China Youth Daily

See how Li Shufu plays the blues auspicious


  Li Shufu is famous for his love of music in the circle, and he wrote the "Geely Song". Geely has also collaborated with the Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra to ascend to the elegant art hall, which is not often seen in the private label considered grassroots. But this time, "musician" Li Shufu composed a more magnificent movement – the blues Geely Variations.

  The full name of the Blues Geely Variations is "Blue Geely Action", which is Geely’s new energy strategy. Although Li Shufu, as the "composition" and "conductor", did not appear at the Guangzhou Auto Show press conference, for Geely, this is another grand movement after the 2015 sales target "Concerto" written by himself for many years. In the 2015 sales target "Concerto", Li Shufu’s goal is to exceed 2 million global sales by 2015. But the reality is that as of October this year, Geely has sold 404,800 vehicles, and even with Volvo’s 391,900 vehicles, it is far from the goal of 2 million vehicles for the whole year.

  On November 18, Geely’s "Blues Variations" moved the industry more than its "Sales Concerto". According to this plan, Geely’s new energy vehicle sales will account for more than 90% of Geely’s overall sales by 2020, of which plug-in hybrid and gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles will account for 65%, and pure electric vehicle sales will account for 35%. Although An Conghui, president of Geely Group, who attended the press conference, did not disclose the overall sales target of Geely’s new five-year plan after the adjustment, he is sure that in the next five years, Geely’s annual sales of new energy vehicles will exceed one million, and Geely will turn into an uncompromising new energy vehicle manufacturer.

  For a moment, the industry was in an uproar – why did Geely achieve this goal? Could it be that Li Shufu put another satellite?

  The total score of "Blues Geely Variations" includes five parts: taking the lead in committing to fully realize the national average fuel consumption limit of 5.0L/100km in the fourth stage of 2020 in advance; realizing the dream of consumers purchasing plug-in hybrid vehicles with the purchase cost of traditional cars; realizing that by 2020, the sales of new energy vehicles will account for more than 90% of Geely’s overall sales, of which the sales of plug-in hybrid and gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles will account for 65%, and the sales of pure electric vehicles will account for 35%; achieving substantive results in the research and development of hydrogen fuel and metal fuel cell vehicles; realizing the leading position of new energy technology, intelligent and lightweight technology in the industry.

  For the doubts of the outside world, it may be possible to compare Geely’s "total score" and analyze them one by one from the following aspects.

  At the policy level, the goal of reducing the average fuel consumption of passenger car products from the current 6.9 liters/100 kilometers to 5.0 liters/100 kilometers in the Chinese version of the CAFE Act implemented in 2020 is an insurmountable red line in front of automakers. In layman’s terms, if you fail to do this, you will lose the qualification to continue to mix in the automotive circle. Therefore, the emission targets that are even more stringent than those in the United States in five years will force automakers to make strategic adjustments, and Geely is no exception.

  At the market level, although the new energy vehicle market has seen explosive growth this year under the continuous promotion of policies, the high price of new energy vehicles is still the biggest obstacle to its marketization. What’s more, with the advancement of the subsidy withdrawal mechanism for new energy vehicles, new energy vehicles that have lost the coat of subsidies will face market competition. "New energy is a system engineering, not only including the’three electricity ‘ (battery, motor and electronic control), but also other areas involving product costs such as lightweight and electrification." An Conghui’s prompt broke the industry’s misunderstanding of the high cost of new energy vehicles.

  In this system engineering, the initiative of "Sandian" to reduce costs brought about by technological progress is not in the hands of the OEM, but the OEM is not idle in terms of cost control. "Geely’s CMA architecture can achieve the universalization of parts." An Conghui once again reminded.

  In addition to the CMA architecture, Geely also plans to launch a FE platform for mid-to-high-end electric vehicles and a PE platform for small electric vehicles. The modular design and flexible production lines will both bring about a significant reduction in costs to a certain extent. "Of course, there are also economies of scale," An Conghui added at no time.

  In fact, Geely has been working on this technology path for a long time – especially to reduce costs. As early as March 2012, Geely signed a technology transfer agreement with Volvo. Under this agreement, the two sides will jointly develop small-displacement, high-performance, green series engines, environmentally friendly small car platforms, and new energy vehicle assembly system technologies such as electric vehicles, gasoline-electric hybrids, and plug-in hybrids. In June of that year, in Hengyang, Shandong, the lithium battery project of a new energy company was put into operation, and Geely’s figure was vaguely flashing behind it. In November 2014, domestic power battery manufacturer Keliyuan announced that it had jointly funded the establishment of Keliyuan Hybrid Power System Co., Ltd. with Geely to invest in the construction of a hybrid power and transmission system assembly technology platform project.

  Geely’s plan is not limited to this. At the beginning of last year, the cooperation with New Ocean, the earlier cooperation with Kandi, and the recently completed release of Geely Car Sharing 4.0 strategy… all gave Li Shufu, the "conductor", a deeper understanding of the new energy vehicle market. Of course, Geely’s acquisition of a methanol production and development company in Iceland for 280 million yuan this summer can be interpreted as Geely’s technical reserves for future fuel cell vehicles – methanol fuel cells are also one of the technical paths for the ultimate power solution of fuel cell electric vehicles.

  When external and internal factors worked together, Li Shufu took action. This time, he had no way out.

Record of Tianyancha 315 party ⅰ: Exposing the chaos of consumption, we are acting!

It is 315 in another year. Every year, the CCTV 315 party is a national event with ratings second only to the Spring Festival Evening. This year’s party was postponed, but today, Tianyancha is not absent.

Today, let Tianyancha show you a "reality documentary" "Everyday 315".

(The following is a record of Tianyancha’s "Everyday 315" program. All cases are real complaints from users, and the source is public news reports. )

Love is like a tornado, which will blow your money away.

Being single for a long time, I always have fantasies and expectations about love, but the reality is a bit cruel.

Xiao Wu, a young man from Hangzhou, met a girl through the matchmaking website jiayuan. The matchmaker said that the girl was the daughter of the chairman of a listed company and graduated from Peking University with a master’s degree.

The next day, Xiao Wu confessed, and the other party asked for a ring, and Xiao Wu bought it; On the third day, the other party said that he would meet his parents and send a necklace, and Xiao Wu also bought it; Then, the girl said that her mother would give a gift for her birthday, and Xiao Wu began to doubt the girl’s identity.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

It was not until Xiao Wu found the woman’s unit that she found out that the woman had two children after divorce, not the daughter of the chairman or graduated from Peking University.

But jiayuan replied through official micro: The woman’s identity is true.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

After that, Xiao Wu reported the situation to the market supervision department. After investigation, the market supervision department found that the materials submitted by jiayuan were very simple, and there were no relevant academic credentials.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Jiayuan’s Shanghai Huaqianshu Information Technology Co., Ltd. has 97 lawsuits.

(Source: Tianyancha)

However, apart from the mixture of good and evil people in matchmaking agencies, online dating is full of hidden dangers and dangers.

In the Internet age, "online dating" has become a new fashion for young people to make friends. Online dating often gives people with ulterior motives more opportunities to perform because they can’t meet each other. Comparing friends with pigs and using love as bait, the "pig killing plate" has been calculating the money in each other’s pockets since the moment they met.

(Source: Network)

Liars will first set themselves up on the internet, either elite or interesting, and then chat with the victims every day in order to cheat each other’s trust.

(Source: Network)

When the other party feels that the victim’s goodwill and trust in him are rising, it will gradually reveal its own purpose, such as inducing the victim to invest, and the amount will increase little by little.

(Source: Network)

When consumers invest enough, or the victim consciously may be cheated, the other party may run away, resulting in a tragedy of both people and money.

Beauty disfigurement can’t be distinguished, and the medical and beauty industry is mixed.

The mixture of medical and beauty industries has led to a large number of incidents of "left foot stepping out of the shop and right foot entering the court".

Ms. Peng, 45, felt that her eyelids were drooping a little, so she went to a medical beauty shop in Ningbo and spent more than 30,000 yuan to have eye bags removed and eyebrows raised. However, after the recovery period, she felt that her eyes were still staring all the time, which made her look scary.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Ms. Peng repeatedly found the beauty salon to understand the situation, but the other party could not coordinate and communicate at all. Finally, Ms. Peng had to find the health department in Ningbo to reflect the relevant situation.

According to the data of Tianyancha, Ningbo Haishu Miyang Medical Beauty Clinic Co., Ltd., which belongs to Miyang Medical Beauty, was once subject to administrative punishment for violating the regulations on advertising content management. In addition, the company has also been subject to administrative penalties for cases such as medical activities exceeding the scope of registration and commercial bribery.

Image source: Tianyancha

However, even with frequent exposure, the medical and beauty industry is still in turmoil. Consumers Xiao Wei and his brother went to a hairdresser’s shop in Binjiang, Hangzhou to spend money on washing and cutting for 30 yuan. As a result, they unconsciously did scalp care, and it cost 15 thousand to recharge their cards.

Later, the store said that it would send a free medicated bath for the two brothers to experience the next day, and the two of them filled the money in a muddle. In two days, the two brothers charged a total of more than 34 thousand, and then the more they thought about it, the more they felt wrong.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Later, after investigation, it was discovered that the new store that the brothers thought was "to Alice" was actually renamed from a "problem" store called "Armani Xuan".

(Source: Network)

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Although it has changed its name, the routine is still familiar.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Later, the market supervision department also found this store and investigated it.

Medical beauty is risky, and it needs to be cautious to love beauty. In order to make consumers pay for their bags, some businesses dare to use any means.

According to Xiaoqiu, a girl from Shimen Town, Tongxiang, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, when she went to a local barber shop to get her hair done, a "teacher" saw that there were many freckles on her face, so she said to treat them quickly, otherwise the consequences would be very serious.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

Listening to the teacher in the store, Xiaoqiu was frightened and quickly transferred 6,000 yuan to the other party through Alipay.

At that time, the other person used an instrument to spot the freckles on his face. The photo was full of scars, which looked a little scary. Now the scars are light, but they are still full of freckles.

(Source: 1818 golden eye)

After that, Xiaoqiu found the store manager, who repeatedly stressed that the teacher who spotted Xiaoqiu was very professional.

According to the reporter’s investigation, in fact, this "teacher" in his thirties who is said to be comparable to the old Chinese medicine practitioner is neither a graduate of a medical university nor has any qualification certificate.

According to the information of Tianyancha, the Shimen Zinuo Barber Shop in Tongxiang City, where Xiaoqiu went, only has hairdressing services in its business scope, and does not include any other related services such as skin care.

(Source: Tianyancha)

Everyone loves beauty, but the benefits will not fall from the sky. Consumers should also keep their eyes open and spend carefully.

When will the overlord clause stop when the big factory has a deep consumption routine?

At the end of 2019, the online drama Joy of Life was broadcasted in Tencent, and Tencent created a brand-new membership system-VVIP.

VVIP means that users who have already purchased VIP can upgrade their membership rights by paying 50 yuan again, and watch 6 episodes more than others. Many users have cried, "Why should I pay more if I am a member?"?

(Source: Network)

After complaints from netizens, Tencent Video, which was unbearable by public opinion pressure, has revised its membership system and changed it to pay in advance for single episode. In fact, it is to change the posture of "cutting leeks", and this method is more expensive than the previous VVIP.

(Source: Network)

On December 14th, 2019, People’s Daily published Weibo, criticizing him by name for "eating ugly"!

(Source: Network)

However, the bridge of big data "killing" has also been staged again.

(Source: Network)

Some time ago, many netizens broke the news that they opened 88 members in Tmall Supermarket to buy things, but it was more expensive than ordinary users.

For the same product, 88vip is 73.3 yuan, as long as the non-vip account is not in 63 yuan.

(Source: Network)

Moreover, at the time of settlement, non-members are free of charge, but members have to pay 5 yuan express fee. Although Tmall later explained to the media that it was due to system failure, many netizens believe that this is a typical big data killing.

Cases of killing big data are not uncommon, but as ordinary consumers, we often can only "recognize and kill" invisibly, even when we are "killed".

Platform routines wave after wave, and long-term rental apartments appear to be "a lot of simplicity", and direct unilateral compulsory consumption.

In February, the epidemic was serious, and many areas called on landlords to reduce rents. I didn’t expect this call to be immediately targeted by bad businesses. Landlords in many places in Danke Apartment reported that Danke Apartment requested both landlords to reduce rents and tenants to pay rents on the grounds of epidemic situation.

(Source: Network)

Netizens have said: This middleman will really make a difference!

(Source: Image)

If the landlord does not agree to rent-free, eggshell will terminate the contract forcibly and will not provide compensation for breach of contract on the grounds that the epidemic situation is force majeure. In the end, even the tenants will suffer.

Eggshell’s response to this is: the expenditure on subsidies is far more than the amount of rent-free from the owners, so there will never be a "earning difference", and a series of measures have been introduced to subsidize tenants.

According to Tianyancha data, Ziwutong (Beijing) Asset Management Co., Ltd., the operating entity of Danke Apartment, was established in January 2015 with a registered capital of 10 million RMB and its legal representative is Gao Jing.

(Source: Tianyancha)

In fact, a single consumer is often the weak side when facing merchants, especially well-known brand merchants, so it is more necessary to establish a credit system to protect consumers’ rights and interests from the system.

Or cause fire and explosion! These products are immediately removed from the shelves and are strictly prohibited from sale

Mobile power, also known as "power bank". The latest quality supervision and sampling results of online mobile power products released by the State Administration for Market Regulation show that more than one-third of the products tested failed.

The quality of mobile power supplies sold online is subject to national supervision and spot checks, and more than 35% fail.

CCTV Finance "Economic Information Network" column video

The results of the random inspection showed that among the 99 batches of products produced by 95 enterprises in 9 provinces (cities), 35 batches failed, and the failure rate was 35.4%.

Some of these unqualified mobile power supplies have prominent problems with false capacity and cannot achieve the claimed charging effect; some have safety risks such as heat generation and deflagration, threatening consumers’ personal and property safety. According to relevant industry data, our country is not only the world’s largest producer of mobile power supplies, but also the largest consumer market. Since 2020, shipments have remained at about 100 million units. With the continuous popularization of mobile power supplies, safety accidents caused by mobile power supplies have occurred all over the country.

At the end of May this year, on Line 7 of the Beijing Subway, the mobile power supply in a passenger’s satchel suddenly exploded, and a large amount of smoke instantly filled the entire carriage. Fortunately, due to the timely handling of the staff, the accident did not cause casualties.

Also in May this year, in a parking lot in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, the mobile power supply left in the car also exploded. The center console inside the car was badly damaged, and there were traces of bursting in the front windshield.

In early January this year, a self-built house in Guiping, Guangxi Province, burst into flames in the early morning, and a family of four died tragically. According to a warning article issued by the fire department, "After preliminary investigation, the cause of the fire was a short circuit of the mobile power supply, which caused the fire. The on-site inspection found that the mobile power supply was suspected to be counterfeit and shoddy products."

Industry experts say that poor quality or improper use of mobile power supplies can lead to safety accidents, threatening consumers’ personal and property safety.

5 batches of mobile power supply overcharging test failure can cause fire and explosion

CCTV Finance "Economic Information Network" column video

It generally takes a few hours or even longer for the mobile power supply to be fully charged. If you forget to unplug the power supply, you may also charge it all day and night. This situation is called charging. During this national supervision and spot inspection, it was found that 5 batches of mobile power supplies failed the charging test.

According to the testing engineer, during daily use, a mobile power supply may forget to unplug the power supply for a long time to charge, which requires that the internal battery quality of the mobile power supply must be reliable enough. Even if the circuit is damaged during overcharging, there should be no risk of fire or explosion.

Some mobile power internal battery in the test process suddenly deflagration, a lot of smoke. After the test of these unqualified mobile power batteries were burned.

After testing, 5 batches of mobile power overcharging items failed this time. They are:

Shenzhen Jinyu Dongfang Industrial Co., Ltd. produces the Yuanqi Mengmeng mobile power supply of Tmall Lofte flagship store

Dongguan Yubo Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. produces Yubo mobile power supply for Vipshop Yubo Digital Sale Flagship Store

Shenzhen Yanbu Technology Co., Ltd. produces super flash charging (mobile power supply) for Tmall eara flagship store.

Shenzhen Yimo Technology Co., Ltd. produces the LeTV super mobile power supply of Pinduoduo LeTV Yandian store

Yuantu Culture (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. produces the Starry Sky Hand Warmer of Tmall Tianxiang Chuangwu Flagship Store

According to the testing engineer, poor battery quality is often one of the main reasons for the failure of the overcharge index.

If the shell quality is not up to standard, in the event of a bump or drop, the internal circuit and battery of the mobile power supply cannot be effectively protected, causing problems such as short circuit and battery leakage, which may also lead to safety accidents such as fire and deflagration.

For unqualified products found in supervision and spot checks, the General Administration of Market Supervision requires local market supervision bureaus to urge e-commerce platforms to immediately remove them from the shelves, and at the same time take measures such as seizure and seizure in accordance with the law to strictly prohibit the production and sales of enterprises. For unqualified enterprises, further clarify the rectification requirements, strictly supervise the implementation of rectification measures, and organize timely review.

Li Dong, Consul General in Adelaide, Meets with Chairperson of China Energy Construction International Construction Group

On November 15, 2023, Consul General Li Dong in Adelaide met with Lu Zexiang, Chairperson of China Energy Construction International Construction Group, and his party at the Consulate General.

Chairperson Lv Zexiang introduced the overall layout of China Energy Construction’s overseas business, the development of projects in Australia and the next plan. Consul General Li welcomed Chairperson Lv to lead entrepreneurs to visit South Australia, saying that when the Supreme Leader met with Australian Prime Minister Albanese in Beijing not long ago, he guided the development of China-Australia cooperative relations. The Consulate General in Adelaide actively supports Chinese enterprises to conduct business in South Australia. It is hoped that China Energy Construction International Construction Group will base on its own advantages and actively explore and promote practical cooperation with South Australia in energy development, especially in the field of clean energy.

At the age of 58, Jackie Chan jumped into a volcano with his life, calling it a year to let Lin Fengjiao star

group photo of the main creator

Jackie Chan

    Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Li Chao) On December 11, the film held a "final blow" press conference in Beijing, and Jackie Chan attended with the stars Yao Xingtong, Zhang Lanxin, Bai Luna, Liao Fan and Liu Chengjun. Jackie Chan, who has won the Guinness World Record for performing the most stunts, revealed that although he was also very scared during the shooting of the volcano jumping scene, he still stood in front of the camera when he saw a big rock flying over, and he said that even if he died, he would like to be a hero. At the end of the film, Jackie Chan’s brother’s beloved wife Lin Fengjiao appeared in surprise. In this regard, Jackie Chan said that for these short shots, he begged Lin Fengjiao for a whole year.


Yao Xingtong

Zhang Lanxin

Bai Luna

Liao Fan

Liu Chengjun

58-Year-old kung fu superstar jumps over volcano, Jackie Chan: Die like a hero

    Jackie Chan, who is 58 years old this year, has performed a lot of extremely dangerous and difficult moves for the audience in "Zodiac". Not long ago, he broke the Guinness World Record for "most stunts". Jackie Chan admitted that looking back on the dangerous scenes he had shot, he was also very scared at the time. "Today I broke my hand, tomorrow I broke my foot, and I can cut my head at every turn. I can get through it safely, but every morning I wake up and ask myself, will I be so lucky every time? Bruce Lee died after a few scenes, but he left a very bright image. I also want to leave a bright image, but I am not willing to die. It is better to leave a way out for myself and tell everyone that I will never make such a life-saving movie again."

    "It was too dangerous. I was going to roll down from the top of the volcano with iron ore in my eyes. Before I took the picture, I asked them, when was the last volcanic eruption? They said it was ten years ago. I mean, I wouldn’t have caught up with it so coincidentally. Once I saw a big rock floating over, and they were all shouting: Big brother! Go away! I stood in front of the camera very calmly and smartly, because even if I die, I will die like a hero."

Next page: Shu Qi and Wu Yanzu made cameos, Jackie Chan begged for a year to make Lin Fengjiao play